Erik Cross 1983 Michigan cold case remains unsolved

Erik Cross 1983 Michigan cold case remains unsolved

Vicksburg, Michigan, is a quiet village about 130 miles west of Detroit. Erik Cross, 16, was found on the side of the road outside his home by his father early on the morning of June 26, 1983.



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46 thoughts on “Erik Cross 1983 Michigan cold case remains unsolved

  1. This may be so off topic in this case but I think even back in the 80’s that you want to give your children their freedom but when you give them keys to a car you as a parent do not know what they are doing and who they are with. I was very lucky my son didn’t want to drive until after he graduated from high school. He was 19 when he started driving. The guy driving was not a responsible teenager. If he is caught he will be charged with vehicular homicide/murder.

  2. How effing gross is that woman who is married with kids now refusing to talk about how she was there when someone else’s kid died. She must think about what happened every single day of her life, constantly looking over her shoulder, her guilt will consume her until the day she dies.

  3. He might have been Hood surfing because kids do stupid things.
    But it sounds like jealousy.
    I bet he talked to a girl at the party that someone didn't want him to be talking to.
    They decided he had to pay.
    You've seen it a lot in the last few years where girls have killed their rivals. Or who they thought were their rivals.
    Even the ROTC/ military couple who participated together, and they killed the girl he had sex with even though they could have walked away.

  4. I have a message for whoever did this. You might think you got away with it. You might never go to prison. But you won't get away with it. You will answer at the Judgement Seat of Jesus Christ, you will face God and answer for what you did. That should terrify you.

  5. People talk reinterview everyone. The only real secret is between you and a dead man. Brent has fried his brain with meth. Amber tattoo chick is just lying and will blame on Brent. They better get their houses in order before they meet their maker. But they knew better and should be charged with murder.

  6. I’d love to see the monsters who did this brought to justice yesterday! But Rest assured, The murderer has an appointment with God! . That will be one appointment he or she will be keeping! No more lying, running, hiding etc. if the monster is reading think on that every second every minute and every night! I wouldn’t want to be this monster,! He will be going to a hot place. I know where they will be spending eternity! May God be with Erik’s family and comfort them. My prayers for them. I’m so sorry for your loss. God will have vengeance and it will be hot!

  7. I think the police have the wrong ppl.
    Secondly, being drug behind a vehicle?… there would be a ton of road rash not just deep lacerations.
    There's nothing tying Brent or any of the other teens in that group, to the poor kids death.
    I get the sense that he may have been accidentally hit.
    As to who did it…
    Well if the kid made it home and was there until at least 1am, according to Bill, then it couldn't have been the yellow vehicle or the group of teens who hit him.
    His death would have occured sometime after 1am, which was after those two vehicles were heard outside of the kid's home.
    This case needs fresh eyes & open minds.

  8. Well the one of Suspicion has been on and out of Jail…
    There was a Girl murdered over Thirty years ago… The suspected Boyfriend dies of cancer in his 40's… The best friend that helped him dispose of the body… Has been in and out of jail for years…
    People knew who did it… The Police were given evidence that they ignored… All because the Boyfriends Uncle was a Piece of Crap Lawyer Attorney… B.A.R.-F-LIE(R)…
    They never arrested them… Many heard them Argue about it all… Her parents never had the Pleasure of knowing…
    It was probably because she was leaving him… That it all happened…
    Sadly the One who truly loved her… Let her go see him that noght… Twas a Friday… He even dropped her off… She eas ending things with the Old boyfriend for their relationship was Toxic… Yet the New One was excited… For she was supposedly Pregnant with his Off Spring… And thats probably the whole reason shes dead…
    May peace come for Eriks family… And they get Closure before they're gone.

  9. Self centered people who are guilty.
    A group of nasty humans who stole a life.
    Who cover up secrets.
    Stealing a families peace and leaving a legacy of suspension over an entire town and school.
    Evil is what you are.
    And sickos love to read what the world thinks about them.
    So i know that we are in utter disgust of you and all of you who were involved.

  10. I live in Kalamazoo and just 15 minutes from Vicksburg. My cousin was friends with Erik and Bill, but was totally uninvolved in this incident. It is still such an awful thing in the community. I believe that Bill didn't have anything to do with Erik's death, and I'm sorry he has experienced so much hate. Vicksburg is a very nice community but is stained by this. I believe the guilty person is known and was identified in this story, but without evidence or a confession, they will never get him for it. He lives a life of crime, addiction, and strife, which may be his true punishment in the end. Rest in peace, Erik. Your community is still trying to solve this crime.

  11. everytime I look this up it disturbs me more, law enforcement let this kid down and they know who did it and they basically got away with it. Its wrong.

  12. I am shocked to just be finding out about this video that showed up randomly on my YouTube, as I never expected this to go mainstream. But I am glad, because this is my home town and have supported their fight for justice. I just don't follow social media, and I've been away from everything working for years. This really hits home. My heart goes out to Erik Cross and his family, those closest to him and everyone else affected by this horrific act.

  13. The townspeople hate Bill and probably make his life hell on a daily basis; the same types of people who tell you about their christian values. Loudly. Bet you'll never hear of them apologising if they're proven wrong later.

  14. Ok lady ( reporter) I like u and have BUT I’ve got to ask
    Do all reporters have to take a class of how to ask the MOST cold hearted
    Idiotic ? To family members that have already been EXTREMLY TRAUMATIZED??? I want to know this since u have children
    How do you THINK these poor grieving parents felt after learning their loved son was tortured , murdered . And made to suffer a terrible death
    How Do you THINK you would feel if it was your child ??? Next time you ask a ? To a family member
    Please kindly USE YOUR HEAD .
    Ojbiously you THINK your viewers want to know
    FYI – WE SLREADY KNOW and do not want to see them feel pressured or bullied into answering such a AWFUL question
    I’d be a fan if for once a reporter didn’t ask such IDIOTIC invasive inappropriate . Questions

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