Ex Cop Tells All – AtA Radio Show – Episode 4 Cory Hughes – Everything Law and Order Blog

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20 thoughts on “Ex Cop Tells All – AtA Radio Show – Episode 4 Cory Hughes”
  1. 57:54 There should be at least a 12-24 month program to become a police officer. When all you need is a GED to be a cop which is the lowest for of adult educational achievement and never have been arrested which doesn't mean you aren't a criminal, cop will continue to violate people's rights.
    Because 80% of the US police force are idiots who get to violate the law with an insurance policy "qualified immunity" which is the most dangerous criminal there could be.

  2. In my opinion, there should be a federal law put on the books for all states if a police officer has 3 arrests which lead to the charges being dropped and not prosecuted or has violated somebody rights more than three times it's automatically take away. Qualified Immunity, that police officer should be fired. Because that mean three times vou arrested someone or illegally. Also, body cameras for every officer should be a mandatory federal law. While on duty and against the law to turn off. With a database accessible to public. That would be holding officer accountable.

  3. There should be at least a 12-24 month program to become a police officer. When all you need is a GED to be a cop which is the lowest for of adult educational achievement and never have been arrested which doesn't mean you aren't a criminal, cop will continue to violate people's rights.
    Because 80% of the US police force are idiots who get to violate the law with an insurance policy "qualified immunity", which is the most dangerous criminal there could be.

  4. Giving someone a $200 speeding ticket doesn't mean you're "dehumanizing" them or treating them like an animal. People make decisions. Some decisions have consequences. This guy seems to me to only have one mode: Cops bad.

    And as far as him making the assumption that "most people who carry don't train"… everyone I know who carries daily spends tons of time at the range. The problem isn't "Good guys with guns are killing ppl by accident"… The problem is "Bad guys with guns are killing anyone and everyone, and cops take too long to get there to do anything about it"

  5. Uniform service members refer to non members of society as civilians bc once you swear the oath you wave rights and are expected to perform and behave in a manner not expected from a free citizen (civilian).

  6. When everyone can carry a gun. And when everyone knows that everyone could carry a gun. That makes people way nicer to each over. I'm from Europe and I was visiting USA for work once. It surprised me how nice random people on the street were towards me. When I came back, I was hit with a big wave of a$$holeness. Really true, it felt that way.

  7. I don't think police corruption is only caused by psychological issues.
    It's the broken system, the buddy system, the covering brothers crimes, Us vs Them mentality, horrible training, cops being called to a wide range of things they can't be educated on or trained properly for, zero accountability, no transparency, and many unethical laws.

  8. This was a great discussion I’m more right leaning so ppl automatically think I don’t understand the social issues and police brutality but I do the thing is we need to be able to see common ground and not bash eachother and be on two extremes and that only starts with honest conversation like these and tbh it annoys me that right side folks like Fox News or Candace owens and others don’t speak abt these things we don’t need politics anymore we need honesty and truthfulness it’s okay that everyone has different opinions and views that’s how society should be cuz that’s the only way to learn from eachother and grow but both sides need to be humble and understand one doesn’t understand or know everything and be able to see where someone is coming from and see their frustration and sadness and why it is so personally I’m over politics ppl just need to be normal for crying out loud

  9. Your numbers on the military are WAY off…700 trillion? I'm all for responsible military spending but your number that 60% of the yearly budget goes to the "military industrial complex" is absolutely not even close. Back in the 1960's you would have been closer, but we are nowhere near 60 percent.

    Additionally, your declaratory statement that "we're a country with very few threats" is not accurate at all. I'm not sure what the foundation is for your statements, but I assure you there are numerous countries that are active military and global competitors with us…China is our new concern as the CCCP's primary goal is the preservation of the Chinese Communist party and they view any threat to their aspirations as a threat to the party so we are DEFINITELY a threat to them and subsequently, they a threat to us…a significant one. I absolutely love all the good work you do and I NEVER comment on postings, but I was moved by your statements. You oversimplified military spending and your numbers are not accurate.

  10. The real issue with the Brooks case (IMO) is that the suspect discharged the tazer while running away and after that the cop made the deliberate decision to shoot and kill the fleeing suspect. Tasers are single shot so the moment it was used, the threat was over but the cop still chose to kill. The only developed country in the world where shooting a suspect after the danger has passed still counts as justified, is America.

  11. 31:35 As a European, I can look back over my life and say with definite certainty that there have been a handful of situations where (if a gun had been present) I would have definitely shot someone or they would have shot me. But without guns, the worst that ever happened is that one guy tried to punch me in the face, I ducked my head and he ended up hurting his hand more than my head. Every other situation basically just dissipated.

    So yes, even just from a civilian to civilian standpoint, not carrying guns around makes countries far safer than the US. And the same goes for police interactions. Here, cops don’t have to assume that every single person might be a deadly threat and so they are far less likely to use deadly force. Even violent offenders end up arrested almost always and only very rarely killed.

    It’s an undeniable fact that while guns might make you feel safer, they are a huge factor contributing to the increased danger of violent death Americans face on a daily basis.

  12. Not a corruption ending solution (nor is it a cheap one)…. but one that, i think, would have a tremendous impact on day-to-day police encounters:

    Body cams & microphones- police should have ZERO control of them. They should be on & recording at all times, without exception. A live feed should be monitored at all times & should be played back at shift's end. Someone should be monitoring the monitors & the monitoring should be monitored – one big redundant chain m
    Police of all ranks should be held accountable, PERIOD. Pre-ordained punishments & consequences should be in place & immediately acted upon when identified. As law enforcers, their standards should be higher & their punishment should follow suit.
    There will be bad apples, but a redundant monitoring system will help to identify & reduce them. Redundancy is necessary, as it reinforces accountability across & down the chain of monitores, their peers & their supervisors.
    I believe in privacy & our rights, as human beings. But law enforcement's privacy has been virtually non-existent for quite some time. Their vehicles have been equiped with monitoring devices for a long time now… hell, some duties are now carried out in front of entire camera crews!
    Of course, a bottom up approach ( & weed killer) would yield favorable results. But it would create other pockets of curruption , on a much larger & deeper scale than the implementation of monitoring systems. It would cost $ but would create more jobs & the employees would be putting their money back into rotation… which is a good thing.

    I can see some issues with this system. I mean, at the end of the day, any system would be flawed & every system will be manipulated. Do you guys think it would ultimately make matters worse?

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