Ex-FBI Agent Grills Accused Stepson Murderer Letecia Stauch About Web Searches

Ex-FBI Agent Grills Accused Stepson Murderer Letecia Stauch About Web Searches

Former FBI agent Jonathan Grusing questioned accused stepson murderer Letecia Stauch about some of her web searches, which included not liking her stepson, divorce, and how to clean blood. Stauch is accused of killing her stepson, Gannon, and stuffing his body in a suitcase before dumping it under a bridge in Florida.

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime

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25 thoughts on “Ex-FBI Agent Grills Accused Stepson Murderer Letecia Stauch About Web Searches

  1. For the judge not to tell her to sit up straight and listen it kind not nice for him to allow to do that I was Al I would I’ve told the judge if I have to her what she did to my son she should listen to they let her get away with a lot I never have seen that type des respect for Gannon parents

  2. You wanted the kids but was jealous because he loved he’s mom u can’t stop him from loving he’s mom u control everything with H u didn’t Al be a dad to her but u wanted all the control of the money home and he’s kids no wonder he looked else I think he was leaving u not u leaving him

  3. Her trying to replace their mom makes me so mad.
    I Always made sure i told the stepkids that id never try to replace their mom but I loved them as if they were my own & they could come to me about anything. I also made sure they knew I wanted to be a family & not just their dads gf. I took it as a package deal. And also made them aware that they were always at top of the priorities & would always be put first !

  4. So it’s searches pertaining to issues in her life like I hate my step son, which was obviously searched by her considering she killed Gannon. How to clean bloody sheets, blood spurting from arterial bled. Who else with letecias phone was Gannon step parent? No one but her she she sits there and looks befuddled like she has no idea what they searches on her mean. It’s crystal clear what was going on.

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