Exclusive: Bridget Shiel’s boyfriend discusses her unsolved murder

Exclusive: Bridget Shiel’s boyfriend discusses her unsolved murder

Bridget Shiel, 19, a hair stylist and music video model, grew up in a military family. She danced ballet and even outplayed the boys on the soccer field. But Bridget was also hiding a secret from her family.

Was someone trying to send a message, or did a secret life lead to her death?

Bridget’s boyfriend Kevin Kinnie speaks about the case for the first time outside of an interrogation room.

UPDATES: https://bit.ly/2B6RS9x


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30 thoughts on “Exclusive: Bridget Shiel’s boyfriend discusses her unsolved murder

  1. Fun fact (well not fun, but factual) the guy in her murder, last named Spencer, who was a gangbanger convicted of 4 other murders, including two teeanaged kids, was arrested and sentenced to death…I feel for the family, especially the granny who seems to care very much for her grandchild, that they went thru this. The boyfriend was pimpn her out on that back page mess, insiders said, becuz he had a drug habit but so did she as well an wanted to do it so they could get money to support the habit…it's a shame that she had all these teen issues was gullible, plus being a rebellious teen dealin wit the fact that her mom supposedly put her out which she shouldn't of…but sad to say, all this had nuthn to do wit her bein murdered nor did her dude, it wasn't no relation…so ppl give this guy a chance but not condoneing the domestic stuff…

  2. Ngl the whole time he was interviewing the ex bf bro was being passive aggressive the whole time😭 I just know I’m his head he was like “man bro is lying so hard rn”💀

  3. When your selling your coochie and put yourself in dangerous situations like that it’s like your asking to get violated and killed! I don’t feel sorry for her one bite! Lay in your bed!

  4. He is a lier 100%, his body language talk volumes. When he is asked if he killed Bridget,he answers " No " looking to one side not looking directly to the reporter, that's proof positive he was lying. He is a Psycho narc, who brought Bridget to live with his ex,knowing that was trouble ,but his ego wanted to see both of them fighting because him. It's too bad they don't have physical proofs to grab him,but God's knows he is the killer.

  5. He lied about the gang thing and/or not knowing. He asked clearly about "Gangster Disciples" and the boy responds and says "Nah I don't know Nothin about GD" if you know nothing about gangs you wouldn't know they are referred to as GD's lol

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