Exclusive: ‘Vampchick’ Discusses Double Murder From Behind Bars (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

Exclusive: ‘Vampchick’ Discusses Double Murder From Behind Bars (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

She was obsessed with horror stories. But even her closest friends could not imagine those dark fantasies could turn into a deadly reality. Ana Garcia reports.

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21 thoughts on “Exclusive: ‘Vampchick’ Discusses Double Murder From Behind Bars (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Unless you’ve been a victim of this type of abuse, you honestly have no idea what ‘fear’ feels like! I do! I’d have done it too as the kids don’t lie and it’s more than disgusting that social care and schools did not recognise the signs?! AND WHY was he even given custody with a history of criminal offences he’d committed?! WTF.? The Judge is probably pedophile or narcissist abuser himself! I’m sorry but can a fair trial not be heard with a judge from another state?

  2. Awww, when the cops said, can I give you a hug?🤗That part makes me feel so sad.😔Yes, she shot her stepfather but I think she was not thinking to kill her Mom, it might be when both were dragging that is the time she stab her mom, if she really want to kill, she would have kill her sisters too.😢😭😭

  3. I could see it coming from a mile away. I haven’t even watched all of this but I’ll bet money that that insignificant life form was abusing and probably molesting her and mom was allowing it to happen. Hence, the intense rage. Can’t I’d blame her.

  4. This poor girl was full of rage and needed to be helped and rescued long before this happened. I wouldn’t doubt if she was sexually assaulted by the men in her mothers life. So sad!

  5. ‘Grabbed one of the loaded guns lying around the house…’
    God bless America. FFS
    Murder or not~ that’s an accident waiting to happen.
    We live in a crazy world people!!

  6. This girl needs to be in a place with pastel colored walls and people with nice white teeth , who smile a lot and tilt their heads to the side and ask “ how are you feeling today?”

  7. I get people should pay dues or time for justice and all, but am I the only person who thinks these dudes kinda have a screwed up way of dealing with suspects? Never dealt with a murderer but so far compassion and empathy seem to be pretty good at opening people up. We're like mail, just be patient when ya open it, no need to tear that stuff up

  8. I honestly feel for her and kinda understand her snapping. All that trauma she endured for so long eventually would be released in some way. It's unfortunate her trauma caused her to do what she did but it's not like we can really blame her. She had all of that bottled up.

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