Exonerated 28 years later; Pimping to raise bond; Astronaut crime – TCDPOD

Exonerated 28 years later; Pimping to raise bond; Astronaut crime – TCDPOD

With guest Daryn Carp:


This week: A Northern California man wrongfully convicted on the testimony of a 9-year-old boy is exonerated 28 years after another man confessed to the murder. A North Carolina man pimped underage girls from jail to raise money for his bail, and his wife and his mother are going to prison. A missing-persons activist in Kentucky is missing. And astronaut crime.

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25 thoughts on “Exonerated 28 years later; Pimping to raise bond; Astronaut crime – TCDPOD

  1. 2 hosts, who don't know about cross talk yet? Pfffft!
    And, dude in the benchman t shirt, do you mean to be so damn loud? Sir, you have MIC issues. Cause you are "overbalancing big time.
    That's amatuer pod cast stuff.
    Perhaps you could look at a YouTube about it.
    Soooooooo annoying.

  2. I live in Louisville, KY. Andrea Knabel went to my high school. She is still missing as of 11/3/2020. No updates at all.
    I also have a case suggestion for you guys if you don’t mind me sharing with you. If you haven’t heard about the Bardstown, KY murders, trust me, you’ve probably never seen a case like this. Multiple murders, 1 missing who’s name is Crystal Rogers, and coverups like you wouldn’t believe. It’s about 30 miles, give or take, from Louisville.
    The corruption in Kentucky is honestly too much to handle. From the Bardstown cases to Breonna Taylor (where I live in Louisville) it’s pretty sketchy here. I’m open for questions as well.

  3. How is the guy on the left even doing a podcast when he can barely string together a coherent thought. He’s constantly stuttering and stammering over his own words and correcting his mispronunciations and saying “uh, um”. Jesus Christ he’s hard to listen to!

  4. OMG!! When they talked about those Eight that killed that man in the 90s it has an errie resemblance to another case about the same time clear across the Country 3000 miles, where another young man they lied about molesting one of their kids was TORTURED TO DEATH! His name was Tony Queen and they were called the Sylva Seven, based on where they were tried. This is a legal reference for anyone that wants to read it but this guy and the main two have since died while incarcerated. None of them were raised that way it was simply THE DEVIL overtaking the sense of right from wrong not to mention jealousy!


  5. You won’t catch me, as a female, walking on any street at 1am ANYWHERE ON EARTH much less in LOUISVILLE KY. Just google earth that sh!thole of a town and tell me if you’d be caught wandering the streets there even in daylight.
    On that Norcal murder case… A lot of us Northern California natives know why people disappear up in Humboldt, Trinity, Shasta, Modoc and other counties. Because we grew up with those people. They went to school with us.
    If you’re raised by drug addicts, if your parent’s way of providing you with parental guidance was to introduce you to cocaine at age 14 so they have a drug buddy, if those are the morals and ethics you were raised with and you live in an isolated community surrounded by a bunch of transient nomadic losers who are criminals themselves… if they double cross you or do anything to piss you off, you can kill them and dump them anywhere. There’s no police force to handle all these murders of a bunch of ‘nobody’s’ and transients and addicts. And you yourself have no morals or sense of dignity or respect for human life because you were raised by doped up hippies who believe in ‘free-love’ and living without accountability. Living off the state. Living off you and me… taxpaying, law biding citizens.
    I work for social services in Northern California and I know for a fact that millions of tax dollars have gone into medical care and physical rehabilitation of meth cookers who blew themselves up in their own lab, or their partners lab. That’s what we’re dealing with here in California.

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