Fake death of made-up baby leads to arrest of Tennessee woman – TCDPOD clip

Fake death of made-up baby leads to arrest of Tennessee woman – TCDPOD clip

Glenna Brook Pinkerton of Donelson, Tennessee, told police she buried her 1-year-old daughter in a park after the baby was shot in the head by her ex-boyfriend. Police say there was no shooting, no burial, and there is no baby. Ana Garcia and Alison Triessl discuss the details.

From Friday’s full podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYBkb1wMPYI
Woman allegedly slits boyfriend’s throat, is found sipping tea in their bloody apartment – TCDPOD

Alison Triessl: http://www.alisontriessllaw.com/
Wild About Trial: https://wildabouttrial.com/

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47 thoughts on “Fake death of made-up baby leads to arrest of Tennessee woman – TCDPOD clip

  1. Yes she should be punished but let's not get carried away. The bottom line is nobody was killed or even harmed. She wasted the time of the police. Yes she's a nut job but she needs help.. she needs to go to an institution for a lengthy amount of time… not thrown in prison which won't help her in any way and won't prevent escalation when she gets out.

  2. Yes I think she should be arrested. When police officers go out they use a lot of resources. Calls like that are irresponsible. And we the tax payers have to pay for that. And we are in the middle of a crisis people are dying. And this is the way you want to use our system. (Shame on her)

  3. Her situation may have been fake, however, mine was real. Connect the dots ! Because they do connect ! I do not need attention, in fact, I am a peaceful person who HATES psycho-drama ! All Children's Hospital in St.Pete, FL and Bayfront Medical.+others ..WILL be held accountable for what was done to my infant daughter and myself ! The LIES, schemes, torture and cover up ! Dr.Gul Delhani, Dr.Huhta, Dr.Stock, Dr. Assante-Korang, Olga (Nurse- if that is even her name)..and others ! Torture and murder ! I have proof ! Justice will prevail and I will be free once and for all !!

  4. They are making a huge deal out of this one case. There are MANY revenge reports filed daily and no one cares. False filing is a crime. I'll bet if you ask your friends at least one person will say they or someone they know has been accused of a crime they didn't commit.

  5. Its so sad when you add the fact that parts of Nashville were still recovering from a tornado when all this was going on. Hate to imagine the support and progress lost to having to investigate this horrible, awful woman and her sick lies.

  6. I dont think she ever planned on the story reaching the police. And when police first showed up she saw it as attention and didnt think it any further. And then the ball started rolling and she didnt know how to stop it. Shes not well. Shes not thinking clealy. I hope she gets help and not prison!! 🤍

  7. That’s Nancy grace’s sister on the right! Interrupting people and thinks she knows everything. Just when we FINALLY thought Nancy was gone, this motor mouth comes out from NO where!

  8. She is clearly mentally ill? There is absolutely no logic in her actions and the law is equally illogical because it treats her like a criminal and not a patient who should have been getting help long long ago.

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