False 911 Call Leads to HUGE Lawsuit – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original videos:

Police Activity’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXMYxKMh3prxnM_4kYZuB3g


Dalia v. United States- https://bit.ly/33Lf6AI

United States v. Ramirez- https://bit.ly/33OFREg

Cybernet, LLC v. David- https://bit.ly/2SSxWnt

U.S. v. Santana-Aguirre- https://bit.ly/3w6HSI7

Ohio Rev. Code §2917.32- https://bit.ly/3tNUy5h

Ohio Rev. Code §128.32- https://bit.ly/3tPWTwm

Ohio Rev. Code §2901.22- https://bit.ly/2RYxQde

Ohio Rev. Code §2927.12- https://bit.ly/3uRrrPL

18 U.S.C. §249- https://bit.ly/3eNNj95

42 U.S.C. §3631- https://bit.ly/3tUzA4U

18 U.S.C. §247- https://bit.ly/3ohTF3K

18 U.S.C. §245- https://bit.ly/2Qkm8JL

Lawsuit: https://bit.ly/3husrFU


49 thoughts on “False 911 Call Leads to HUGE Lawsuit”
  1. One question: Is "claiming allegiance to ISIS" a crime? Or is it an exercise of a First Amendment right?
    The police department should not have cuffed and searched him without any actions or other evidence of behavior that goes beyond a simple statement. Unless he was reported to have made a statement that he was planning on acting on this allegiance (i.e., a terroristic threat), is this any different than any other foreigner swearing allegiance to his home?
    So I don't see this as a C+. I see it as an F.

  2. Just the look on her face at 9:02 shows she didn’t care she caused all that hysteria over being judgmental & paranoid. Plus she lied. SHE TOLD HIM to wait in the lobby so ofc he’s going to come up to the counter what a fckn….- I’ll save my words. Then in the aftermath the weenie hut jr cop still looking at his “broken nail” like he was severely injured made me roll my eyes so hard. Imo desk clerk should’ve been arrested & have to do community service w/ppl of different cultures etc. older clerk wasn’t any better she went & hid w/her & was in agreement w/everything “Karen” said. Wow. Just wow. It’s okay to be precautious but u dnt fckn LIE & cause a full on panic etc.

  3. Charge her! That is vile! Her life appears to be so boring and generic that she has to make up hate crimes. How sick is that? She just standing there with her eyes closed knowing shes sooo guilty.

  4. These people at that hotel have certainly made a deep stain on the reputation this nation is a place of genuine hospitality. If they profess Christianity, they have given no evidence of it
    .Not only were they not " good Samaritans", neither did they follow the " golden rule", treat others as you want to be treated, apparently they had no hesitation about lying.

  5. A complete disgrace totally racially motivated, he just had open ❤️ surgery shame on the grand jury for not indiding her for false information, good for the gentleman for suing both the police department and the hotel as well!
    This really makes me angry because some people tend to over react not thinking smartly can get someone seriously hurt or even killed! 😡😡

  6. He was looking for a room, which I found as being very alarming, as a desk clerk at a hotel. Then he tried to call another hotel using a cell phone, which was one of two that he seemed to possess, so I naturally thought “terrorist” because cellular companies never sell two cell phones to the same person. It was then that I noticed that this tourist from UAE didn’t wear the same clothes as local people do, when combined with his desire to stay at our hotel for 30 DAYS!! Of course that sealed the deal, what with all that is going on with Isis in this town.

    What’s sad is that about 40% of Americans would just be nodding along with this narrative, agreeing that this was the natural conclusion to draw. It’s like the Ohio cops who placed a man in custody, because “He’s not from here,” believing that is all the justification necessary, and upon hearing that the American citizen came from Eritrea 14 years previously, and having no idea where Eritrea was, naturally assumed he meant Israel and was therefore by extension a terrorist. Americans need to take some vacation time outside of their little resort bubble.

  7. I don't normally pay attention to people crying racism these days as it's been overused and watered down to the point the term racist is meaningless these days… but this was that. they need to pay big for it. we don't tolerate that shit.

  8. Oops, sorry but WHEN IN ROME. Maybe traveling in America within 15 years of 911 you consider how they may view someone wearing clothing they may be fearfully ignorant with might play out. Sorry buddy, it's a tough break but a little understanding would be appropriate and appreciated

  9. Hey let’s act like we have no investigative training and throw away potential evidence at the scene itself! We should get promoted. Oh wait, you mean he has rights, even dressed like that? Who would know?

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