Family finally gets justice 12 years after teen, mom, mom’s boyfriend are killed – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: The brutal murders of 53-year-old Vicki Friedli, her 55-year-old boyfriend Jon Hayward, and Vicki’s 18-year-old daughter, Becky Friedli. The three of them had been gunned down in their home in the tranquil neighborhood of Pinyon Pines and set on fire on the night of September 17, 2006.

Firefighters and Sheriff’s deputies found Vicki and Jon’s body inside the home. Vicki had been shot in the head, Jon in the chest. Outside, Becky’s lifeless and charred body had been left in a wheelbarrow. She was so badly burned that her cause of death could not be determined.

Fingers soon pointed to Becky’s ex, Robert Pape, and his best friend, Cristin Smith. My friend Luis Bolaños joined the investigation and thanks to him, thousands of tips flooded in, many of which pointed a finger at Robert Pape. Luis believes Becky was the main target of the homicide, with Jon and Vicki killed as collateral damage.

It took 7 years for Robert and Cristin to finally get arrested and charged with murder. Then, six months later, in October 2014, the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office dropped charges against the men.

Between the time of the crime and their arrests, Cris received two Purple Hearts from serving as a U.S. Army Ranger, and Robert got married, then divorced.

Despite prosecutors dropping the charges, Cris and Robert weren’t free just yet. They were arrested again in 2016 and stood trial in April 2018. Robert and Cris were both convicted of two counts of first-degree murder for the deaths of Vicki and Jon. Robert was found guilty of second-degree murder in connection with Becky’s death, but Cris was acquitted on that charge.

They were both sentenced to life without parole and have appealed their convictions.

Now, let’s take a look back at the massacre of a teen just starting out her life, her mom, and her mom’s boyfriend.


By elboriyorker


41 thoughts on “Family finally gets justice 12 years after teen, mom, mom’s boyfriend are killed”
  1. i always from day one believed these 2 evil boys were guilty – such a senseless crime!
    then all that time passes & they do "good" things and become seemingly "good" people … yet the evidence of the business card was always there too & cell phone evidence. And several people knowing they were going hiking with her …
    i do believe there was an argument at the restaurant the night before !

    when this 1 st happened –
    there were more detailed documentaries of more details on what lead up to the fire and more witnesses that knew her where interviewed long ago and i remember watching it – i had no doubt they were guilty … it was so evil … very very sad

    if they would just tell the truth – then all could maybe heal and maybe stop living in denial.
    i can't imagine lying for years and pretending to be innocent … in the end — it's worse

  2. Becky was such a sweetheart. Love u and miss u sister… she was supposed to to party with us the next night. Only a certain people knew about her scars….one was her bf. That guy was bad news bear… he used tell us guys that he will kill us if we ever thought of dating her. We used to laugh it out like bro you ain’t gonna do shit.

  3. You use verifiably false info in this video on the case. Robert didn't confront her at work, it was Austin. Her cousins calls were not when her phone dropped service. She made five calls and tens of texts after that. She would've been on her way to work, not home from work, when she talked to her cousin. She worked late night shifts. Y'all are real bad at this


  5. So nobody has posted here the TRUTH that Robert and “his military friend” were NOT the persons who confronted Becky at Dennys the night before the murders? Becky’s best friend in his police interview told the police very clearly that the person who confronted Becky was his cousin’s roommate. THERE WAS NO MYSTERY. IT WAS NOT Robert and Cristin. Why are you repeating a completely untrue story that was never true in the first place?!! This case was and is an absolute mess and the “evidence” for Robert and/or Cristin is non-existent.

  6. The DNA on Becky's body doesn't match Robert or Cristin. Test that DNA and you will find the killer. Becky was a distraction, not the target. Daniela has it wrong- it was not Robert she had the altercation with at Denny's…that was Austin Alba, her exboyfriend, Jacob's roommate.

  7. I bet Javier Sr. planned to follow Zellerbach for hours or days until he caught him committing a crime and it probably only took 14 minutes!

    Corrupt people seek out power.

  8. How outrageous that you have propagated a lie that is not based upon any of the evidence! Read the transcripts. Listen to the interviews. Becky did not fight with Robert. She fought with Austin (says Austin and ALL of their friends who did not like Robert btw). This is such slanderous material. I hope those who love this family push to have this case re-examined because those who committed this crime were locals who knew the area and targeted the adults, not Becky.

  9. I’m sorry for their losses 😥 let’s talk about the death penalty tho 💯 this crime is very much so worthy of such punishment. One guy was military personnel!!! They set a burn victim on fire to terrorize her also killing her family for the sole purpose of them being there. Amongst all of this they had ties to the government to help evade justice.. and what was the cause of such sick acts? She was moving on😒🤦🏾‍♂️ make it make sense clearly they have no remorse for doing such despicable crime for no good reason. Do the family and us tax payers a favor. Set an example outta them👌🏾

  10. The reenactment is so wrong. There are so many things wrong. I’m so sorry for this family but incompetence not only let this go unsolved for so long but also put two wrongfully accused men in prison. Check the actual facts please. I don’t have a stake in this but have become familiar with some pretty shocking facts that were left out of the trial and other shady practices which led to a well timed conviction…what was the actual evidence? I truly want to know, cold hard facts.

  11. If police ignore what you know is an important tip—-KEEP CALLING until you can get someone to listen to you! Her cousin knew what happened all along and the ball was dropped again and again! Persist until you find someone to pick it up! If you know truth, be loud about it! ❤️

  12. Wow what a beautiful place! Looks like heaven..and a safe place. Seems like Pyongyang pines was in another murder with an attorney and his gf/paralegal and her friend. This was so very sad. Thankfully the family has answers🙏❤️

  13. how did they get rearrested?? dont they have double jeapordy since they already got off on the charges the first time?? how can they charge them again on charges they were already let go on?

  14. Is it me? Yes, it must be that I have misunderstood.
    Did I hear Daniela say nobody contacted her for seven years? Did it not occur to her to go to the police station HERSELF and tell what she knew?
    Then, along comes Crime Watch with its cameras and Daniela gets her fifteen minutes of fame.
    My goodness, what a rotten attitude and lack of compassion, not to do her utmost in helping the police to solve this horrendous crime (of which she says she was certain of the culprit from the start.) which resulted in the death of three members her family!
    Sounds like obstruction of justice to me, or to be kind, the action of a brain dead bimbo who didn't realise the importance of her testimony, or how much more she could have done……If she cared !

  15. I don't like using text, emails as evidence. I know often it's blatantly obvious what people mean, but those are completely without emotions.
    How many times have we said things, like, "I'm gonna kill you" and not really mean it, or it's meant as a lighthearted joke, sarcasm? Like the "You're a lil Pyro". I joke about my ex like that. She loved fires. All I had to do was say "I gonna get my chainsaw and cut some things up. Out the door she went. Almost weekly we had a bonfire and friends over on a Saturday night. I call her an arson. She would set a fire next to a 500 gallons propane tank. She burned several acres of woods by accident. But me calling her an Arsonist could be used against her. When it's not really true.
    How many things do we say in text, emails that could be used against us or another? I bet hundreds, if not thousands of things.
    If I'm on a jury, I would be cautious about letting a message decide my vote.
    If you have messages where the crime is being planned, that's different.

  16. Listen, I really hate to say this because I don’t want to come down even close to the sadistic evil level of those demons from hell that committed this horrific unimaginable crime but……. Let’s all be honest, those two pieces of literal sh*t should NEVER be privileged to have any type of “protective custody” in prison and hopefully they at least won’t be so happy with themselves at doing this sickening act and now NOT getting away with it any longer. 🤷🏻‍♀️⚖️😬🗽 (as a person who also suffered severe burns in childhood in a similar incident to the accident that happened to Lindsey, I think this one might have especially struck a chord with me and I just pray for her to be at peace now and surrounded by love throughout all eternity in Heaven with her mother and the mother’s partner who I pray Rest In Peace as well of course 💕💕)

  17. I haven’t watched this but if it’s saying Robert and Chis did it then it’s wrong and everyone talking about evil this and evil that have no clue about this investigation.

    Any person who’s seriously studied this case knows those two men are very innocent. They’re are many things that point in the direction of their innocence and one of the biggest is that they weren’t charged for the murders during the initial investigation.

    That’s very important. That’s when the case was the freshest in peoples minds as well as the evidence. The longer and longer a case goes unsolved the more room it leaves open for every type of mistake,lie,coverup, you name it.

    There’s one kid, Austin who hated Becky. Witnesses saw gas can,garbage bags and a shovel in his trunk right after the murders. In front of 3 people he also said “do you want me to take care of her? Because u remember what happened to the last bitch I didn’t like” That comment was in reference to a friend bringing up a new girl that the friend said they were having problems with and that was Austin’s response, saying he had done something to a girl in the past and he’d do it

    That’s just a taste of the some of the evidence.

  18. No wonders mostly police in small towns don't want to be bothered, introping their peaceful afternoon nap, why no body checks for qualifications in police department, they get hired as long as they don't have a bad record. waiting 7 years for new detective to do his job solving this case, all people want justice for themself and family but if they are guilty they do any to cover up the truth, Thank you dectective Luis Bolaños.

  19. Thank you for the update on this case. It's comforting to hear these heartless killers have been held accountable for their gruesome acts.
    Hopefully their families can actually being to heal some.

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