A bright young attorney named Abe Dabela is found dead in his overturned car with a bullet wound in the back of his head. Within hours his police pronounce his death a suicide. The surprisingly quick and baffling finding shocks Abe’s already heartbroken loved ones.
Check your local listings at CrimeWatchDaily.com.
Those in power are threatened by those who are truly educated. That is why the public is fed a constant diet of football, baseball, basketball, megachurch pseudo christian religious doctrine and lies from right wing media sources. This brainwashing system keeps people stupid and obedient.
If you are a black conservative, who refuses to think of yourself as a victim and refuses to vote for big govt.you will get nothing but hate and racial slurs from the democrats. The left claims they are against racism but they are the ones who vote for big govt giving the white majority more power to abuse ppl like abe and enslave poor ppl keeping them in failing schools, crime ridden hoods due to high taxation and on welfare which is dependency.
He was a man who talked and argued way too much. He most likely offended a lot of people. Attorney or not you have too know when to shut your big mouth. Sounds like he was a walkie talkie. No excuse for murder but he was most likely obnoxious.

To put a little light to a dark story… This young black man looks like he could be Kobe Bryants lil bro

Has there been any kind of update on this story? There is no way in hell this could have been a suicide!
Of course the government would try to cover up the murder of a libertarian….
Governments don't like when they get told that they work for us and that we don't work for them
This is so sad. Seeing an elderly person cry is heartbreaking. Sorry for their lost.
America , in my opinion, is a very racist and hypocritical place. FACTS
Heartbreaking to see the emotions the parents show when taking about their son. Praying
that their family find justice., and the truth about what happened to their son….
He smiles like Kobe
My vibe a little thrown off on his girlfriend too…
maybe it’s just me … it’s so much to this case … remember social media is NOT what you think it is a lot of things are hidden in plain sight if you look closely has been for years
… taking a break is a must
and learning to take heed to those little tiny thoughts in your head is a sign because social media is a Trap
even rocket scientist can see who did this 
I'm an intelligent, intellectual successful millennial. I know when to shut up, especially when I know it's going to ruffle the wrong feathers, even if they're opinions of my own. Guess I was trained in it since half my family is super conservative and I'm not.
He favor Kobe Bryant…ok now HOW this guy gonna shot himself in the back of his head while driving. The mother said EXACTLY what i was thinking. Abe wasn't intimidated for his smarts. His skin color was the only thing intimidating AND he was dating a white girl….ooooo weeeee!!!! That's a unspeakable no no in places like this. She better be glad they didn't take her out too. People like that ok with sacrificing their own kind to make a point that blacks and whites shouldn't be together. smh I can believe they conspired to take him and then IMMEDIATELY rule it a suicide to cover this up. Most white people aren't bad, but with the way the world is now, it's best to go where their more of your kind and that's a sad thing to say and it shouldn't be like that. We still got a long way to go and we still looked at as less than human by a lot of people. You know what, i bet if she and some of her friends used their whiteness and started slowly asking questions they would get the answer they looking for. I wouldn't want her to put herself in harm's way, but work with the cops outside this area.
I am so sad whenever I hear that a mother and father lose their only son or daughter.
This poor brother thought he was someplace fair.where I grew up in western Pennsylvania the few blacks understood some places were hangouts for the clan.low and behold the main place the klan used to hangout was the local fire department vfw bar .located rite next door to the fire department.educated black man in a mostly white town where there r mostly white women at the bars this black man love to spend his money flash a confident smile oh my brother u put a target on ur back.they don't want u getting women they can't get because ur black with a few dollars and an education.this is why I have my carry permit in ct.they will always hate a young black smart motivated man who dates white women.even ur white friends will be jealous of the white women u have access to when u have ur stuff together.be carefull young black men.
Handsome man. This is what happens don't let it frighten you to be the best it will change with you. Keep it up.
I know it's good to stick to your grounds but come on, let the pride go. You are being bullied in a majority supremacist environment, multi government agents against you, why did you keep going to places you are not welcomed? Just move and go far away. I don't get it. See what happens when you hate being with your own colour. I bet he was the type that hated his own type. I don't get why he didn't just go to a mixed community.
This guy was the whitest person in town, he advocated for gun rights, so those racist liberal cops killed him, and covered it up.
Gunshot 2 do back of the head is not suicide…Suicide is easy and quick not difficult and confusing… Never in my life heard of suicide by gunshot in the back of the head… This was execution… Ain't no way… Everyone deserves justice it's not a choice
This is such a tragic story. I feel sorry for Abe s parents. They lost their only child. Someone out there was jealous of him and killed him. May Abe r.i.p.
Remind me again why we don't steamroll all these hick towns?
That dude looks like John Oliver.
I have white friends that really are great,they're like family…but the whites out side of them,can go straight to hell…
For slow minute he looked like koby brayant
0:02 he look like Kobe Bryant , rip
They didn't want another black successful lawyer..
They were cool with him until they weren’t. They felt he forgot he was Black and acted white like them and they had enough. That man was smarter than all of those rural hicks and he wasn’t afraid to let them know it, that’s why they did him in!
What a shame… I have a friend who died under similar circumstances. He was shot in the back of his head through a pillow, had bruised knuckles, there was a hole knocked in the wall, and clear signs of a struggle inside the house. Him and a friend had just went to police not too long before, because they knew who had committed a crime to someone we knew. And after he died, the other guy was killed as well, in his driveway, he was also shot. They called the first a suicide, and never found who committed the second one.
Pretty bad when the law has to kill over a young lawyer who was doing his job to keep order of laws!! This world is truly going to crap fast!
Wow beautiful family. I am so sorry for their loss.
Don’t go into a small country town and point out & confront all the corruption esp if you are a minority. Hope one day his family will get justice
All I can say do your research before moving into a not so diverse community.
So sad. An educated black man is a threat. Rest in peace smh
Why are Americans begging in the name of starving Ethiopians?
I pray that people will do the same to their children.
God will reward their wickedness.
So, this dude was shot in the back of his head and it is called a suicide? Yep, that is what the military said about Private First Class LaVena Johnson who was raped, beaten viciously and found with her teeth bashed in and her genitals had acid poured on them. How could that have been a suicide?
You know this one story lost me once they pulled the race card and just tell me where does it end. You know what I mean like with what we're at what point does this end you know it's almost like it it's always the race card but if it's the other way around its taboo you can't even discuss it you know like this country had afforded him this life he had, good bless and rest his soul. From the little info given he appeared to be a good man. My heart goes to his family
Omg he was in KKK town.
He got Arkansas'd . How devestating,what a tragic loss for the family. Too bad small penis men with big egos cant handle the heat
The racist remarks in these comments are appalling. Attacking racism with more racism is stupidity at its finest. At this rate things will never change..