A bright young attorney named Abe Dabela is found dead in his overturned car with a bullet wound in the back of his head. Within hours his police pronounce his death a suicide. The surprisingly quick and baffling finding shocks Abe’s already heartbroken loved ones.
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The polices and firemen killed him! Racist ass bastards!
A lot of dishonest and corrupt people! This is nothing about the street but crime runs through the system to shut one up
Once again god fails. Black guy with white woman around white guys? That's a motive for murder.
Why would he hand out business cards if he was going to kill himself the same evening?
They found him? Or were they already there? Hmmm
He did not shoot himself,no way he shot himself to the side ,and back of his head.He had everything going for him,a great future ahead.And was not suffering from no type of a mental illness. And the first thing in a investigation is going to be use ,did the person have any mental illness. And that doesn't need to be used on individuals I don't think in all investigation when theirs a suspicious death.Its to easy for Law enforcement to rule the murder out, so investigation don't go any further.
He did not kill himself thats so obvious. He was handing out his business cards right before why would he kill himself?
Dudes like this will never kill themselves. It's the hardest thing to make your parents genuinely proud. His parents were elated to have Abe as a son and proud af. Abe wouldn't have given that up for anything.
Wtf is wrong with law enforcement in those parts?!
How the police doing a press release calling this suicide and they haven't even contacted his family and the coroner had yet to see the body. Coverup!!!! 2 shots to the head….so he shot himself in the head once, decided that wasn't a good angel and shot himself again. Please!!! The guy was in the wrong town….black man, mercedes, in the suburbs, a lawyer, making good money, and OH YEAH a white girlfriend. Their are still people that think we are less than human and shouldn't be living better than them and would be so happy if slavery could start again. Sad world!!!
Not surprised… disgusting
its 2020 and this crap is still happening
Another white cover up. Sick bastards.
So he clearly was handing out business cards for people to be his future clients, he tells the bar owner see you tomorrow, and had plans to meet his girlfriend that Sunday with all these plans for the future these fuckin dimwits calls it SUICIDE!!! GTFOH THATS SOME BULL! Also why would he shoot himself in the head while driving instead of pulling over putting the car in park and then shooting himself? These racists lazy assholes are covering something up
They didn't like that he was investigating unfair taxes and other corruptions so crooked cops had him killed.
The police didn't care for him that's why they didn't investigate farther… They were probably involved
After a long night of drinking a car accident is definitely possible and can be assumed suicide but with a bullet in the head the back of the head at that in a single car accident… The police themselves should be ashamed 2 even say suicide… Why not pull over 2 commit suicide but he shot himself and then drove off the road…
Why would a good looking man be dating a lesbian?!?!?
Stupid!! How dare they!!!God will judge each and every one of them who got involved!!!
How can you shoot yourself in the head twice ?
Can I just say that this is a very handsome family? There's no way anybody can shoot themselves in the back of the head. Nobody can be that stupid. It's a coverup and everybody knows it. Poor guy. I hate that his family can't even grieve properly and get real answers to their son's OBVIOUS MURDER!! Rest easy, Abe. I pray justice comes for you and your family. Such a shame. Smh.
The bad investigation has nothing to do with him being black.
This is what happens when Africans come to American and don't know how White Racists are, they could be in the police, hospital, Schools, they are everywhere. And they constantly talk shit about black Americans.
The police has something to do with his death!! Racist pigs

Being upbeat doesn't mean you don't have depression. When are people going to stop saying such ridiculous things ? Especially prople in the medical field
Yea this is obviously some fishy stuff right here. I have a good friend who died under similarly strange circumstances that they also labeled a suicide. Smh… Sad… Its a shame though, he had so much more life ahead of him! I hope justice comes for his family, rest in peace
just as an aside. i don't ever get off topic on these things, but as an aside, abe's girlfriend has the most impeccable style i have seen in a long time. she's fusing 80s new wave and business. mind-numbing.
I swear some people can’t stand black people sayin all they do is drugs, crime etc. but then see a good young black LAWYER who has done so much with actual great parents & they STILL can’t stand this type of black person like WTF ! This is a damn shame !! Idk how some of these cops can not read if their partners or etc are dangerous and should be kicked out the force so there’s actual good cops

A suicide with 2 gunshot wounds to the head? Did he come back to life to finish himself off?
This was a hate crime, how horrible.
So sad such a lost for the family
This definitely was done by pigs….i mean, "cops" yea protect and serve my ass..this man had alot of haters and jealous enimies.. I hope his family gets the Justice they DESERVE!!!!!
This is a very sad story but even more sad that this is a reality…
Really cops again? Thought they were supposed to serve and protect? How can two gun shot wounds be suicide
something ain't right
As African we don't make others uncomfortable we welcome everyone comes our country we are not evils
The police gang definitely had something to do with this, this is so sad. They hate a educated black man doing something with there life. Racist is real ppl.
Redding is mainly a white town with some old schoolers still stuck in the old ways so for them to see a black man doing so well and successful wouldn’t have sat right with them,also if he was going to kill hiself he would have pulled up and done it not pulled the trigger while driving.to call a press conference the next day stating suicide is far too early to have come to that conclusion with all they are SUPPOSED TO DO IN A PROPER INVESTIGATION.this sounds like some kind of cover up to me and not a good one at that.