“Guilty.” It’s a word Justin Ross Harris would hear 8 times. The 35-year-old father is at the heart of one of the most talked about cases in Georgia state history. CBS46 reports.
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“Guilty.” It’s a word Justin Ross Harris would hear 8 times. The 35-year-old father is at the heart of one of the most talked about cases in Georgia state history. CBS46 reports.
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how does a parent "forget" that their child is in the car with them when THEY put the child in the car in the first place.
The mother is acting as an accomplice. Throw her ass in jail too. Stupid woman.
eww he looks like a sick fuck….smh he deserves to be tortured slowly 1000 different ways every day in prison for the rest of his life
It's happened before and after
Is Chris Hanson really standing in the middle of a New York Street? Or is that green screen?
Wow… a murderer AND a pervert. Sicko.
Crime Watch Daily: Are you aware in the first part, you called his son “Connor” , now you’re saying “Cooper” ….. which is it? I love your channel, but just like consistency-Thank you
This monster should be left in a hot car in Arizona for as long as his baby was in the car.
Just sad. How could you forget someone so little and that you love in the car all alone in the heat? So glad they found him guilty. And his dumb ass wife. Why does she really think he forgot his son in the car on an accident? If she believes he really did forget him in the car, she is dumb as he is and needs to be find guilty. Wake up lady. It was not an accident. He meant to leave your son in the car. I'm sure he was gonna divorce or kill you next.
This fucking guy gets life in prison this is where my tax dollars going towards an outfit scumbag of a father. I say "lynch" his ass all in favor say I by clicking "like".
He deserves everything he gets!!! Child abuse at it's best!!!
Accidentally forgot your baby in a vehicle? Uhm no not possible trust me my kids make sure they let me know when they are around lol and I don’t see how it is possible not to know
Good, he was guilty for sure.. I bet he was on meth and that's why he was so horny
How is he getting fatter while in custody?… Shouldn't they be feeding prisoners a bare minimum calorie count per day, since the taxpayers foot the bill? It shouldn't be physically possible for ANY prisoner to be overweight after X years.
You forget you're keys in you're car…
You don't forget you're child in you're car! There's simply no such thing!
I am so relief and so glad that evil monster got what he deserves. His ex wife should be charge as well.
He forgot his child but didn't forget his sell phone, mhm sick fuck
How exactly does one (any good parent) "forget" their child in the car? That's total crap. Why even bother with a trial TBH. Clearly guilty right off the bat. But kudos to the jury that saw through the garbage they put forth~~(And I can't believe the ex-wife defended him like?????Lady are you ok?)
I wish the same thing could happen to him !!!! And ex wife defending him wow!! Hope she grieves for the rest of her life.
It breaks my heart whenever an innocent child is the victim of murder. I hope he got life in prison. The "mom" disgusts me as well. How could anyone defend a perverted, cold, calculating, disloyal scumbag?
Im a mother, theres NO FRIKKIN WAY YOUD FORGET A CHILD FOR 5 minutes let alone 7 hours. Malicious, with intent. The mans retarted? No hes a sick SOB who let his baby die
Murderous doe faced man hoe.
Well I do think it is possible to forget your child on the back of the car if it is not your routine. People are too quick to judge (and horrible at it) and I hope they never have to be in his or her shoes.
she should join him too in prison