Father Maintains Innocence in Murder of Teenage Daughter – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Father Maintains Innocence in Murder of Teenage Daughter – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

The Norfolk, Virginia teen was reported missing in March of 2015. After a massive search, her remains are found in an abandoned house. Arrested in her disappearance, her adoptive father, Wesley Hadsell, continues to maintain his innocence.

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41 thoughts on “Father Maintains Innocence in Murder of Teenage Daughter – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. First of all…"escape goat." Haha. Second, no one who has just lost someone they truly care about says things like, "They were just destined to be young." When grieving family is seeking justice, they say things like, "They were robbed of a full life. We were robbed of never getting to see her grow up, get married, have a family of her own." She was deflecting, because she wasn't after JUSTICE knowing that her son did it.

  2. do you guys want this kind of evidence their claim against this guy to be used against you by police completely unrelated things that have nothing to do with what happened he drove a car he had a mask. Whether he did it or not all this weird evidence to throwing out there to speak dramatize is how innocent people get locked up all the time think about it

  3. She was pregnant by him, or she wouldn't run off with him, or she was going to tell her mom.
    " You won't be forgotten, I pray to God they prescribe me nuerotin" All jokes aside, he did it, at seems like he may get away with it, I believe the 3rd trial is scheduled for 2022, he raped and kidnapped his ex wife, and he surely did the same to this poor girl.

  4. Her mother said she wpold call the police on the news crew! They are there because her husband is suspect #1, !!
    She has to at least think about it! Call the police on your husband, Mom!!

  5. How dumb is this guy? He thought that if he told everyone the GPS would prove he didn't go to the dumping site, everyone would believe him 'cause he said it first? He doesn't know how GPS works.

    Future murderers, please watch at least 100 episodes of this show and 10p Forensic Files episodes so the case is more interesting. I tend to root for the smart ones than these dumbasses who think they can get away with it easy. 😂

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