FBI Agent Describes Horrifying Discoveries Found at ‘Doomsday Prophet’ Chad Daybell’s Property

FBI Agent Describes Horrifying Discoveries Found at ‘Doomsday Prophet’ Chad Daybell’s Property

An FBI agent who was involved in investigating the ‘doomsday cult’ mom triple murder case testified in court Tuesday. Agent Steve Daniels said his team found “a mass of a human dismembered and melted” in a burn pit on Chad Daybell’s property. Chad is Lori Vallow Daybell’s fifth husband. Both Lori and Chad are accused of killing two of Lori’s children, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow, along with Chad’s late wife. Agent Daniels said bones, bone fragments and burned flesh were found in the burn pit.

#ChadDaybell #LoriVallowDaybell #LawAndCrime

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40 thoughts on “FBI Agent Describes Horrifying Discoveries Found at ‘Doomsday Prophet’ Chad Daybell’s Property

  1. The day that it aired, that they had found remains at Daybells home, I cried and cried.😞 And now, they will pay for ALL of the harm and destruction that they have inflicted.

  2. I'm looking at those two beautiful faces in that picture asking myself, "How do you wrap your head around the thought of killing these two beautiful children, that love you, don't have a hateful bone in their body. How do you do that? " Can't understand what, or why. Peace and love go out to Charles, Tammy, JJ, and Tylee. 🙏🙏🙏🙏😇

  3. Pay attention to mothers who overly care about appearances and are super religious…they tend to be narcissistic and downright psychos who see children only as tools for appearance manipulation. I said what I said.

  4. This has nothing to do with a cult.. its just excuses and cover ups to get the kids benefit money, all this ligjt n dark crap bollocks… she is trying to hide the fact that she is evil, ugly and menipulative, narcassistic , all for money and attention. She will be loving all this publicity !

  5. COLOSSIANS 3:21

    Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

    Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or exasperate your children [with demands that are trivial or unreasonable or humiliating or abusive; nor by favoritism or indifference; treat them tenderly with lovingkindness], so they will not lose heart and become discouraged or unmotivated [with their spirits broken].

  6. ALL parents get tired and ALL parents get frustrated!! It's just part of raising children!! I didn't throw away my daughter when she had a stroke!! What a horrible excuse of a person she is 😢

  7. She needs to get deprogrammed so she can truly understand what she has done. I bet she wouldn’t be laughing then. She has been drinking too much of the Kool aid. SMH!

  8. It was heartbreaking to hear summers Convo with Lori. She was so distraught, could nearly catch her breath when speaking through her tears. I had a hard time not crying listening to her pain. So so sad for all the loved ones in so much pain. I hope they can find some kind of peace idk how but I pray for them all.

  9. This is the most evil and horrifying i have witnessed since Chris Watts. You just don't want to believe someone killing children, their ones, no less. There is a special kind of evil that comes with killing children. I only hope that punishment comes in the same proportions.

  10. Anyone notice Court artist gives the FBI Agent a red orange neck. His head and face look disjointed to the body. His clothes are not drawn well. EX, look at the lapels and shading. Really doesn't his head look like it's been sketched photo shopped, if such is even possible. His head looks disjointed from his body.

  11. Wow, this FBI Agent is extremely Handsome, far younger looking than any Court Artist Sketches depicted here. This Court Artist has not captured this guy's resemblance. The recent court sketches don't look at all like he looks in real life. To all, go back and review Chad Daybell's Prelim Hearing. Same to similar testimony, except you get to SEE the FBI Agent. This artist has painted a dorky young middle aged person which, in my opinion, wouldn't pass a suspect photo spread. See the prelim Chad Hearing, this agent is super cute, well spoken, to the point. Even his clothes drawn do not reflect he has good taste.

  12. I don’t understand why the death penalty isn’t on the table for both? Until we start putting people to death for these murders nothing will change. Same thing with mass shootings! Death penalty!

  13. I find it interesting that none of Chad's kids were brutally murdered…I guess they were all, "light" & not "dark". Lori is just as guilty if not more than the murderers themselves. She is all about herself…collecting their government checks when she knew they were dead. And wanting all spouses dead for money. May she feel the pain that the rest of the world has….but I don't think she will because she's a Narcisstice psychopath

  14. I read awhile back from one of Lori's friends that Tylee's weight always bothered Lori. It sounds like she might have also had Munchausen by Proxy where Tylee she always claimed had health issued. Lori is so vain I can see her feeling Tylee being chubby as a reflection on her.

  15. I see why Chad would want the burial sites to be viewable at certain windows in the house- if an animal does start to dig at the graves he can run out there & chase the animal away before it digs up any body parts.

  16. And the phone call where Summer said ‘how could you be laughing and dancing on the beach in Hawaii while your kids were buried on Chad’s yard!?’ and Lori said “that was months later”. Sickening excuse for a human.

  17. It's really unfortunate that this channel & so many others have chosen to put so many dang ads in their videos. It has become very frustrating trying to watch videos anymore. So much to the point that I may have to just stop watching them all together. This video became increasingly difficult to watch that I just said to heck with it. Shame on you Law & Crime for allowing this.

  18. Holy crap! 😢 Sick, monstrous, those poor kids, unbelievable! I can't believe LVD won't get the DP in Idaho if – when – she gets convicted. There's still Maricopa County AZ for Charles' murder, so we'll see. I'm not a DP fan but if there ever was a case for it – this is it. RiP JJ, Tylee, Tammie, Charles, Joe, just wow 🕊🙏💔

  19. One totally unexpected but somewhat good thing that I received so far from this case, has been gaining a little more empathy for both Loris mom and def for her sister Summer. I know that after their tv interview, I was left feeling cold towards both of them and for wearing their terrible blinders! Made me mad and sad, thinking of the kids, and how they deserved so much more! But after the Netflix doc and after this trial so far, I definitely can see, understand and even empathize with and for them!! And the tragedy that was their reality, thanks to Lori. Like so many, if not all crimes, nothing is gained but heartbreak and everything and everyone has only loss!!! My heart and love is being sent out and spread out to the many, many, innocent victims, of this notoriously awful case! Rest assured, that both Tylee and JJ will FINALLY be given the justice that they so deserve and that so many fought for and all waited for!!! Remembering Charles, Joe, Tammy, (Stacey), Tylee and JJ always!

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