A 14-year-old girl walking her dog disappears. Ana Garcia has the very latest.
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A 14-year-old girl walking her dog disappears. Ana Garcia has the very latest.
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Rip April I'm glad justice has been served
Ana Garcia (the reporter) is so bizarre-looking that it distracts from the case. WAY too much plastic surgery, she literally looks like a frog now.
is it me or april looks a lot like skylar neese
I was too young to fully recall this. But I remember being in a park in the middle of our suburb neighborhood, but it was just me(8) and two other kids. I remember I saw a silver van twice go around the park circling it. When I saw it the third time. I thought he was lost and rerouting. When I saw the van lap the park a fourth time. I asked the kids if their parents were picking them up. They said no. And so I told them that we should leave the park together. Pretty sure half a block away we spotted an adult walking his dog and called him over to us as if it was our father. We all ended up okay. I know this isn’t very much suspicious information right? Maybe a mom in the neighborhood was just being nosy. Maybe someone was lost who knows. But I remember even given my minimal experience on this earth at that time, the occurrence felt off to me, and so I acted on that feeling. And I am glad that god granted me with intuition to keep me safe, even at such a young age.
I would volunteer to take care of people like these personally if I had a free pass to end them. Id enjoy it and id make sure it would be as long and painful as possible.
Ahhh what a sick deranged individium and his mother is in complete denialy
You would think the dog would've deterred the killer or at least attacked him when he tried something?
His mother needs to shut her mouth. I cannot believe she had the audacity to act like he's the victim. They should've thrown her and his disgusting POS father in the cell with him!
That is so sad
Moms like those are a menace to society
So sad this is why my daughter she takes one of the dogs or both if she's going for a walk iv trained them to attack aggressors. Can't trust no one
I wish she had a taser she could have used
If I’m going to have a daughter one day I think I’m gonna get a pit bull or Rottweiler not to mention self defense classes and pepper spray. Idk if any of that will help but it can’t hurt. This is so sad idk I couldn’t imagine
And of course , no death penalty .
What's the deal, Ana Garcia seems to be murder central.
He was framed ? … by whom ? Good riddance of this Trash !!!
These sex offenders need to be in death row
Horrifying of him stomping on her

My daughters name is April. If something happened to her I just couldn't go on. Where is God when these children get kidnapped, raped, and sometimes murdered ?????
it's all in the jeans (genes) … a real daddy's boy … a chip off the "olde" (odd) block
I hope the prison inmates give them some special love
Like father like son…
Not 100% sure of this one I hope they haven’t got it wrong
My son was framed me shut up your mouth bitch
Very sad. Sending healing love to her family and friends
Good, Hey mother of the murderer, you are a damn liar.
Framed? I hope they started framing his a**** the minute he got behind those locked doors
His mother needs to be put in her place about the truth. Sat down and a judge yelling in her face- YUP!!!
he did it!! And justice was served!!! There was no frame!!do you have a fucking problem with that!???? 
At least he will have a long, long time finding out what it's like to be beaten and raped! Hopefully one day perhaps he will find out what it's like to face death!
I have a feeling that the killers father might have something to do with the murder too Because he was never questioned by the police
Get a German shepherd for your family. They’re the most loyal and protective dog, hands down. My dog would’ve fought him to the death.
Doesn’t matter what anyone thinks!!!! Show me evidence. Make me know a person is guilty without a shadow of a doubt.. if you can not. I’m sorry I couldn’t convict. The judge should be held responsible sentencing without all evidence..
That is why it is call Innocent until proven guilty….
I feel so bad for that mother! She lost her whole life because of a sick selfish monster! It makes me sick to see how a person can be that sick and evil, then have the balls to say he was “set up”!
I'm sorry but who ever saw a grown man trying to pick up a child on a trail should have stuck with the child and made sure she got home safe…
I know that this is sad and all, but the lady cracked me up when she said “who is a registered sex offender”.It reminded me of a meme.
That's amazing that the last time a murder happened was back in 1977 until this incident!
blood is thicker than water…