Foreign Service Officer Wanted for Allegedly Killing Entire Family – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Foreign Service Officer Wanted for Allegedly Killing Entire Family – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Crime Watch Daily joins the manhunt for an educated family man who the feds say snapped – killing five people and landing himself on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Michelle Sigona reports.

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28 thoughts on “Foreign Service Officer Wanted for Allegedly Killing Entire Family – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I went to Carderock Elementary school and I remember his beautiful son welcoming me with such a warm smile and happy face . It was a crucial moment in my life I had been diagnosed with dyslexia and I was allowed to attend regular classes . I was shy and scared but will never forget his kindness. It hurts that this case has never been solved. That kid was like an angel to me I love him for his beautiful demeanor and will never forget his beautiful smile to this day . Justice will be served one day.

  2. I have to be honest here. There's only a certain % of humans who can describe another human face? Like me I have a limp from car accident. Now people would remember that.( Example)
    They don't use eye witnesses in trail courts that often. But there are a certain percentage of people who can remember a face . I can't, but I can remember things said and done 30 plus years ago.
    So my point is if you go to post office and get a most wanted poster? Maybe just maybe when you take that vacation to Italy or France you might just locate a top 10 wanted person and get a nice payday lmao
    Have a great vacation hehehe

  3. notice guy talks about the fugitive in the past tense- probably he was killed as a "camy rat spy" – otherwise they clearly are protecting him because otherwise why would they not just check the nanocam?

  4. As I watched this video where the elderly gentleman claimed he saw BB in Europe, I immediately believed him. There are certain cues that some people pick up on that others do not. I believed his account of what transpired based on the response of the stranger whom he asked was BB, which was: ''Oh… God, no!''. His reply tells me two things. 1. The ''stranger'' knew EXACTLY who BB was. 2. He knew EXACTLY what he had been accused of doing. What are the odds that someone living on another continent knows all about the BB case when half of America is unaware of it? I think that the most likely answer would have been: ''Who is BB?'' NOT, ''Oh… God no!''

  5. A better question is, Why is the FBI willing to pay $100,000 for William Bishop's body? He's gareatric and/or dead. Nah. Maybe international espionage? Idk but There is more to this story…

  6. This guy is supposed to be smart. Nothing about this fits with how a smart person would go about getting rid of people. Every bit of this looks like a frame-up.
    If he wanted to get rid of his family and appear innocent, he could have turned on the gas at night while his family slept and they would have died of carbon monoxide poisoning, he could have then even set the house on fire. He could have just divorced his wife, or just "gone out for smokes and never came back" like so many other men have done.
    The bodies were taken to an area near a fire watch station and then set on fire. His car was left at the scene which means whomever did it was picked up. The merchandising tags were conveniently left on the gas can and shovel to make them easy to track down. His thumb print was conveniently on the gas can (because whenever i touch anything I always just press my thumb against it). The police didn't have to do any work to get their evidence. All of it is right there and points directly to him.
    So this smart guy, who definitely knows how to control his own emotions if he got two masters degrees at an Ivy League school, and works for the State Department, loses his shit over a bad day at work and murders his whole family in the sloppiest way possible, yet is still smart and careful and calculating enough to avoid capture for 40 years?
    This doesn't add up at all. This screams "frame job"

  7. Is that the one & only image of the exhumed John Doe? That man definitely looked similar but it is NOT Brad Bishop. Is this the Coroners best quality image? Mr. Coroner should have shown multiple pics, that 1 is blah quality:/ maybe there were. I could only find the 1.
    There are definitive changes that continue as we age. Unfortunately all of the 1's some of us would love to change. The ones that are obvious he likely changed. The nose & ears.
    Bishops nose is bent. This is more definitive as he aged. The ears are a great source to reference. They are said to be like fingerprints and no 2 are the same. I'm not sure why they don't do the overlay of the dead mans picture on top of 1 of Brad Bishops images. Not a match but they looked a lot alike. It is amazing to watch. In the 80's or 90's there was a Jane Doe. They had a hard time finding her. They overlaid a picture taken while she was alive compared to the now skeletal image. 100% Match! There was only 1 picture available. (not positive) She was in a car, slightly tilted & looked a bit off to the side. This is called~~~~⤵
    Human Identification Using Skull-Photo Superimposition and Forensic Image Comparison. I will edit post when I find that particular case. If someone else knows can you add to post! Thank you

  8. Okay. Is it just me or… So the FBI got a tip from someone who was well acquainted with Bishop and not only saw him, but interacted with him for several minutes. Is it just me, or is that not a viable/authenticate-able lead? Hmmmm.

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