“True Crime News” looks at the case of Mandy Boardman, a woman whose husband drugged and sexually assaulted her and recorded the whole thing. But did she ever get real justice?


39 thoughts on “Forgetful and tired all day: What was happening to this wife?”
  1. This is why we have no fault divorce. Misogynistic judges can not be trusted to give fair responses. They can be just as sick as the criminals they sit in front of.
    Do not let ANY political figure in office who doesn't believe there is such a thing as marital rape.

  2. How does the judge consider that man to be a "good father" when he treated his wife, their mother, so horribly, so disturbingly. A loving father demonstrates the love, affection, and respect that he has for the mother of his children at all times, whether the children are present or not. He honors her body which went through so much to bring them into the world. Instead, this man has desecrated her body, as well as their marriage, for his own unholy, selfish, and perverse pleasure. He is the very opposite of a good father. I hope that judge has learned a lesson and changed his attitude.

  3. Bet the judge is a Democrat. This is what they do. The Democrats are in the pockets of George Soros. Everyone knows that he’s single-handedly trying to destroy western civilization. He hates his own people. He hates himself. He’s a demon. The Biden ministration all the way through the Obama administration. They are all in his pocket, the judge is the DAs all of them. How do you think these migrants are getting fast tracked in our country to citizenship and how do you think the migrants are murdering and killing people and getting let out of prison don’t vote Democrat. If you don’t believe me, look up stories on YouTube about George Soros and the Democratic Party

    They are moving for one world order it’s biblical that’s what they predict will happen in the end times and they are setting the stage for it

  4. The judge should be looked into for sexual misconduct. If he ok's a man to drug and sexually assault his wife. Releases him to same household free to repeat then he may very well violate women in secret.

  5. I agree, someone needs to check this judge's personal life and his mental capacity – he is not of sound judgement to distinguish right from wrong

    👇 message to Judge
    NO ITS NOT OK TO RAPE ANYONE, be it your wife, your kids or any human or living thing
    I feel sorry for all females in his life ie his mother, grandma, sister, daughter and any females in his life

  6. You’re a brave woman, Mandy. Thank you for protecting yourself and your children from that sick individual. There’s no telling what that judge’s wife and children are going through. Many women stay quiet for fear of retaliation, being alone, losing status, and not to mention the decision of a demented judge.
    Mandy Thank you 🙏🏽

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