Former Ben Carson Patient Claims Surgery ‘Destroyed Dreams’ – Crime Watch Daily

Former Ben Carson Patient Claims Surgery ‘Destroyed Dreams’ – Crime Watch Daily

Karly Bailey was a happy seven year old growing up near Tampa, Florida. But that changed when her family found out she had a brain tumor. And, according to Bailey, a surgery performed by Dr. Ben Carson has prevented her from living a normal life ever since.

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37 thoughts on “Former Ben Carson Patient Claims Surgery ‘Destroyed Dreams’ – Crime Watch Daily

  1. So they would rather leave the tumour with possibility of it growing back again and pressing against the brainstem causing more neurological deficits? It’s a 4th ventricle tumour.

  2. “I didn’t get to live a normal life after having literal brain cancer that should have killed me. Must be the doctors fault 😠

    Yes, it is tragic your life was harmed by brain cancer and you can’t live normally, but blaming the surgeon who removed your difficult tumor is like blaming the nurse who gives you your chemo for your hair loss.

  3. She should have blame her parents not the doctor because her parents made the decision for he surgery,the doctor explained to her parents how that surgery works and the doctor asked for the consent of parents, doctor's job is to save lives not to kill or make someone suffer.. she already has a physical problem as a child and the doctor just did his job to save her temporarily or may not, just be greatful you are still living in this world, it is your choice to make your self looks to be normal or not, you just need to adapt to your environment and people around you will understand and will treat you as a normal person…
    I am also a epileptic patient before who is helpless stayed and studied at our own house for morethan a decade overcomed it at 25yrs old, now i am in my 30s and continuing my school in 1st year college…

  4. Dr Ben Carson did not ruin her life ! Of course the father is not going to say it’s all about the money on national tv, especially after 20 years. I can’t believe this show even gave them time for tv for a ridiculous allegation.
    Don’t worry, I’m not that cold , I do feel for this patient but it’s not the doctors fault ,at all !
    Daddy should start tiling the sea lolll

  5. The media at their best again. Did the family expect Dr. Carson to leave part of the tumor so it could grow back and cause obstruction requiring another very dangerous surgery? I feel bad for the patient but sounds to that she has been tumor free for over 20 years and still has more than 50% of her bodily function.

  6. So would she rather be dead?? And no doctor is going to operate according to a parent saying don't go to near the brain stem. Since when did Dad become a neurosurgeon?? They're trying to get malpractice money and they're 15 minutes of fame?? Because he was running for president they wanted to derail his dream?? Too late, he dreamed of being a neurosurgeon and that's what he is!! These people should go live under a rock somewhere!

  7. I watched a film about your miracle, which you performed in separating twins and removing one hemisphere of the brain, I bow my head to your talent, may God grant you long life and thank God for you, today I am the mother of a child with cerebral palsy, I can confidently say, there is nothing impossible…… Thank you Dr. Carson ❤🇰🇿

  8. Crazy how these ungrateful fuckers treat Thier doctor who safe Thier children.. cudnt pay up the properties and shit..not about the money he says.. look what happen to Michael Jackson too.. this world is full of shit ppl

  9. Why do people even make such videos? How about millions of successful surgeries done by Dr. Carson? The good thing that this case did not stop him from doing his amazing job.

  10. As far that i understood is that Ben Carson was active in politics. This is his fault, if you go into politics they will attack you from everywhere !

  11. Well, he could have left some of the tumor and it would have grown back again… that was the only other option. She couldn't have had a better surgeon. And why does the family home in foreclosure have anything to do with her surgery?

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