Four Years After Disappearance, Search for Baby Lisa Irwin Continues – Crime Watch Daily

Four Years After Disappearance, Search for Baby Lisa Irwin Continues – Crime Watch Daily

Friends and family hold out hope “baby Lisa” is still alive after her 2011 disappearance.

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43 thoughts on “Four Years After Disappearance, Search for Baby Lisa Irwin Continues – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Well she did fail a polygraph but if she drank before hand that could thrown the test off but is she wasn't then maybe she is the one that had something to do with her daughters disappearing abd got frustrated bc she was drunk and her baby was crying but women even dads need to know its okay to put ur baby down to cry it out while they take a minute or two break to gather them selves instead of that babies are being shook, hit or what not out of frustration however a baby crying dosen't bother me even after ruling everything else some babies cry to cry learning to communicate but i have patience bc i had a sever colic baby and i breastfed so when i was able to go back to work i had pumped bottles and a can of formula just in case well they say babies will eat when hungry not my baby sh refused to eat to the point my ex had to bring her to my job so i could nurse my baby she she was able to eat bc she wasn't for him well the next day i worked she did the same so i left my job and i could hear her crying from the steps outside as soon as i walked in and she heard my voice she was fine she refused to be put down and at that time i also had a 1year old and so i could pay attention to him as well and play on the floor with my son i would carry her around in the baby wear. But some people need to literally think before hurting their baby and doing the unthinkable this includes baby sitters and grandparents as well to put ur child in a safe place and to know its okay to let baby cry long enough for a 5 minute breather.

  2. I am very very protective over my kids i feel like she may still be alive i feel like someone was looking for babies and then they decided to stalk them and see where she sleeps and bc of that she was sold unless the parents have something to do with it she was drunk

  3. I always feel like parents who bring their child's plush animal to their television plea are usually involved with child's disappearance 😒 Just my theory because what's the point of bringing it when you're truly worried . I feel as if they do it to try to look more sincere . Idk just my thoughts on it

  4. Where was the baby when they were at the grocery store buying wine? While she was drinking where was the baby? Being a parent is the hardest job in the world , esp a first time parent with a baby. Having a glass of wine or a few WHEN the baby is asleep for the night isn’t a crime, although I most def don’t recommend getting drunk with an infant unless there is another adult to supervise in the home since anything can happen in a split second with children. Idk just something seems off. I hope she is found safe & sound.

  5. Why would parents stop cooperating with cops to look for their missing 10 month old infant? The cops are going to look at the parents regardless just to rule them out. Obviously, the parents don't want the help that much. 🤷‍♂️

  6. If they have a credible eyewitness that saw a man carrying a baby, then it wasn't the mother. I would have approached or followed him if it seemed suspicious. How or where could she have disposed of the baby in such a short time span. I don't think she did it.

  7. Right, she changed the last time she saw baby Lisa,..her responses are pathetic to questioning, she was drunk, her crying is fake, cadaver dogs sensed death near the mothers bed.. the mother has done it, that drunk the baby started crying she couldn't get her to stop and killed her.. i hate to say it, ud never think a mother would ever harm her child..but it happens, what mother gets drunk in control of a 10 month old baby.

  8. Look a here news media outlet. OK these parents are being accused in the disappearance of their baby by the cops, the mother also "failed" her lie detector test. I dont know the truth of the case, but I have heard of it before. During the lie detector test, was the mother on any sort of drug such as klonipin or anything like that? does the mother suffer from anxiety? What results did you find out about the testing? Then the parents did not get an attorney until after the cops were making accusations. WTH why are yall making it sound strange that they got an attorney? Id get one too if i was being accused of some craziness anyone would. Its easy for the cops to accuse the parents when they are catching heat from the public because they havent solved the case. I dont know if she did anything or not, but lets take a common-sense approach to this and stop sensationalizing the story.

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