A Maryland state employee was just fired for political opinions he privately posted on Facebook. Freedom of Speech is a vital part of our Republic; so important that our Founding Fathers put it right no. 1 in the Bill of Rights – in the First Amendment. The right to express your opinions on political issues of the day, without the government punishing us for doing so. However, this is exactly what’s been happening on social media, as illustrated by the case of Arthur “Mac” Love, a former state employee in Maryland, who was just fired for posting political opinions and political memes on and from his private Facebook page.

Some intolerant left-leaning politicians in Maryland decided that opposing, or conservative, points of view could not be expressed by a state employee, and pressured the Governor of Maryland to fire this man, which he abruptly did, apologizing for having an employee who expressed speech that many would deem unpopular or controversial.

However, Americans have a right to freedom of speech, do they not? If they suffer retaliation for their free speech expressions, even on social media, that’s called First Amendment Retaliation, and is a civil rights violation, just as being unnecessarily beaten or shot by the police is, and justice can be sought through a civil lawsuit under 42 U.S.C. 1983.

Freedom of Speech on social media: getting fired and First Amendment Retaliation


4 thoughts on “Freedom of Speech and Getting Fired on Social Media – Freedom is Scary, Ep. 10”
  1. My grandma told me back when she was a young girl “the 1930s” that when a new sheriff or governor got elected they would get rid of people that worked for them that where in the opposite political party. It sounds like we have went back a 100 plus years.

  2. The biggest racist, bigoted and even sexist people in the country are the divisive Democrat race baiters. All they think about is sex and race. They have nothing else to shame people into submission with. But now, that dog just don’t hunt anymore. Speech and expression must be defended along with our other individual rights.

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