Sylena Jo Dalton lived in a small Virginia town as a young mom to newborn baby Allyson. But the community would soon be shocked when Sylena’s friend found the mother fatally stabbed on a couch, and her baby gone from her crib. Decades later, investigators haven’t yet identified a suspect or found Allyson. Could a new age progression photo change that?
Friend finds young mother bloodied, killed, and her baby snatched

The private investigator looks like Channing Tatum
Wow, this is terrifying
No retracing calls, last ones phones call.
Ana ♥♥♥♥♥

More questions than answers
Incredibly sad
This title wow
I truly believe the father/bf/friend killed her and the baby! He didn’t want to pay support at that time or be a dad! Simple
Why weren't the FBI called in? Sounds sloppy.
I doubt Alison is alive the dirty dog father of Hearst killed her
What kind of investigators are they useless I'm so sorry for her family
Hi Ana..if I had a wish…?
for their family!
No murders EVER!!!
OMG l remember this story. I have lived in this town my whole life.
I pray Our Heavenly Father brings this baby home. And justice for her Mama.
Why didn’t the “friend” call 911?
So sad.
It definitely sounds like it was the baby daddy, I hope he didn't hurt the baby
My condolences to her family.
Who would do such a wicked thing…..
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