Friend of Stabbing Victim Holds Back Tears While Testifying in River Stabbing Trial — Day 6 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Friend of stabbing victim, Owen Peloquin, took the stand on Monday morning where he describes the traumatizing moment he witnessed his friend get fatally stabbed by 54-year-old Nicolae Miu and tried to help stop the bleeding to keep his friend alive. Miu is accused of stabbing a teenager to death, and injuring four others. Nicolae Miu, 54, is accused of stabbing a teenager to death, and injuring four others, while tubing on the Apple River in Wisconsin back in July of 2022. Isaac Schuman, 17, was killed and Rhyley Mattison, 24, suffered severe stab wounds. Miu is facing multiple charges including first-degree intentional homicide, attempted first-degree homicide, and battery with a dangerous weapon. Miu claims he acted in self-defense.

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47 thoughts on “Friend of Stabbing Victim Holds Back Tears While Testifying in River Stabbing Trial — Day 6”
  1. Had he said hey guys I’m looking for a lost phone have you seen it, then those poor kids wouldn’t be having to relive the entire thing and he wouldn’t be facing a murder conviction.
    The guys weird and he did or said something wrong for them to act the way they did in my experience nobody not even kids just calls out names like that unless you’re doing or saying something wrong

  2. Terrible thing that happened, but am I the only one who thinks Owen looks like a young Val Kilmer? Anyways, it’s plausible the defendant was acting in self defence, but deadly force was not a proportionate response to whatever threat he perceived… plus he threw the first punch!

  3. So many people are missing the fact that majority of the group consisted of children. They weren't adults and their brains weren't fully formed. Boys especially are not mature at 17. Mui was a grown man who messed with children. He admitted he lied about what happened. The children were consistent in their depiction of what occurred. Mui is going away for the rest of his life. BTW I'm old and work with children who aggravate my nerves to no end. I still believe that no matter how insulting the children were they didn't deserve to be stabbed or killed.

  4. lol @ the qanon people and jan 6thers finding any way to make this incident political. Defendant had a duty to retreat if it was self defence and he chose to further approach… a law that existed before the alt right started the “woke america” propaganda

  5. “For the culture” of a mob of intoxicated brats. Disgusting kids.
    I don’t know about the rest of you, but if a bunch of unruly kids came at me shouting “for the culture”, I would have thought that’s the end of me. What does that even mean??

  6. Miu may not have an abundance of injuries to show for, but he also doesn't have to be beaten to a pulp for self-defense to be proven applicable. Having minimal injuries just indicates to me that he effectively defended himself against a perceived imminent threat from the involved parties. Who's to say he couldn't hit his head on a rock when he fell, and die from a brain injury as a result? Or possibly have a heart attack? His calm/unaffected demeanor seen later might be due to removal of the "imminent threat". Reality of the violent aftermath probably set in when he was confronted by police, then he lied to avoid going to jail.

    The Nurse Examiner observed abrasions on Miu's right knuckle. Were those from punching "the blonde woman" with his right hand? Could they be from getting back up after being pushed down in the water? She also noted he did not appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the exam. I can't help but contrast her findings with one of the parent's testimony, who claimed he could tell from afar that Miu appeared very drunk. Was he sober by the time the exam took place?

    By the way, no one involved was under the age of 17 years old during this incident. Regarding the legal definition of a minor in WI, statute provides: (1) Definitions. In this section: (a) “Captures a representation" has the meaning given in s. 942.09 (1) (a). (b) “Minor" means an individual who is under 17 years of age.

    So, had any individual from the groups killed Miu, they would be tried as a full-fledged adult; Not a "child", nor a "kid", "juvenile" or "teenager" based on the legal definition.

    Recreational marijuana use is not yet legal in WI and likely played a part (along with drinking) in immature teenagers making poor choices. Some of those choices clearly influenced Miu's as well. His response (right or wrong) to the group members' actions will either be agreed upon in the legal context of self-defense by the jury, or not. Honestly, I think the defense attorney is doing an excellent job representing his client thus far.

    TL;DR – I hope the jury bases their decision on facts and evidence presented, rather than constructs concerning age, appearance, or whether the prosecutor, defense attorney or any witness is "likeable" throughout the trial.

  7. what kind of parent backs this kind of behavior,will they do it again? not now,should have been taught better,seem they have learned to lie and blame others for there actions.Attacted the wrong person.Parents might not have been taught any better,who knows.Sad deal.

  8. This prosecutor is terrible! Defence team is doing a much better job. He will get off for sure. But at the end of the day he stabbed all those people and killed one of them. And lied about it. No winners here I’m afraid

  9. I don’t believe one word any of those kids say. They’re responsible for Isaac’s death and for stealing
    two years of the defendant’s life. The girls are also guilty, along with Isaac himself. The DA and prosecutor should be ashamed of themselves. Charges were brought against the wrong party. Unbelievable!

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