Chelsea Cullen skipped town to escape what she calls an abusive relationship with her son’s father, Michael Hambrick. We bring you the latest on the story.
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Chelsea Cullen skipped town to escape what she calls an abusive relationship with her son’s father, Michael Hambrick. We bring you the latest on the story.
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in most situations id repect the judge.. but if they tried to legally make me give up my kid, id go on the run too.. i dont blame her at all
This is a hard one… I know a few women that have "cried wolf" and tried tactics like this with no signs or evidence of physical abuse at all… Who knows if this is the case, but I'm sure it will come out one way or another
Lol, poor dad card? That doesn't exist. Lol, she's playing the poor mom card.
That 911 operator should be fired. Wtf "you already called on this"
Amber Heard said she was abused too. Asking for evidence is not only reasonable, but saves innocent people from condemnation.
Just an FYI, most woman including me that were abused do you ever report it. So having no "proof " of abuse means nothing. She ran with ger child because she was afraid for there lifes. She even called the cops but they did nothing …lol
There is no evidence and none of her friends could even support her claims.
No evidence doesn't mean NOT TRUE, it just means not documented
A family member of an ex of mine went to jail for a couple years for "abuse" against the father of 2 out of her 3 kids. She left marks on him trying to fight back when he was asulting her. He was smart and left no marks on her, where she was fighting for her life. He got custody of all 3 kids (Not sure if the father of the 3rd child was out of it completely so they went with the other twos dad). While in his care he taught those kids to call their mom a sl* t or a c* m dumpster. Told them where her toys would be so they could bring them out when she had guests over. Because in the end she did get custody of them, but they had to see their father every other weekend. They were only 4 and 8 at the time. The 8 year old always cussing, spitting, and punching his brother. He always had to shower with his mom. And both slept in her bed every night. If she went on a date, or started dating a man the oldest was taught to beat up the new guy. It was aweful… And the child that wasn't even his had a cat. He put that cat in the oven and turned it on making them watch and encouraging his children to laugh about it… I feel bad for the mom, since she's on record for "beating up" her ex she cant go against him. She cant do anything. And its really messed up. This case reminds me of her situation.
But when they're murdered they say they could've just left or ran away she did just that and look.
I want to date this woman
"You've already called on this" and it seems like to me you still didn't do shit that's why she had to call again.
A fugitive mom for protecting her child?? They don’t even go after murderers that hard!!
She's gorgeous, but there are also hints of craziness about her. When she opens her mouth, her beauty decreases several points. Plus, she's an extreme tanner which suggests she's beauty obsessed. Plus, she talks like she's always the innocent victim and everyone else is in the wrong.
Yet another liar making those who are actual victims have to fight harder for help. Calls the police in fear for her life reporting he is outside. Pity he was in another state.
Typical, trying to use the poor woman card and play the system.
Not this time sweetie! Kidnapping is kidnapping.
People dont like the DA but what if really has no evidence and she is violating a child order? This is illegal.
An abusive ex of mine knocked my back tooth out. I bet that prosecutor would say that's still not evidence of abuse because my tooth could've fell out on its own from eating hard candy. I guess in his eyes, the only form of evidence is a dead body. What a joke!
Why didn’t they give her an award
for leaving his ass!! If she says he abuse her, he did!
Good for her
Heroine or high-maintenance princess? Check out my true crime books FACES OF TED BUNDY; MANSON FAMILY MANUAL; CULT GIRLS; JODI ARIAS: PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS; JFK JR MURDERED by Dr. Paul Dawson (Amazon books).
cops are useless. dont do shit till after your dead.
The hypocrisy of all the people in these comments who think because she's a woman, her word should be taken over a man, is quite startling.
1,500.. Bail lol. Life is good The L
Just another "good looking " playing the system. It's so easy.
systemic victim blaming
That is ridiculous!!!! She just did what she thought was protecting her baby!!! Had she not run and something happened to her baby because he was in a blind rage she would have been arrested for not protecting the child , so it was a double edged sword for her!!!! So wrong, evidence or not you don't know what went on behind closed doors!!! I have been in an abusive relationship i ran with my 6week old infant ,and 16years later we are still suffering his abuse ,still living in fear ,still being stalked and still having to pick up and run every time he finds us!!!! So i understand her way of thinking and she should not be punished for protecting her baby !!!!!!!
Why calling her fugitive when shes doing is "only" saving there lives
u gotta do what u gotta do
Well people do get hurt i lost one baby becuase of my ex and then got hurt by someone and the police don't care about nobodys feelings apart from them own. How does that officer in the video knows what gos on in the house did he live there