Little John caught a ginormous Rainbow Trout. It was a beautiful day with no cell service, the laughter of children, and my cursing about tangled line echoing through the crisp mountain air….


38 thoughts on “Gone Fishing. See you in 2024.”
  1. Beautiful video my friend.. My Family roots originally from WV and I've lived in PA all my life ,56 years and counting..We have a few family hunting spots and fishing holes ourselves here in PA. Some of the Mountainous regions are beautiful .But yours my friend looks like HEAVEN.. These honey holes stay secret and sacred my friends…For our families to enjoy .. Nice bass and I see a couple more swimming …This is what it's all about….BEAUTY , TRADITIONS ,GOOD 'OLE' FAMILY FUN and LOVE.. My children and grandchildren hunt ,fish, camp ,every and anything outside ,and will pass down to their children and so on as was done with me and my siblings ,parents, grandparents etc…..I know that currently and when I leave this world my family are self sufficient and if anything ever happened in this crazy world, they would have the skills , tools ,knowledge to make it..That also includes hunting ,fishing, cleaning ,prepping their own game and food, knowing what is edible provided by Mother nature…I laughed when I saw people panicking to go buy bread when this plandemic started.. Bread is so easy and cheap to make.. I cook real food ,homemade meals daily , good ole stick to your ribs food ,none of this fake microwave garbage… And fresh game or raised meats,fish, poultry ..You know what's going into your families bodies, who touched it etc….Thank you for this video,huge smile on my face…BEAUTIFUL FAMILY.. LOVE and LIGHT ☯️ from Pgh PA. BLESSED BE..

  2. Beautiful video my friend.. My Family roots originally from WV and I've lived in PA all my life ,56 years and counting..We have a few family hunting spots and fishing holes ourselves here in PA. Some of the Mountainous regions are beautiful .But yours my friend looks like HEAVEN.. These honey holes stay secret and sacred my friends…For our families to enjoy .. Nice bass and I see a couple more swimming …This is what it's all about….BEAUTY , TRADITIONS ,GOOD 'OLE' FAMILY FUN and LOVE.. My children and grandchildren hunt ,fish, camp ,every and anything outside ,and will pass down to their children and so on as was done with me and my siblings ,parents, grandparents etc…..I know that currently and when I leave this world my family are self sufficient and if anything ever happened in this crazy world, they would have the skills , tools ,knowledge to make it..That also includes hunting ,fishing, cleaning ,prepping their own game and food, knowing what is edible provided by Mother nature…I laughed when I saw people panicking to go buy bread when this plandemic started.. Bread is so easy and cheap to make.. I cook real food ,homemade meals daily , good ole stick to your ribs food ,none of this fake microwave garbage… And fresh game or raised meats,fish, poultry ..You know what's going into your families bodies, who touched it etc….Thank you for this video,huge smile on my face…BEAUTIFUL FAMILY.. LOVE and LIGHT ☯️ from Pgh PA. BLESSED BE..

  3. There needs to be a 'virtual learning experience' incorporated for those who wish to trample our beautiful countryside. Father's and son's could do this from the safety of their living rooms and forego any irreparable damage to breathtaking scenery best set aside for the ruling class.

  4. Two words: "Contingent Election"

    The Constitution makes Congress the ultimate arbiter determining which candidate wins each state. Congress must approve certificates of election from all 50 states. You may have thought November 3rd was the most important date on the election calendar. But a more crucial date is December 14, dictated by an obscure, Byzantine, 1887 law: The Electoral Count Act. Congress passed the legislation after the disputed 1876 presidential election between President Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden. Electoral votes were unresolved in Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana — where each party declared victory . There was a sprint to settle the electoral college tally before Inauguration Day, 1877. Congress created an “electoral commission” to resolve the issues. The Electoral Count Act dictates that states choose electors no more than 41 days after the election. This is partly why the Supreme Court rushed to complete Bush v. Gore on December 12, 2000. The decision halted the count of ballots in Florida, handing the presidency to George W. Bush. So what happens if a state sends inconsistent slates of electoral votes to Congress? The new, 117th Congress must hammer all of that out, starting on January 6, 2021. Presuming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is re-elected to her leadership role, she and Vice President Mike Pence, in his capacity as President of the Senate, would co-preside over the joint session. Pence’s term doesn’t expire until January 20. And, the 12th Amendment to the Constitution mandates that “the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall be counted.” Do not underestimate the role of the vice president at this critical stage. What happens if Congress hits an impasse when certifying the electoral college? First, there’s no game clock dictating that Congress has exhausted all options. But if Congress determines there’s a stalemate, the 12th Amendment directs the House to elect the president. This is called a “contingent election.” The House has chosen two presidents via contingent elections: Thomas Jefferson in 1801 and John Quincy Adams in 1825. Each state casts one ballot as a House delegation during a contingent election. The House only considers the top three electoral college vote-getters in a contingent election. Likely President Trump, Biden and, perhaps someone else. There have been 165 “faithless electors” in U.S. history. These are persons who vote for someone besides the candidates for whom they are pledged. Faithless electors in 2016 directed electoral votes to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former GOP presidential candidate and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. and Faith Spotted Eagle.

    So, one vote per state in a contingent election in the House. Republicans currently control 26 state delegations. Democrats control 22. Two states are essentially tied. The GOP holds more state delegations than Democrats. But here’s the problem for Democrats: California has 53 House seats. However, California only counts as a solitary vote in a contingent election. By contrast, South Dakota has but one House seat. But, all states are equal in a contingent election.

  5. 2024, I get it: There will no longer be nearly as much of a need for civil rights attorneys over the next four years now that the consent decrees and other federal institutional guardrails against tyrannical policing, asset forfeiture, civil rights violations, etc. will be back in place. But don't let your skills atrophy because you know who is bound to make another attempt at reintroducing his whiny little bitch authoritarianism four years from now.

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