“Hammered” Drunk Police Chief Gets Ride Home and a “Talk” Instead of DUI – Everything Law and Order Blog

Hazelwood, Missouri Police Chief Greg Hall, who had been with his department for 43 years, and who was chair of the St. Louis Area Police Chief’s Association in 2019, was pulled over by another police agency on May 28 for a traffic stop. He was “hammered drunk.” Was he carted off to the jail like you or I would have been? No…

Here’s the footage.

Read more: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/07/15/hammered-drunk-police-chief-gets-ride-home-and-a-talk-instead-of-dui/

Full video and investigative report by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/video-hazelwood-police-chief-was-hammered-drunk-during-stop-driven-home-by-another-chief/article_2048c7d5-0fe9-5ad4-89ac-4d855f36199a.html


34 thoughts on ““Hammered” Drunk Police Chief Gets Ride Home and a “Talk” Instead of DUI”
  1. I always said policeman 👮‍♂️ has special privileges. Thanks for proving me right and where does “justice for all” come into play? If this was a citizen driving drunk we would be detained and thrown in jail but because he is the chief of police he gets a ride home with a long talk. How sweet!!!!

  2. How many lives has this police chief ruined for somebody breaking the law whether it be minor or major how many lies has the sergeant ruined in the souther office ruined by arresting people for lesser offenses than this, and they’re acting like it’s some kind of hard call to make because he’s a fucking cop

  3. 11:5812:12 > I understood you did what you have to do, but if you wouldn't mind I would like to take him home, I have know him for many years… < Police Corruption clean and clear. And they wonder why no one seems to like them.

  4. Tough day and age harder for you thugs to get away with it but you still do you figure out other ways to get away with it organized crime nothing but thugs organized thuggery organized crime no different than the mafia just more established now you run the government the thugs run the government got to be proud of that one and God bless America you're right God damn America most evil countries ever existed on the planet from the civil thugs to the military thugs same thing

  5. The tyrant thug tells the big thug tyrant take your time if it was a peon slave they would have snatched him out by the heron slammed him on the ground I know do you have your firearm with you no I don't care when I'm not on duty of course he said that because that's another charge but did he look to see nope if it would have been somebody with a concealed weapons permit they would have violated his rights and check that vehicle anyway and he will never face consequences because he is a part of them blue line thugs organized crime

  6. Not me personally but I’ve had a friend pulled over twice by himself no accident and the police have done minor tests to see his impairment and one time he let him call his buddies wife because his buddy with him was he drunk she came and got them at another time he was fortunate that I actually picked up the phone in the middle of the night and came and got them and even officers I’ve talk to unless there’s an accident or other major issues they try to I don’t know be kind And yes these were also officers from the St. Louis Missouri area

  7. Hmmm…….The attorney for Hazelwood Police Chief, Gregg Hall, claims the chief was not driving drunk when he was pulled over for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in O’Fallon, Missouri more than six weeks ago.

  8. In this case you don't need a DUI.There are easy cases for police.This Chief was old and so,privileged.He kept himself in alcohol.The problem is the real evidence you can produce in court when negative tests show the driver was not impaired at the moment of his arrest.There is a lot of incompetence and corruption using DUI.

  9. I'd be worried to bed if you get caught drunk driving they wouldn't consider where you worked at and who you were with they take your right on to jail and nothing flat this shows you that they're all crooked and covering for 1 and other this is what they mean by blue line they protect in their own to keep them out of trouble suppose to play when they get caught drunk driving they should be treated as any other you know so billion but no they let him get away with even killing people you know it's a terrible joke

  10. 8:45 No, you didn't do your job. If my boss was in that vehicle or the boss of the local Dairy Queen was in that vehicle, the results of your "job" would have been drastically different. So don't try to convince yourself, you meted out the "justice" you normally do.

  11. Whenever I hear an officer ask "was it recorded?" Or any derivation of the phrase, referring to the bodycam capturing what happened. I immediately know that if it weren't for bodycams, that officer would have just done a full cover up if it weren't for the cameras.

    I want to believe there's good cops out there. But they are being awfully quiet about the bad ones.

  12. If it was me (and it has been me,witch I totally take blame for)ripped out of the car,thrown to the ground,put in silver bracelets,taken to a cage then taken to a “hospital “and then have my blood removed from my body and then put back in a cage.

    Don’t drink and drive people!
    To follow up.
    This is a gang ! Protect their own!

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