Kamala Harris is now the VP candidate. You may have heard her bring up the topic of systematic inequality, or injustice. Look no further than her achievements as a career prosecutor, and many others like her across the nation, to find evidence that those things indeed exist. They really do. As a country, America is OVER-CRIMINALIZED. Let’s take a look at the prosecutors and thousands of criminal laws.

(Podcast version: PODCAST version: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-izu7k-e9f1fe )

Harris was a district attorney in San Fransisco from 2004 to 2011. She served California Attorney General from 2011 to 2017, where at least 1,560 people were incarcerated for marijuana related offenses in those years.

The Constitution was initially ratified in 1788. By 1790, we had only 30 federal crimes in existence, which consisted of the basics: treason, piracy, counterfeiting, murder, and so on. At that time, there was no concept in our law of the possession of an object being illegal in and of itself. That was imported from Sharia Law and Far-East authoritarian regimes, such as you see in the laws of Singapore.

Read more at my blog at thecivilrightslawyer.com

To find systematic injustice and inequality, look no further than the prosecutors and the criminal laws


10 thoughts on “Here’s the REAL INEQUALITY and INJUSTICE – Ep. 11 of Freedom is Scary”
  1. The justice system is flawed.
    The big problem is, its not about guilt or innocence, its about winning, for either the prosecution or the defense. If both sides built their cases and then joined to communicate all of the evidence, 99% of the accused would have an absolute guilty or innocent verdict.
    Its all about money and personal stature/pride. One side HAS to win, and will twist and pervert the honest facts to better suit their cases, and that is not right. People with money have a better chance of winning their case because they can hire an attorney who know what to look for, how to twist evidence to work in their favor.
    This is the one MAJOR flaw this country has.

  2. HEY JOHN! PLEASE READ THIS… I don't have $250 to throw away on a consultation if there is no legal action to be taken, but I have questions about the mask/faceshield mandate being implemented by the BOE on my child. We complied with the school's request for a doctor's order for our son to be exempt from wearing a mask, but 2 hours after taking our child to school received a phone call from the principal stating he had our son in the office and we're going to require him to wear a face shield. We have not subscribed to this farce from the beginning, and are not willing to acquiesce at this point since there are suitable treatments, and the governor's mandates are not law, this we feel is a direct violation of our constitutional right to be secure in our own person.

  3. Thank you for such an informative post! Ever since all this cv stuff first started, I have been trying to figure out it's purpose. The puzzle has been solved. I was blown away by the info you supplied. When the president went to saudi arabia and put his hands on the glowing globe along with the ruler of that country, I had the most uneasy feelings. Now, I understand why! Your info strengthened my resolves to NOT wear a mask!

  4. also side note…. it wasnt just Kalama that did this… our entire Government body pushed this narrative to take low level misdemeanor's and bump them up to a felony as a way for gun control and people control to lower their ability to get jobs and to live a decent life. this has been happening for over 60 years now… its called LockStep an action plan to destroy Western Society. yes i know it sounds crazy and like a conspiracy theory nutjob… but its the truth.

  5. I support capital punishment but I no longer to trust the state to get it right.. We have been over charging Americans for decades. They, I beep,ieve it was another tool to disarm more Americans for life if they make a small mistake early in life.

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