Here’s the #Science You Need to Know About Forcing Kids to Wear Masks in School – FIS Live No. 55 – Everything Law and Order Blog

The science shows the reason that the virus spread in total disregard for widespread mask usage: because masks do nothing to stop the spread of the virus. The #science shows that COVID-19 virus particles are less than 1 micron in size, which is 4,000 times smaller than the diameter of a single human hair. These particles, which infect people through inhalation into the lungs, are so small, that when exhaled into an indoor room, it will take hours, and most likely days, to drop the five feet from one’s mouth to the floor. But there are actual solutions, which science provides to us, but which are being ignored by the the media and government officials. I’ll discuss what I’m going to do about it to save the children. And also how you can help.

You can read more here:

Also, I’ll reveal a brand new federal civil rights lawsuit against multiple police officers in southern West Virginia, alleging an excessive use of force Fourth Amendment violation. I’ll go over the lawsuit and show you the photos and video.

#ExcessiveForce #FourthAmendment


35 thoughts on “Here’s the #Science You Need to Know About Forcing Kids to Wear Masks in School – FIS Live No. 55”
  1. Funny cause my mom's family were Choctaw. Every one of their kids played something and my uncles played serval. Banjos, guitar, piano, and the fiddle. Don't think that is white thing. Country thing maybe.

  2. Masks are not designed to stop a virus on their own from passing through them. They are designed to slow down and diminish the moisture from trom your breath. Virus attached themselves to the moisture molecules you exhale. Test this by trying to blow out a candle wearing a two layer mask. You can't do it. An example of how far your breath can send moisture is in the winter when your outside you can blow a fog several feet away. You are a educated lawyer but have failed to do basic research into how masks work. Doctors do not wear them in surgery for a fashion statement. Quit misinforming people, it just makes you look ignorant.

  3. Since when is the best "hoedown" not your own whenever the mood hits you throwdown? 😉

    Edit: No matter what color your skin is? A little Darius Rucker comes to mind. He himself may not be playing a banjo in the song Wagon Wheel. But there certainly is one in the song. And it sounds suspiciously like "claw hammer" to me.

  4. Great Job on the Banjo! The Banjo screams Country Boy & a Fun Time!
    Beijing Biden hates US Citizens, Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty!
    The Biden Government is scheming, totalitarian, autocratic, Fascist, and evil to the core!
    The Sheeple need to take a hard Look at the REAL Enemy… the Government, Big Tech, MSM, & their Enforcers! They steal your Freedom and Liberty, your money, your property, your privacy, your dignity, your future!
    You are NOTHING but TAX CHATTEL! Everything is Illegal and is used as a vehicle for "Rights" Violations. YOU are nothing but a Government ATM… Follow the MONEY!
    The US Government (Republicans & Democrats) is in Bed with Big Tech & MSM… but they are Screwing You! Bend over and take it like a man!
    Democrats… Republicans… Left Wing… Right Wing! They are all the SAME… there is ONLY 1 Party! The "GOVERNMENT PARTY" and they are Partying Like Hell with your Money!
    Bend Over… the Government is sticking the Red White and Blue Star Spangled Warmongering Gun Control Gay Green Woke Weenie to YOU!
    Thank God for Government & Corporate Restrictions! Without them, we would have NO FREEDOMS at All! What a Great Country… where NO Choice is now Your only Choice!
    If you think voter ID is racist, but a vaccine passport is just fine, you need some serious help with critical thinking.

  5. The Blue Gestapo has Spoken… What a Great Country! If this is the FREEST Country in the World… I feel sorry for the Rest of the World!
    Virginia Cops Treat Unarmed Army Soldier like an Armed Felon (LEO Watch – YouTube)
    Uneducated Cop = Unlawful Arrest = Lawsuit Incoming (LackLuster – YouTube)

  6. The Republic was lost at the end of the Civil War. The European bankers successfully removed the state's rights and from there, centralized the currency into one federal note and then the Federal Reserve Act was passed. Ever since then, we've only had an appearance of a republic.

  7. You don't have to have a medical degree to have reading comprehension. Read the box that your N95 mask come in… DUST PARTICLE MASK. NOTHING ABOUT USE IN VIRAL TRANSMISSION. Why do you think the mask in the gas station at say "fashion mask"

  8. The SCOTUS decided that a school can not prohibit clothing which expresses fee speech (in a school appropriate manner). If the overlords can not tell us what we can wear, how can they force us to wear a mask?

    I am grateful that my kid doesn't have to go back into one of those disgusting institutions of torture. It's a worse environment now than it was before. The kids have to eat lunch essentially separated by walls of plexiglass. Schools are already so similar to jail, why don't they just put bars on all the windows and put each kid in their individual cell, that way they'll already be used to the American system before they graduate.

  9. I have said from the get that this has always been about government power not a virus. I have a very small business and have never asked for any money but have gotten emails and snail mail telling me that I should get the ppp money to the tune of $40k which I don't have to pay back.

  10. Quick reminder y’all:
    Get in the habit of changing your comment settings to “newest first,“ instead of leaving it on the default to read “top comments” for every video you visit, including this one!

    This way you will see the accounts/comments that YT is hiding from us.

    Currently it says that there are six comments on this video, but only two are visible lol.

    You’ll see the other four comments once you change your settings! And by the way, they are fantastic comments that are being hidden!

  11. The WHO 2019 protocol for a handling a virus did not call for lockdowns, social distancing, or mask mandates. The question to ask is what changed. I left out in my first comment that the group that is suing the German government has named the Davos group as the culprits behind the covid 19 scandal, that is what they are calling it. They claim that Bill Gates, Fauci, and the WHO are cohorts with the Davos Forum, or as many know it, the World Economic Forum. The top lawyer is a famous lawyer in Germany. He says time to admit the conspiracy and the forces behind it. Every thing our government has done, all the covid tyranny, is inexcusable and should be labeled crimes against humanity, but what we have done to the kids is horrific.

  12. The "Mask Wearing" agenda is just that…an agenda. There are many facets to it. One being hypercapnia. Hypercapnia is the elevation of carbon dioxide levels in the blood stream. This can lead to a slow, imperceptible decrease in I.Q. levels. Long term mask wearing has been studied before the current mandate and it found that those who wore masks for an extended period of time were found to have or experience a decrease in problem solving skills; A decrease in leadership skills and a decrease in analytical skills. As George Carlin said: "The last thing they want is a well informed public capable of critical thinking, that's not what they want." Everything you are describing as negligence or wrong-thinking on their part is actually being done by design…to dumb down the population. We are locked in a spiritual battle for the not only the soul of this country but for the very soul of humanity.

  13. Dr. Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA and Sunday Times Bestselling author wrote a book titled
    Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good, and offers it as a free e-book on his website. There is a study in the UK that shows children who have been wearing masks at school are falling behind in their studies. They have found that children have been experiencing headaches, dizziness, breathing difficulties, trouble with attention span, emotional outbreaks, behavioral disorders, anxiety attacks and unconsciousness. As a person who has asthma, I can tell you masks block air flow. In Germany, 100 Lawyers, Doctors, Medical experts and scientists have begun a new Nuremberg Trial on the grounds that when their country forced non-scientific lockdowns, social distancing and mask mandates, the government has committed crimes against humanity. I suggest looking this up. It's an interesting read.

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