Phil Chalmers has a unique perspective on young suspects, having interviewed more than 200 teenage killers and school shooters. Chalmers uses that information to help train law enforcement.


By elboriyorker


25 thoughts on “He’s interviewed more than 200 teenage killers”
  1. phil chalmers is a snake oil salesman and a bible-thumping clown whose schtick used to be lecturing teens on the evils of "secular" music. he's the worst.

  2. 49 thumbs down.
    Explain your dislike please…
    2 years later; do you still dislike?
    Want to hear your reasoning…

  3. A guy giving advice on killers. He has no law enforcement background and never investigated a homicide in his life. He claims to be a homicide trainer and knows why teens kill. His info is outdated but pays these criminals to call into his class and acts like he is best friends with them. All for money. His information is dated and kids don’t listen to Nine Inch Nails, or Marilyn Manson. If violent video games were the cause of shootings you would see more. This guy is a charlatan.

  4. How can anyone take Phil Chalmers seriously? He has absolutely no academic qualifications or any degrees in Criminal Justice whatsoever.

  5. it’s nonsense to say movies music and video games make us more violent. If that were the case we would see higher levels of violence globally and we don’t. The reason we have more violent kids is because we have more angry and stressed kids. A boy in his teen years is at his most ill-equipped time to manage the emotions associated to rejection, teasing, and isolation. We should invest in our kids emotional health and each year they should have a class just discussing how to manage through these very tumultuous years. If schools taught about emotional health and managing emotions, then our kids would take better care of each other and themselves and be more open to talk about a stressful or problem situation than bottle it up and just explode years later.

  6. lmfao this guy does this for a living and he’s so fucking wrong about everything. “culture of violence” uhh crime/murder rates have been decreasing for decades and empirically speaking young people are doing fewer bad things now than a few decades ago, this country is safer now than at any point in history. what fear-mongering bullshit. i’d bet that this guy thinks video games are one of the main culprits of the “culture of violence.”

  7. Choosing easy victims, victims who cannot fight back, shows the vile nature of the heart within the cowardly offender. Generation dead… we can, and should, be doing better by our little ones.

  8. We don't know conflict resolution because our schools aren't helping us how to deal with our emotions or problems. Just labeling us as problems, violent and not doing anything to solve it. If people stopped telling us we're just being problematic and maybe doing more to HELP US then we'd see a shift

  9. Absolutely. Fatherless homes, violent games, materialism, all that, has led to this angry, entitled, violent generation. They can’t seem to handle emotion or life itself. It’s terrifying.

  10. There's more people on the planet, obviously more kids are going to die every day at an exponential rate… Is finite mathematics not taught to police officers?

  11. This generation is just way to spoiled and social media allows for extra bullying and immediate knowledge of things…(not saying its social medias fault though). You have parents who give everything to their kids and are then murdered, I feel like its because they want more and more… Too entitled.

  12. @1:41 the wanna be priest that became a satanist says he wants to kill 26 people. 26 number comes up many times in MASS killings. (the Sandy Hook Shenanigans shooting) DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY 26 IS SO POWERFUL A NUMBER?

  13. "Most violent generation"
    That's a misconception because of the widespread publicity that killers get.
    What other generation has had social media and constant coverage of any massacre?

    People are violent and we've always been.
    I agree that the obsession with violence can cause people to become numb and desensitized.
    But that has no real relation to cold blooded killers.

    Fucked up people do fucked up things.
    I am constantly reading and watching killers and playing violent games, but I have never once considered doing those things, because I have emotion and empathy, just like 99% of anyone else.

    And violence is all the same if people senselessly die. War is the same as mass shooters.

    The only difference is that it's somewhat justified. But the same horrible things happen to innocent people.

    And that's been going on since the birth of humanity.

    We are no more violent than we've always been… Period.

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