High school romance ends with shooting death of rodeo queen – Crime Watch Daily

High school romance ends with shooting death of rodeo queen – Crime Watch Daily

High school seniors Ashley Doolittle and her boyfriend Tanner Flores went to prom together in 2015.

Flash forward one year later, and Doolittle wasn’t happy anymore, and she told Flores it was over. Days later, she vanished.

Read more: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/14/high-school-romance-ends-with-shooting-death-of-rodeo-queen/


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34 thoughts on “High school romance ends with shooting death of rodeo queen – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Tanner is in prison playing a PS five in his jail cell because his parents bought him one. I am friends with Tanner’s little brother. He tells me everything. The Reservoir mentioned in this video is Carter Lake Colorado. This case is so close. It makes me sick to my stomach Tanner has privileges.

  2. I was very good friends with tanners brother for years. this is so sickening. to get family perspective is even worse. they're not specific where she was shot. he shot her in the back of the head as she was walking, at cater lake in Colorado. this lake was huge for me growing up. and now I only think about her when I go there

  3. I am so done with beautiful young women being killed!! Either from domestic violence, extramarital affairs, jealousy, innocently taking a bicycle ride, stalking, stranger attacks, prostitution, hitchhiking, standing up for a cause, telling the truth, being a leader for democratic change, being indigenous, being talented or popular or just being themselves. I had to go through these issues in my own life. I am lucky to be alive 💖

  4. This happened in my hometown cousins are friends with his parents and her parents. One of my high school classmates was on the jury for his trial. 18 years she’s gone and he gets life in prison. They both had their whole lives ahead of them

  5. People down play these high school romances they down play every thing thats going on. Fueled by emotions they cant handle a lot end up thinking like adults when in fact there just kids… No experience to much credit and all the tools for tragedies.

  6. Oh. My. Dear. God. Oh my god. I cannot even muster any other words. I wish my immediate thoughts were to Ashley’s family; but I simply cannot help but have my head be filled with hate and anger towards that evil sick and twisted psychopath. I truly hope that there will be many many inmates where he lands who are more than happy to show him that deciding to live will be a far worse fate than suicide.

  7. God is going to be angry with him. He's probably already been judged and sent to hell for all eternity for taking such a beautiful life out of anger. That's a mortal sin. As soon as he's dead, that trap door will open and he will forever be separated from God and from love.

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