In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Prom is one of those quintessential experiences that kids dream of for years. “Promposals” have become all the rage and asking someone to prom has become more elaborate than ever.

But in Milford, Connecticut, one student’s prom date request turned deadly.

Christopher Plaskon invited his 16-year-old ex, Maren Sanchez, to attend Jonathan Law High School’s junior prom with him, but she turned him down. On April 24, 2015, the day of the dance, Christopher attacked Maren in a stairwell and stabbed her several times with a steak knife. She was transported to a nearby hospital but died from her wounds.

He even told the police, “I did it. Just arrest me.”

Christopher pleaded no contest to murder in 2016 and was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Let’s take a look back at the tragic killing of a promising student who was murdered on the day of the event she looked forward to the most.


25 thoughts on “High school student brutally murdered day of junior prom”
  1. I'm from Connecticut. My younger cousins lived in Milford at the time and also went to Johnathan Law High School. I remember how awful I felt that day. I was so thankful my cousins were ok, and so upset this young girl had been murdered. At first there was hope she would live, but then there were social media posts saying she died. The official word came later. I met some of my cousins classmates, but I don't think I ever met Maren or Chris. My cousin who was in the same grade as Maren said she was nice. A side note on this story: There's an AHL hockey team in Bridgeport, CT. I was at a game one time, and they played a video of Maren singing at a talent show. This was years later and by that time Maren's Mom was spreading the word about female self defense. It made all the feelings from that day come back, but I was happy to see Maren honored and remembered.

  2. Okay the word "allegedly" really makes me upset in situations like this because I feel like it takes away from the victim. This kid stabbed her at school with other students, and I'm guessing cameras around? He admitted to doing it, and told his friends that he wanted her dead. That's cut and dry! Plus he brought a weapon to school so it was premeditated! Voices might tell you to do something (the only voice he heard here I think was his bruised ego) but you can have self-control not to follow through!! Rest in peace pretty little prom baby.

  3. Typical nowadays teen, with complexes frustrations, cause hes weak. No wonder she didnt want you, you are just…ugly personality and she didnt want spend the best night with….wel…freak. Crazy? Nah. Freak -hell yeah

  4. If He truly loved her, he would've let her go and let her be with who she desired to be with. Killing someone doesn't justify your love, it just means your cold-hearted and if you don't get what you want, nobody is allowed to have it. That mindset is immoral and unrighteous, a disgrace to what love truly means. This boy deserves to have life in Jail for killing a poor, young girl who just wanted to be herself. He is probably an ex for a reason, because she just didn't have true feelings for him or he was being toxic towards her.

  5. So fragile that he couldn’t accept rejection. There should not be any plea deal offered, he should be in jail life or dead penalty. 20 years is not enough to justify taking a girl’s life.

  6. I have to wonder why a bunch of bigger boys could not have grabbed him off her – it happened in front of other students.

    So sad that they didn't have the courage to get hold of him when he was trying to choke her. Their fear is understandable in our current era, but sad. 😔

  7. This is all too common w young people nowadays. They are desensitized by the damn computers and don’t realize actions have consequences. This guy will regret it when he’s getting butt rammed in prison.

  8. Way too many people pulling on the Mental Health card. Crikey
    Hopefully one day they will be able to have a blood test that will diagnose so no more can they pull on that as a way out of their crap. Mmmmm

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