In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Though Dr. Teresa Sievers was renowned for her organic remedies, Teresa’s death would be anything but natural.

On June 28, 2015, Teresa flew back to Florida from Connecticut, where she and her husband and their two daughters were visiting family. The next morning, Teresa failed to show up to work. One of her friends spoke with Teresa’s husband, Mark, and went to their home to conduct a welfare check. When the friend walked inside, he found Teresa beaten to death on the kitchen floor. The killer even left a hammer next to her body with a clump of hair on it.

Detectives interviewed Mark Sievers, but he had a rock-solid alibi: he was still in Connecticut when his wife was killed. He told detectives their marriage was fine, but they argued from time to time.

Mark also revealed he and Teresa experimented with a swinger’s lifestyle and that he took out a $4.4 million life insurance policy on her. Friends of Teresa, however, told investigators she wanted to divorce Mark.

The investigation took a turn in July 2015 when detectives received a tip from another law enforcement official from Illinois, who said a friend told him she believed a man named Curtis Wayne Wright could be involved in Teresa’s death. Curtis was Mark’s childhood friend.

Detectives honed in on Curtis and found mountains of evidence that connected him to Teresa’s death, even though he lived in Missouri. A GPS used in the rental car that Curtis drove to Florida was registered to a man named Jimmy Rodgers. And get this: the GPS had the exact route from Curtis’ home in Missouri to Teresa’s in Florida.

Jimmy and Curtis were eventually arrested, and investigators learned Mark paid the two men to drive down south and kill his wife. Mark soon got taken into custody as well.

Curtis pleaded guilty to second-degree murder charges and testified against Mark and Jimmy during their respective trials. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Jimmy was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. He has appealed his conviction.

In 2019, a jury found Mark guilty of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder, and a judge sentenced him to death. He has appealed his death sentence, which made its way to the Florida Supreme Court. However, he remains on death row. In January 2022, he asked for a new trial, claiming he has evidence.

Let’s look back at the case of a popular doctor who worked on healing others but couldn’t save herself.


48 thoughts on “Holistic doctor bludgeoned to death in husband’s murder-for-hire plot”
  1. Wow SANDRA HOSKINS! How do you judge a person on grief behavior! You also put your so called friend on National t.v., with her sexual proclivities. You sicken me. I hope thier children never see this and you enjoy your 10 minutes of fame.

  2. Can we PLEASE stop having the annoying lady in glasses summarise and spoil the entire video beforehand. You do realise we're all skipping the first 5 minutes of that nasally whining?

  3. Interesting How Killers Do Not WANT To Die, And Wants To Get Away From Death Sentence, Very Interesting The Way These Monsters Thinks🙄🤔…They Should Think ABOUT The Consequences Before They Commit CRIMES EVIL CRIMES Against Innocent People Good Human Beings!!!

  4. 17 years went through the worst DV. Physical, EMOTIONAL ABUSE, Financial, isolation, ALL OF IT.
    I realised after he broke my ribs, then decided to keep rebreaking them just to punish me. I had broken ribs for over a year and a half. Resulting in being the third person in New Zealand to have the type of screws and plates required to fix my ribs as they would grind and we're not healing. Not wanting to call this thing man even after surgery he used that site to hurt me. Not one thing to help me after major surgery never sorry for the things he did never never sorry would tell the story to family and friends in front of me and laugh. At 21 I met this older bad boy and I wasn't No Angel but I also wasn't really into the kind of life he led. At 21 having just lost my mum to cancer, his sick, narcissistic, actual cold hearted Physico, saw a wounded daughter and proceeded to groom me. Good Analogy someone trying to help from the many times I tried to leave.
    " if you boil a pot of water and put a lobster or crayfish in there going to try and jump out of the water. But if you put them in a pot of cold water and then slowly turn up the heat..
    they don't try to GET OUT because they don't notice it happening" UNTIL IT'S TO LATE

    Even if Rock won't listen,,🙈🙉🙊 to all my survivors out there, across the world coming from New Zealand, a woman who only after 17 years being locked down by a man, did I get out when he tried to kill me in a home invasion while I stayed with my elderly father, lasting 4 days, 3 nights, 24/7, for the last time but only because he put hands on my elderly father, who had to watch me actually being abused all that time and couldn't help. That was one of the worst pains and ptsd that I had, after this event I finally cooperated with the police.
    Yes he got a sentence not long enough as far as I'm concerned to all the data in a scary toxic situation you have to get out, items are just material things that can be replaced, we can't be replaced…. believe me I know it's not easy please don't be like me where I waited to long to trust the police, heavy tried to leave many times school start and watching this man in the early stages get off DV charges that put me in hospital. In New Zealand we have a law that the police can press charges on DV offenders without the victims consent if they have enough proof. Slap on wrist and anger management.
    Once he was gone and I knew for a period of time I was safe I thought I could have some sense of peace until the things I had been putting aside in regards to myself, my health, turned out to be a hereditary rare terminal cancer called HDGC.
    Now cancers controlling my body, and that controls my mind.
    But please no there we are all soldiers doing our absolute best just to get by, and also that you're not alone full stop so many woman walking beside each other have no idea. They say it takes a village in in this situation at truly does to truly get out of it and he'll takes time a lot of time especially if you have to reprogram yourself. Put in the work because you survived for a reason and don't let it completely destroy you even when you are free. I get if they're still alive that you're never truly free. For any grammar or spelling mistakes I apologise because of my numbness in my hands I need to use speak to text
    Please ladies try, if he kills you then the things materialistic items mean nothing, and if you had children try.. because you matter, YOU MATTER, WE MATTER.

  5. I know her death was caused by spouse, but there have been
    murders of Homeopaths and Naturopaths because they pose
    a threat to Big Pharma . Natural cures not only work better,
    but they are a fraction of the price. They are safer too. Hemp
    Seed Oil is one of the best there is. Many believe it to be the
    cure for cancer, but it has multiple uses. Natural raw honey
    is the strongest antibiotic there is. Not for babies or seniors,
    though. YT has loads of home remedies. Doesn't hurt to
    check them out. All the ones I have tried work. With rising
    costs , people will have to find other ways to heal. It helps
    to remember that everything we need to cure ourselves
    was already here when we were born. The Lord has provided
    for us, His favourite creation.

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