One California girl’s story doesn’t have a Hollywood dream ending. Instead her nightmare would end with her going undercover to catch her predator.
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One California girl’s story doesn’t have a Hollywood dream ending. Instead her nightmare would end with her going undercover to catch her predator.
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Typical suspect
Lord, Thats hard to listen to.
Wasn't this slime casted as the main antagonist in the newest Jurassic world movie?
Ebony Tool Man Productions website design: Hollywood Celebrities Scandals: Teen Abuse. COVID-19 Pandemic Assistance Relief program. 2022. QUAYAGE: 1980.
Dodgson, we got Dodgson here !
A six year sentence is not nearly enough.
Didnt he said 'I always wanted to F you'. Means he did not? She shud have said afterwards. U did, we did. U took my virginity even blabla, while laughing it off. This is strange.
Jordan you are beautiful inside and out and you are stronger than you know…l am so proud of you

I see not one innocent person here.
Only 6 years?? Rape is so downplayed in the US. It should be a 20 year mandatory sentence with a lifetime status as a sex offender.
But no one blames the parents for leaving her alone with a stranger
She ummm, doesn't look scared of him…
These disgusting, depraved and perverted child predators like Cameron deserve more than 6 years in jail! The legal system needs an overhaul where these sentences are concerned!
damn blink 182 slow yo eyes down giving me a headache blinking at 100 mph
I have a headache she made me blink 100 times or was she the one blinking
Only 6 years?? Wow.. we failed our System and children.
He would be out this year…..
God bless her, I hope that she continues to heal and inspire other victims.
Why is the reporter yelling?
You guys actually think he was in jail? naive people
The law is flawed. He refused the deal because he'd have to register as a SO. What? Why are these people even given the opportunity to choose? They should be on the database of those SO FOR LIFE after their 1st offense. SMMFH.
i feel he may be not guilty idk i usually agree but i feel something is up
She was 13. He was 49& all he got was 6 YEARS?! SMH… NOT ENOUGH
6 years out in what 4 ?? Welcome to California everyone
6 years?
What a fucked judge and jury…he should have gotten life.
Why did so many years pass before they investigated this case?
I'm so happy for the young girl that this rapist is in jail
And only 6 years??? And the parents were ok with that??? Wtf??? And he could have set free if he would pled guilty??? Typical democrats! Wtf! This is absolutely outrageous
The narrator’s voice is so annoying! I’m sorry what happened to her! Yet this days California stand up for pedophiles, they make them look like we have to feel sorry for them
Yes you go girl.
So this sicko will be getting out this year?
Does she have a gap or no?
Wait so he's not on the sex offender registry?!? So when he gets out, all he has to do is change his name and move?
WTF? This voiceover has to be a joke? I cannot believe anyone would think that was appropriate or normal? It's like satire or a comedy show it is so over-the-top.
This narrator is so stoked in her job
2 more years
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