Home surveillance camera captures crime in Phoenix home

Home surveillance camera captures crime in Phoenix home

With 15 years left to serve in prison, Rebekah Mellon agrees to talk about the fateful night in Phoenix. More: http://bit.ly/2IEzcn6


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46 thoughts on “Home surveillance camera captures crime in Phoenix home

  1. Im not saying it's impossible or has never happened…. but how often is the young mother of one the influence over the middle-aged father of several? And since when does being annoying constitute beating the shit out of someone?

  2. I am sorry for the loss of his life. But I have to point out that you can’t argue with the abuse that was recorded on the video surveillance in the house. The ex was saying they are only hearing one side of the story. No it’s not hearing it’s seeing with their own eyes. I feel like they are grieving a loved one and it’s very hard to accept that the loved one had become a completely different person than what they knew. The ex-wife said he never raised a hand to me. Well, you have to look at the facts. He was not completely out there on both drugs and alcohol then when they were together. It’s obvious she left him for a reason and that was the drinking(I’m sure that’s not the only reason). When people are on drugs/alcohol 24/7 they do things and behave in ways that they would never do sober. And then you have to also take into account that he’s in a codependent relationship with a partner who is the exact same. It’s a complete recipe for disaster. I have known so many people that their relationship turned violent once they started using. The abuse on the videos does not excuse her from what she did. She murdered him in cold blood. But you also have to accept that He was also abusive and it contributed to this situation. I wish that they had split up and got help and this could’ve all been avoided. I’m sorry for his loved ones.

  3. Reading all the comments on here, no one seems to see that they only show parts of the surveillance to show Rebekah side. They don't show Donald's side. Even their friend said she would nag at him and not stop. I'm not saying she deserved to be abused. No one does. But they were terrible to each other.

  4. So I guess they didn't see him slapping her. Pulling her hair. Dragging her into the pool. Popping her in the back of the head. If she was so bad to him, why didn't he leave? I see him abusing her. I don't know what the ex-wife and daughter sees. Maybe an AI version of her being the abuser.

  5. The fact he was abusive towards his second wife, she should have left him to avoid future imprisonment
    Rebekah is accountable for her own actions and crime

  6. Good grief…the daughters and the ex! All the videos show him being a vile, toxic monster and not one clip of her doing anything to him. If there were clips of her giving it as much as getting it…they'd be shown. They're delusional and disgusting! They will have to come to terms with it sooner or later that he became a different person.

  7. It amazes me that all these people sat back and watched it claiming they were loved ones and nobody did a thing…Then you have all these perfect judge mental people with their childish replies in the comments…I hope God judges you as you are judging others

  8. It's funny how on the comments page all the women have more sympathy for the woman getting slapped rather than the guy who was shot in the head
    It's true what they say. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

  9. See the thing is, his previous wife and family – they know and aretalkingabout the man HE USED TO BE.. I'm 8yrs sober off multiple, sadly to admit, MANY different types of drugs & occasionally alcohol & lemme tell you one thing when it comes to ANY kind of addict, no matter what the drug/substances/etc. You are NOT the same person people once knew in ACTIVE ADDICTION.. the person they're grieving/defending & talking about was dead the moment he turned into an addict.
    The fact they dont believe the things that are being said, let alone WATCHING THE ABUSE, then to go as far as to defending him when you do see all the evidence of abuse, physically, mentally, emotionally. His old family need to check into reality big time.

  10. This is America's vision of women, it is so sad and this shooting was just. Yes and all those camera's show him beating her and that's okay cause she was verbally hurting him. Your family is in denial and this puts all women in danger. Cop says he is in fear for his life cause a black man is talkign to himself wavng his arms and kills him and gets a paid vacation until he is put back to work. This woman spends her life in prison. Welcome to F America

  11. Non alcoholics will never understand a 'blackout.' I believe she doesn't remember – people can do all sorts of normal things during a blackout when in actual fact, they're asleep. Trust me, it happens. We all saw him beat her AND kick a poor little cat. She did us all a favour and honestly? I'd love to top up her commissary.

  12. Being abused gives you the right to get out of the relationship. Not the keys to murder a guy talking on a phone.

    Bunch of idiot white knights in the comments lmao

  13. Im sorry but your father was not a good person and he deserved it. I realize we can't always do that and not get in trouble but its worth it for your life and stopping someone like that.

  14. Say what y’all want. This scenario with the women running their heads and antagonizing men….. weak men (let me be clear WEAK MEN) happens more times then just a man wanting to slap his wife around. Now trust me. I’ve never put my hands on a woman. Not once. But if we are honest this woman, and many other, know what’s going to happen when they start drinking and running their mouth “at weak men.” Then they call the cops and play victim. I know. I know. Im the bad guy for saying it. But air-ya-go

  15. "Why would an "abused" woman shoot once, only graze his head then stop?"
    She SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD! She was so drunk she didn't know it just grazed him. And a second shot would have been undeniable straight murder.

  16. Although his Family are defending him, I ask them what they think of what they can see on camera, About this Man and what he is doing? Is this the kind of man needing your defending? Is this the behaviour of a good man? No its is Not, weather we can hear the argument or not, Please dont tell us That this Mans vile actions is her fault, He could have walked away many times from this relationship, he was far more mature in years, He should have gone his separate ways, A man bashing a woman like this Is not someone I would ever defend no matter what she did, he was one half of that big ugly relationship, he paid for it with his life but it could have just as easily been her life lost as well. Oh and quite possibly in Front of her child !!!

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