How does the Constitution protect liberty and prevent tyranny? – Everything Law and Order Blog

How did the Founders design the Constitution so as to protect liberty and prevent tyranny? What’s the single most important word in the Constitution? From a talk I gave last night, based on my recollection of an inspiring lecture I attended earlier this year given by Princeton professor Robert P. George.


29 thoughts on “How does the Constitution protect liberty and prevent tyranny?”
  1. Giving birth is dangerous and painful beyond belief. Taking rights of a person that is still just an idea over the rights of an established tax paying woman is wrong. I wonder how many men would still be for "unborn rights" if it were mandated that if the woman (who was forced to carry to term) were to die from complications of any kind, the father of the child would be put to death as well. The risk is okay to put on someone else because he doesn't give his body away. It is my right to decide to have sex all I want, just like a man's right, and not be forced to "pay" for it. It's religion NOT Republican or Conservative!

  2. i disagree, the whole affair about this new freedom cause was a farce. most of the population recognized it was a simple shift in power. some, went so far as to resist it. of course, they were labeled terrorists like shay.

  3. America is on the very edge of the abyss. I fully believe that in the coming years, as things continue to evolve into chaos, our leadership will try more and more desperate things to control things they don't understand. The people will continue to forfeit freedom for safety, and in the end they will have neither.

  4. Quick Question.
    Say I go to a post office or other public area,
    while openly filming that area.
    If I am harassed, or stopped, or thrown out,
    Would that be a civil rights violation case,
    that could be won in court?
    I have seen many people harassed and denied their rights in situations like this.
    Thank you very much!!!

  5. Brief on violation of private property rights, supporters of a domestic terrorist.

     My case is not typical. In fact I can find no other case on record where a neighbor/council member has redeveloped a non conforming lot with no regard to the State building codes and drainage laws. Public record shows the Mayor admitted his knowledge that these types of properties can have no new structures with a footprint larger than the existing structures. The fact that the Mayor sold his friend this otherwise worthless lot to this I believe is relevant to why the neighbor was held with no compliance to any law, ordinance or regulation. When the redevelopment was completed it was denied being recorded on the county plat map. His structures were non compliant with the regulations. In all other cases the courts have no choice but to order the structures removed. In this case they (city, county and State officials) determined his remedy was to eliminate me from my home, business and private property for the purpose of acquiring it. Then his lot would be large enough not to be described as  non conforming and he would have no problem recording his redevelopment on the plat map. He determined he would eliminate me by applying toxic chemicals (glyphosate) on my private property. The effects of these chemicals on my health were severe. Within 3 months I was completely unable to function. I was denied a trespass against my assailant by the police chief and the County attorney. I do not know what authority gives these officials the right to dictate who I can or cannot trespass from my property, especially when it was obvious to anyone who saw me that my health was being seriously affected. A trespass should have been issued with exigency. The chemical assault continued for over 5 years. I had no protection of the law. This was a conspiracy to deprive me of my rights under color of law. 
    My condition had deteriorated to the degree that I knew I was dying. In August 2010 a Sheriff's deputy stopped by my home to advise me that this neighbor had no intention of stopping the chemical attack until he had eliminated me. At that time it was clear no authority was going to intervene on my behalf.  I was forced to flee from my private property. I assumed when or if I could recover my health I would seek compensation. When I fled I was blind and homeless for the following 4 years. The severity of the skin condition from the chemical exposure had long been full body, so excruciatingly painful that it was unbearable for anything to touch my skin including clothes. The pain was 24-7 being naked. There were no local Drs. who had a clue how to treat me because they had never had a  patient that had been poisoned by their neighbor. The EPA determined the chemical to be glyphosate. Had I have the applied the chemicals I would have followed the directions for safe application of the chemical. I have never used RoundUp by Monsanto. I believe if I had chosen to use chemicals it would be a chemical of my choice, not forced to be exposed to a chemical and terrorized by a neighbor and the supporters of this terrorist being an entire entity of government.
    There must be a higher authority of government that can do a competent investigation into the evidence of this case. The FBI was a complete fraud. The evidence in my possession proves this without a doubt my allegations, had it ever been reviewed, but it never has been.

    I am not a writer of any kind. I could use assistance in writing my complaint in a more professional manner. I know that the government cannot do this to one citizen or a hundred citizens.
    Regarding any statute of limitation, I believe that is based on a timely investigation by authorities. In this case it took 16 months for me to receive the incident report from the police chief stating that I verbally told this neighbor to stay off my property and not to apply anything on it again. The police chief informed me that he would not issue a complaint on my behalf against thes council member because he did not want to make him mad. My last conversation with the County Attorney he advised he would need an independent investigation. I agreed to any investigation, I am still waiting for the results of his investigation. He retired in 2017. Regarding the incompetent FBI, it took him 14 months to come to my home specifically for the purpose of reviwing my hard copy evidence. Upon arrival he informed me that he had no intention of reviewing any of my evidence. Two hours after he left my home I received in the mail a letter from Washington DC Headquarters stating the agent had determined no violation of Federal law had occurred. The red flag being the two hour timeline. With my evidence never being reviewed, the Assistant US Attorney wrote in an email that he did not care what the evidence supported, he would use attorney discretion and not prosecute the State and local officials who intentionally supported terrorist acts committed against me. He advised me that he had the authority to violate my Federally protected rights, and that I should not contact his office again.
    The conspiracy continues. As recently as three weeks ago another incident occurred regarding this matter. They destroyed life as I knew it. My condition is chronic. I will suffer from the chemical exposure everyday for the rest of my life.

    Melody Boatner
    419 N 9TH ST
    Keokuk, Iowa 52639

  6. The Bill of Rights does not GIVE us those Rights, our Righrs are inherent GIVEN to us by God not by government. The bill of Rights is supposed to restrict government from vio,a ting those Rights, and it includes local and state governments as well!

  7. Our elected, and our selected, officials no longer follow the Constitution, this is the problem. They have not been held responsible for this for the last century when they fail to follow the diecti es of the Constitution!

  8. Democracies have also failed to stay in place more than 250 years. We now have a Republic that is run by a group who are ruling in their groups own best interest, because they no longer follow the restrictions of the directives of the Bill of Rights!

  9. Even as an American I beg to differ on the assertion of any 'exceptionalism' for a plethora of reasons, including the fact that still at large are the domestic REAL terrorists who gave us the inside job of 911…of which our government both participated and covered up.

  10. Upon review of your State Constitution, I hereby revoke all of my previous comments: They were predicated upon the assumption that your Governor has the power to enact "emergency executive legislation"…He apparently only has the power to convene the legislation to address any particular emergency concerns that he might have and to supplicate the legislature to make law which addresses these issues.

  11. Great lessons
    All Americans should cherish our history. Despite our many varied views and differences we should all respect each others opinions. Discussion, debate Cannot always going to agreement but if Done in a respectful manner we can lead to compromise

  12. The constitution is just a piece of paper which holds a blueprint in how things are supposed to work. The constitution is not, and has never been self implementing. Alone it has no force. Stopping tyranny is up to us, We The People. That is why we have the second amendment but, the second amendment is worthless at the hands of cowardly men. We need real men more than we need guns.

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