How one twin ‘got away with murder’: Part 2

How one twin ‘got away with murder’: Part 2

Alexandria Duval and her twin sister Anastasia Duval were driving on the famous Road to Hana in Maui when they went careening off a cliff to the rocks below. Anastasia Duval died in the crash. Did Alexandria Duval get away with murder?


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15 thoughts on “How one twin ‘got away with murder’: Part 2

  1. Her sister was prolly pulling her hair to stop her. Pulling her hard enough to take her foot off the gas. I can not believe the judge fell for her lie. He didn’t think there was another reason? Why leave? Why were her sisters clothes? I mean it could be cuz she missed her but I doubt it.

  2. Being presumably identical twins prosecuting murder might be problematic.*
    A legitimate defense might be
    👩‍🦰"I got in first! She'd have done it to me!" (⚰💐👩‍🦰)

    🤵' So your Honor, I suggest -a clear case of self defence! For WHO could know her twin better? '

    *Assuming equality on the 'nature versus nurture' & financial/ environmental balance between twins perhaps?🤔

    'Case dismissed! '

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