How the fight over actor Brent Corrigan led to an unspeakable crime

How the fight over actor Brent Corrigan led to an unspeakable crime

It’s the kind of story that movies are made of. “King Cobra,” starring James Franco and Christian Slater, is the true story of a video tycoon who fell afoul of a pair of ruthless and greedy business rivals.


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23 thoughts on “How the fight over actor Brent Corrigan led to an unspeakable crime

  1. really odd how the video introduces harlow saying he was very handsome then minutes later they slip in that he "looked underage" (?) Really? Seems like an odd attempt to make a messed up situation seem even weirder and more illicit.

  2. these two were a BAD combo! just like the two columbine killers! sometimes there is a follower and a leader! these two were sick in their own way! the movie With james franco was pretty good!

  3. "…Harlow, who looked underage".

    Bullshit. Someone would've had to have been blind, or living in a fantasy world, or squinting just right, to think the guy was under 22 or 23. Yeah, he was a looker all right. But underage? Pish.

    This "report" reminds me of the National Enquirer. Inflammatory wording. Clickbait, in other words.

  4. 😱🤑😱😱👿👹😬🤡🤕🤐💩😱🤮🥶🤬🤒🤥💩🤑😱😱🤑😱😱🤑🤑😱🤑😱🤑😱🤮👹🤬🥶🤐🤥😬🤒🤕💩👿👺👹🤡🤮💩👿🤬👺🥶👹🤐🤡🤥😱🤒🤑😱😬🤕💩👿👹👹🤡🤬🤬👺👿👹🤡🤐🤐🥶🤮

  5. @12:38 this guy couldn't keep a straight face when he was asked about where one would hide a wire lol. I admit I was laughing too because I assumed he was hiding the wire in a place where the sun doesn't shine. The only guys thought there were smart, suggesting a nude beach so you couldn't have a wire on you so they thought, but they didn't count on how how far tech has come or at least the FBI have enough money to build a bug that can fit into a car key.

  6. I respect all the law enforcement on all sides of this case and the authority that were involved to search out the truth , thank God Brent Corrigan didn't get tangled up in this dangerous planned scam of theirs.

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