#Russiagate #JudiaryCommittee #Dirtycops
The Civil Rights Lawyer’s analysis of the absolutely savage questioning of Andrew McCabe by Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday. McCabe is the former deputy director of the FBI, recently fired following an inspector general’s investigation. He completely embarrasses himself and the DOJ. Top men. Top men. Cruz, on the other hand, has a pretty good performance. It’s harder than it looks.



22 thoughts on “How to Destroy a Witness: McCabe Under Oath in Judiciary Committee”
  1. With all due respect Senator Cruz can’t “ destroy” anyone. He’s a disaster himself. And ppl like u will b da main ones saying u don’t represent either side n clowning ppl who do, but clearly u made a point to say it was a gop senator.

  2. You're the smartest lawyer that I have ever heard you are a great guy I like how you handle your business you need to be representing a lot of guys that are not really the kind of person that would commit crimes and do other things you are a lawyer that knows your rights you are a lawyer that is intelligent and smart and if I had any kind of problems that I would need a lawyer I would prefer having you as a lawyer and there's any kind of way that I can get to meet you you would be the kind of guy I would want to meet and let you know because you are real intelligent guy and I just want you to know that

  3. I just saw this video. I know it's old news but I donated to his defense fund. That whole thing was shameful like most of Obama's actions. I hope general Flynn came out okay and enough people donated to get him back on his feet. You're right about what they could do to me if they can do that to him. Disgusting!

  4. Are you sure this guy doesn't have alzheimers disease? Or Maybe it's just CCRS (conveniently can't remember shit). My thought is that he is under oath and if he tells the Truth he is implicated and if he lies he perjures himself, so "I don't recall" becomes his mantra.

  5. I am a big fan of some of your other videos, and was surprised as someone who clearly supports the truth that you would call what Flynn brought upon himself an "injustice". He lied to the FBI, knowing that was a crime, and was fired for lying to his boss, Pence, as well. No one forced him to lie, he dug his own grave.

    Why did the Republican campaign platform change to benefit Russia if Flynn was not negotiating in conflict with the Logan act? And come on, simply because a statute has never been prosecuted does not mean it is no longer in effect. I am very disappointed in your disingenuous take on this.

  6. I Live in Pennsylvania, Armstrong County. I pled guilty to Simple assault on a case in July 2020. The damn Armstrong County Probation department is trying to force me to take a DNA sample for Simple assault M2. I have refused up until now, because I believe it is a violation of my rights and I'm not required to by law. It has never been ordered by a judge, or Compulsion order. I have a regular appointment with Probation department tomorrow, and they said that if I don't give a sample that they will put me in jail and I will not be released until I give them one. Any ideas, or does anyone know what I can do?

  7. Before a federal magistrate in the middle of my cross examination of a Military Police Officer (who was lying under oath on the witness stand), I asked him if he is aware of the penalties of perjury. Though he had lied extensively during the prosecutions questioning, that simple question got my point across to the magistrate who, at the end of the hearing said "see the court clerk". I did and the clerk said there was no fine or court cost and the case had been dismissed by the magistrate.

    that was my only time in my life "arguing a case" and I objected 4 times and got 3 sustains whereas the prosecutor objected 5 times and got 2 sustains.

  8. @13:20 I have a hard time believing a three-star General would plead guilty to anything they didn't actually do… even for their adult kid (if the kid did wrong, they did wrong). You'd have a much better position to say something along the lines of: "Well, after raking me through the muck and not finding an offense, they attempt to blackmail me by going after my kid/family." That would have been a better/stronger position to be in (and something I would have expected an honorable leader to do).

    That being said, I can't stand these folks testifying before Congress (either side) and dancing around basic questions… it's a disgrace to the institution and to the People.

  9. Always remember. These hearings are never designed to find and charge crimes. They are designed to make political points for the news to air later in the day. They specifically word their questions and answers to that end. None of these people, no matter what party, want to pin anyone down to a specific crime because they then set a precedent that may be used against them or another member of their own party later. They will make political points and political jabs, but they will never stop the actions because they may want to use that action later. Pay attention to when they say things like "no one has ever been charged" or "name one person charged".

  10. The FBI asked FLynn "Did you tell the Russians how to react to the sanctions?' Flynn said "no". They had him on tape talking to the Russians. There for Flynn is shitbag treasonous liar who is too stupid to know not to lie to the FBI. End of story. All Cruz did was muddy the water with a bunch of irrelevant nonsense.

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