In this week’s podcast: A man from New York has allegedly confessed to stabbing and dismembering his wife while on vacation in France (3:38). Plus, a man in Montana was charged with 64 counts of child sex abuse but received only a one-year deferred prison sentence after reaching a plea deal (12:16). He went on to marry one of his alleged victims. Civil rights attorney and legal analyst Areva Martin joins us.
Areva Martin:
Ana Garcia:
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Again…Men, doing "men things". When people will awake ?
The rapist will be at it again. One can only hope he gets what’s coming . Any woman marrying him and getting pregnant will need to be concerned, if she has even a little brain, about him raping his child. She has the brain of a piss ant, if that.
What has happened? I saw something in French that he may be out on parole.
Her name is French. (Loor) . My dear friend.
These were both old teachers of mine, and very glorified teachers for their perfect marriage. I remember when I had found out about the crime, I was in disbelief and in pure shock.
Wow, Jesse Jackson, blm? Loved your program but bringing up hate like Jesse Jackson and blm has turned me off!
i was one of laure kruger's french students in 7th n 8th grade at JIS. she was such a beautiful soul and was always so encouraging towards us students. she had this little 'yard sale' game we'd play at the end of each semester where we could bring in goodies and buy them with tickets we earned from doing well in class…her class was always so fun and enjoyable. the last time i saw her, i was walking to the bus stop after school in my sophomore year and we had a conversation in french about how long it'd been, how much i'd grown, if i was still taking french. RIP madame kruger, tu as été un star, un ange. on t'oublieriais jamais <3
Laws need to be changed! Crimes against children and vulnerable need to be much, much more severe!!
Am so proud of Anna Garcia, I was with her from the time she was reporting/narrating the other show-cant remember the name- when she started Podcast I knew it will take off and loot at her Subs number.
Only a coward would spit in someone’s drink.
God Bless these victims and thank God these mobsters are caught!!
Love you Ana! I look so forward to hearing and seeing you deliver the crime stories you deliver so well! We love you!
I had Kruger as a world history teacher and speech and debate coach in high school back in the early 2000s in the US. Fellow teachers he worked with used to go to dinner with them both at their house, and said they were a lovely couple and they had a great time. He was one of my favorite teachers, actually. Absolutely mind-boggling and heart breaking.
Racist Jessie Jackson? No thanks, I won't be watching.
Tx Ann the law and justice is an ass sorry for my words sad

Not just scary for cops…blk ppl too for nasty ws…flesh is flesh. The spitting & more have been going on for decades. * The Help*….I eat at home mostly.
It sickens me to the core that the nasty paedophile got away with a ridiculously light conviction because of all that stupid red tape about seizing the computer without a warrant and crap about his constitutional rights. What about the constitutional rights of the children he raped and the animals that were abused in those sick sick videos he was watching and his participation in the destruction of so many lives. Whilst on this earth u will NEVER get justice from man…but always remember this….true justice comes from The Almighty God. And believe me when I tell u, this evil monster WILL burn in HELL FOR ETERNITY for all the wickedness he has done to these poor innocent children and animals. SMH.

When Ana's guest said at the start of the show that Jesse Jackson is an iconic civil rights leader who knows alot about alot, I had to withhold vomit. Jackson knows how to be a RACE BAITER ! That's about it !
I thought Montana, in which I worked one summer while in college, was a very conservative, pro – justice state. Makes me wonder why vigilante justice didn't take over when the criminal justice system horribly failed.
starbucks is a known supporter of far-left causes. i wouldn't go there if i was a cop.
Get this radical leftist white hater off this podcast
"Reverend " Jessie Jackson is a con man and BLM is a terrorist organization.
This is exactly why people don’t report their sexual assaults.
The 11 year old boy is a victim, too. Heartbreaking for both of these children.
Billy Kruger was my 7th grade Social Studies teacher. (I currently am almost done with grade 10) and he was actually really nice back then which makes this so frightening. Honestly this news gutted my entire school. Both of them were teachers at my school and I remember so many of my friends had Ms.Kruger as their teacher and some of my other friends were in my Social Studies class with Mr.Kruger.
It's been almost a year and still can't believe it. Glad he was caught by the police.
Had billy kruger as my teacher just a few years ago at jakarta intercultural school. He always spoke of his wife like she was the most lovely person in the world which is why it shocked me when i heard he killed her. Like every teacher he had his moments but most of the time he was a cool and fun teacher. I guess sometimes you just never know..
Sorry, but the audio on your quest is too annoying.
Sorry Anna but most cops don't have balls themselves they act like a bunch of thugs they don't even follow the law so why have respect for them
I think that's hilarious that the Starbucks worker spit in the cops coffee hey karma maybe people would have more respect for officers if they walk the walk but they're a bunch of thugs not all of them but some of them
Sex offender treatment there's no such thing they will do it again and again the judge needs to have their head examined
It is so disgusting to hear how these child molesters get away with so much just to come out and do it all over again I come from a family that sexually assaulted me and my sisters and my nieces I think things got to change I think they should throw the key away and never let these bastards get out
This guy that is accused of child rape they need to throw to throw them in jail keep him there and throw the key away because he will do it over and over again
I was molested by a man when I was 11. I told my mom and she didn't believe me. Parents don't always believe their children. I was devastated.
Omg so excited!! As soon as I saw Areva on the screen! I always enjoy her so much on Dr Phil as a guest specialist and ad always, love you Ana!!!
they were my school’s teacher
This was so horrific even more so that he was my teacher.
I live in Montana. Our judges are all pedophile sympathizers. Us citizens are working on it.