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I tricked a scammer into sending his money mule to pick up my package! The catch is that I was tracking the package and monitored his every movement!
Watch another video of mine where I did a similar thing:
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And on Twitter:
Real money
How can I be a part of what you do? I love it.
That is too funny the other person's sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher
Bro included the same photo of the same scammer a year before too
so he’s actually been faking ts
yea it is great easy to use as well
glitterbomb 3.0
this just happend to me i wish i see this video earlier!!
if he still in the USA, can't you not notify the police or FBI to investigate or arrest him?
who take picture of himself in a bathtub? ANSWER: a dude that do illegal stuff and scam people!
"why would you message a total stranger with your personal WhatsApp number to talk about illegal stuff that you're doing?"
Do it again but get a better tracker
0:18 "we have phone numbers for more than 120 countries, including LGBTQ+, transgender, and Antarctica"
Haha. A thief that doesn't want to be labeled a thief.
23K and some chocolate please
/p''Rr(2''t) wrd LN'' art + 68'' || 70' VIN# in dshz ~tmp interpret by: wn wml/
/R''(rw(IRT''n') 70s frd brth crt~r'' Dr.[sig2't~chutz par : S' fch op 70s] 70s crt hamerica/
/induch mats in LN'' abv |I''| matrix~tmp Dr. + fch matrix//mch IR(w2''tvk|n''| [wrd LN'' art~tmp chutz : |z''|xy' S' interpret fch op 70s]//induch pasadena 68' SAN BN CLAIBORNE-tmp mats [dach tn h'' chutz : V. mike & Denise Heth(er)|ing''|ton fch op 70s/
But Post Office — <<< clan clinic already!
I want more videos like this please

There's no way they think the LGTV+ and trans flags as countries at 0:20

0:18 wow i didn't know the Gay and Trans people had their own country
I’ve been watching your videos for 2 hours today. I’ve been watching for a couple weeks, but I am just trying to learn everyone’s strategies so I can avoid them.
I would be happy to launder their cash for them….right into my bedroom safe.
EDIT: Yes! Try it again
Yes try it again and send a package of bed bugs!!! Kind of like the glitter bomb guys do except use bed bugs
Go to 5:56 if you wanna skip the sponsor
Try again
Maybe some real spam, so he has something for his sandwiches
Did u ever got ur airtag back?
Send so much fake gold real currency of a real dollar and tell him to fix quit scamming
Can’t not believe how scamming is litterally a billion dollar business
Thanks for teaching us how to be prepared if some of these scammers try to contact us
It was a dream when i saw my wife send money to someone she called her friend that have been deceiving her secrets to send her money it was all a scam not until tecxi_fy_cracks went through the case and saw she was sending money to someone not even close by he has been arrested by the FBI now the money he stole has been recovered. TECXIFY_CRACKS has been a good reputation..
Why aren’t you reporting them to the fbi… you’re not stopping or preventing anything by doing this.
Why do you write in the msg's w/ the scammer guy 'cx' as an abbreviation for customer? Just curious. Anyone?
How come they don’t have victim stuff the Bitcoin machines?
YES! YES! YES! SEND AGAIN! Hoping someone can send you your tag back.

Your guy is Charlie Brown's teacher? Wa waahh wawawa wah wawa waaahh
Hunter Biden takes pics of himself in a bathtub…i guess its a scammer thing
Family member was tricked into sending $20K last week. If you'd like the info, please let me know.
Isn’t WhatsApp supposed to be encrypted? How did you get his pictures?
When you got his WhatsApp number did you hack the app to get his pictures????
I got a funny one how about we just start sending scam call centres random things like a box filled with paper and not money we just send him a bunch of prop money like Monopoly money or something that looks like money, but instead has a random rude message posted on it
Send poop in the mail
Put Monopoly money in a coloring book with a small box of crappy crayons.
I know this video is a little old, but how about a box of poo and fake cash?
You should have sent him a Payday chocolate bar.
The video with the old man got me