‘I Touched His Bones’: Interrogation of Woman Who Pushed Her Husband Out of a 17-Story Building

‘I Touched His Bones’: Interrogation of Woman Who Pushed Her Husband Out of a 17-Story Building

Amber Hilberling pushed her husband Joshua Hilberling out of the window of their apartment after he threatened to leave her on June 7, 2011. Joshua fell 17 stories to his death. Amber was seven months pregnant at the time. Amber claimed that she didn’t mean to push him out the window. She then filed a lawsuit against the apartment complex, claiming it resulted from negligence of the building owners. She claimed Joshua “tripped and stumbled into a wall in the living room of the apartment and made contact with a large window.” The lawsuit was dismissed in 2015. Amber was convicted of second-degree murder March 18, 2013, and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Watch Hilberling’s full interrogation.

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34 thoughts on “‘I Touched His Bones’: Interrogation of Woman Who Pushed Her Husband Out of a 17-Story Building

  1. KEEPING THEM HONEST | Amber had a history of violence toward Josh; one month before his death, Josh filed for a protective order against his wife when she threw a lamp at him, causing an injury that required stitches and staples. Additionally, in a video recorded at the Tulsa Police Department, Amber says, "[Josh's parents] kept saying if we stayed together, I’m going to kill him." Josh Was In The Process Of Leaving Amber. Josh's Family Predicted Amber Would Kill Him. Josh's father, Patrick Hilberling, said that Josh called him shortly before the murder and told him he was planning to leave. Josh told Patrick that he "couldn’t stop [Amber] from using drugs while pregnant, and he couldn’t watch her anymore." He wanted a divorce as well as custody of their unborn child. Josh supposedly called his father to ask him for a ride, but Patrick couldn't get off work to pick him up. Amber says it "[broke her] heart to have him leave and that was the trigger for her murdering him. And imaging, Amber had meth In her System when she took her life in prison. … All the rest blah, blah, blah, over the internet wasn't bought by the jury.

  2. 'Grand mother' is purely an evil woman who likely killed other people, herself.
    Everything she said was self serving…. in response to the grand daughters admission of guilt.
    Guilt by association, and actually harboring a fugitive's mental disillusionment.
    Hello mental issues, of "coddling" gone wrong. ?

  3. Im sure they were stalling to hear if she would confess that it was on purpose…but what is the "reason" they gave her as to WHAT they were waiting on/who they were waiting on..?

  4. I feel horrible for her but she should've kept her hands to herself, he would've still been here, so her dramatics doesn't bother me, because he had every right to walk away and she shouldn't have to whatever he was doing, she was spoiled and selfish.

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