Ignorant Cops Harass Veteran Over Cardboard Sign | Enforce Law Held Unconstitutional in 2019! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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28 thoughts on “Ignorant Cops Harass Veteran Over Cardboard Sign | Enforce Law Held Unconstitutional in 2019!”
  1. Got injured in an accident? You could be one click away from a claim worth millions. You can start your claim now with Morgan & Morgan at https://ForThePeople.com/TheCivilRightsLawyer without leaving your couch. Remember, it's free unless you win.
    DETAILS/CASE LAW: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2024/10/23/ignorant-cops-harass-veteran-over-cardboard-sign-enforce-law-held-unconstitutional-in-2019/
    Cops in Little Rock, Arkansas harass a veteran holding a cardboard sign that reads, “God Bless Our Homeless Vets.” The veteran happens to be Jeff Gray, a YouTuber and legendary First Amendment activist. Like moths to the flame….
    Little Rock Police:

    Jeff's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HONORYOUROATH

  2. It was important to the cop to conclude that Jeff was homeless because it allowed him to determine the social hierarchy and thus know whose feelings to enforce.

  3. From the 8th Circuit, "Arkansas claims that it would never enforce its anti-loitering law against
    “polite” and “courteous” beggars like Rodgers and Dilbeck. Even if true now,
    however, Arkansas’s in-court assurances do not rule out the possibility that it will
    change its mind and enforce the law more aggressively in the future." JEFF IS NOW ARKANSAS' HUCKLEBERRY…THE 8TH CIRCUIT KNEW THESE MORONS WOULD FUCK UP…

  4. This female over weight RUDE , cop is a VERY BAD COP and HER MOTHER DID A BAD JOB,, and this is the WORST COP IN 14 YRS WATCHING THESE, you Lady are DESPICABLE !!!!!! she will get promoted for this ,, thugs with guns , and REASON Y COPS ARE HATED , VERY VERY VERY VERY BAD COP THIS OVER WEIGHT THUG

  5. It's been almost four decades since I got out of the service. I had to do a Google search for the term MOS. I don't recall ever hearing the term used when I was in. The only thing I recall is calling it a job rating. I'm sure my DD-214 shows an MOS code, but I would have been stumped prior to searching for the term on google.
    It's not illegal to claim to be a veteran as long as you're not trying to gain something of value from it.
    He had a handwritten sign made of cardboard saying "God bless the homeless vets". Apparently that's ironclad proof that he's homeless and panhandling. I'm guessing she was on permanent potato peeling duty when she was in the service.

  6. Jeff’s sign does not indicate that he is either homeless nor a veteran and IT DOES NOT MATTER. It’s depressing that he can so easily prove the point that both public officials and LEOs are rabidly against our constitutionally protected rights. And that they lie and have piss poor attitudes and actual contempt for the citizens they are employed to serve.

  7. Anytime you don’t comply to their demands you’re being difficult or there’s something wrong with you. I don’t know if there’s a police department around that doesn’t have a tyrant officer in there.

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