Illegally Arrested For DEFENDING Her Brother! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

Code Blue Cam’s YouTube Channel:


Court Records (Chertisha Camacho)-

Court Records (Mario Camacho)-

California v. Greenwood-

United States v. Hedrick-

Wis. Stat. § 946.41-

Wisconsin Jury Instructions (Resisting)-

Wisconsin Jury Instruction (Obstructing)-

Houston v. Hill-

State v. Oleston-

State v. Ferguson-

United States v. Jones-

United States v. Mitchell-

Segura v. United States-

Illinois v. McArthur-

Marathon Cty. Code of Ord. § 9.21-


50 thoughts on “Illegally Arrested For DEFENDING Her Brother!”
  1. Hey criminal geniuses – if you're going to break into multiple cars and steal purses and wallets, maybe it's not such a good idea to dump wallets, purses, and credit cards in your own damn garbage can which is OUTSIDE your house where anybody can walk up and look into it. Yes, I'm talking to you, Mario and Chertisha.

  2. From the transcript of a 41 minute video detailing what happened:

    "According to court documents the woman who was arrested faced charges for one count of felony battery or threat to law enforcement officer with a modification as a repeat offender and one count of resisting.

    Hher first charge for felony battery or threat was dismissed. Her second charge for resisting was amended to disorderly conduct. For this she was found guilty due to a no contest plea.

    She was sentenced to pay a fine of $50 plus court cost which for this case appears to have totaled to less than $300. However this is not her first entanglement with the law. According to court documents, in unrelated cases she has faced multiple charges for disorderly conduct, charges for retail theft, resisting, violating restraining orders, bail jumping, criminal damage to property, possession of THC, battery, and domestic abuse.

    Her apparent brother faces charges for one felony count of receiving stolen property valued between $5,000 and $10,000, one count of concealing stolen property valued less than $2,500, and one count of possessing drug paraphernalia. His court case is still going through the system and so a verdict in any possible sentencing is yet to be determined.

  3. Normally I'm right there with you and happy to see shit people get bad grades but those officers should've got an A solely on the fact they didn't arrest her sooner. She needed to get checked as soon as she pulled up with her hostile ass attitude.

  4. After wtching the full video and this video, I have to say the cops were pushing the limit of their leagality, and a good lawyer would be able to have the case tossed. Searching a closed trash can within the curitlage of the house is VERY questionable, and the threat claim is the same. The Arresting cop was a Karen and couldn't control his ego. Detention would have been fair, but the arrest was not.

  5. Regardless of Mario’s actions, I respect his sister for trying to protect him from unlawful action by the police and she shouldn’t have gotten in trouble because it violated her freedom of speech and she was being nonviolent all be it loud.

  6. I saw this video on other sites and in this case I disagree. Watching this in its entirety I agree she should have been arrested.
    She did not live there nor was she there when police arrived, she imposed on there investigation, and she knew her brother was a thief, she knew what he’d done. She shouldn’t have inserted herself in to a police investigation.

  7. It's not an illegal arrest if she's interfering with an investigation of a crime which her brother had ended up taking part in… Won't care if it's your brother or your mom or anything else. You cannot just go cause a scene without repercussion. She got herself into this mess and her and her brother should have accountability for it instead of this narrative that the cops are in the wrong for arresting her, she decided to not act right. She put herself in those cuffs

  8. She wasn’t illegally arrested. Her big mouth and her bad attitude, not to mention her ignorance of the law, is what got her arrested. Got what she deserved. Young people think they are untouchable. This stupid behavior is WHY our community gets killed.

  9. Audit the A, it is the last video i ever will watch from u. You have a problem with cops and with ur attitude u r a danger to everybody. THe video is clear as water. Stolen goods, talking garbish….and you say the cops are wrong? U need a doctor and u need go to the gym too

  10. Damn man I always loved your video but I came here from another video to more info but how you losing credibility with me with that misleading title should be woman arrest for obstruction of ongoing investigation

  11. Im just wondering why her bond was higher than the person who ACTUALLY stole the backpack. She absolutely was right. They need a search warrant and they had neither search warrant for her car or the man’s house. Really all she did was yell. She was not resisting arrest. I don’t know if we watched the same video but she walk to the police car no problem. Yes she was yelling but so ?? She can yell and talk all she want. 2nd Amendment hello ????

  12. I give the cops an A plus on this one thats good detective work searching the trash cans possibly reavealed more evedance that this guy is doing this theft on a larger scale. What if they found a body. Everyone knows the cops search peoples trash thats not a good evidance disposal.

  13. A "C"? Really? I have watched enough of your videos to know this girl hit ever ladder on the "probable" cause, most notably interfering with an investigation. She does not live in the home, she was not even present until after making contact with the brother. She literally had no business in the investigation and was hindering. To have channels like this is important to help weed out the complexity of laws, but it is a double edge sword when you educate us on these things and enables us to spot when YOU'RE integrity is in question

  14. No. She was not illegally arrested and this is total BS. She was interfering with an ongoing investigation into a member of the military who had a backpack stolen. Luckily an airtag led the police and the investigation to this house. Once they confirmed the location of the backpack, not to mention the suspicious amount of wallets and purses in the garbage, the police had ample probable cause to issue an arrest and a search warrant of the property (which in the original video, they got one signed and retrieved the stolen goods because they were not able to enter the property). They even gave the brother the benefit of the doubt and issued the search warrant at a later date. The sister, knowing that the stolen property was in the house, was defiant and non-compliant with the officers who already confirmed the stolen backpack in the property. This video is really grabbing at straws here, the police did exactly what they were trained for and treated them with dignity.

  15. yes, the cops should have waited, and gotten a search warrant. however, the fact that there were so many bags in the trash, and they found the property that was stolen, i would be willing to bet sister and brother both are stealing bags, and going thru them in that house. its not cool of the cops to enter the property and go through the trash that was not out for public rifling, but…. i don't feel bad for this family. sister was crazy. and good on the cops for using restraint and being mostly professional thru the whole interaction. Sometimes you need to look at the greater of two evils. I guarantee you they are investigating him for all the bags in his trash and stolen property reports around the city. However, if they are investigating him, and they take it to a trial, couldn't the cops have evidence thrown out due to the fact they violated his rights? So if they found proof he stole from over 40 people all of that can be screwed now because they obtained evidence illegally.

  16. Dont give Mario that kind of leniency lol. He stated at the very beginning, 'I know everyone here, I know what is in this house and theres definitely no backpack here." No chance whatsoever of claiming the backpack was there without his knowledge.

    On the military document side…. losing a military ID is a pain in the m-fn ass bc they have name, dob, and social on it. Exactly what a thief needs to steal your identity. Never lost mine, thank goodness. Glad this guy got his back. If it involved my military items and I had an air pod ping to show cops, I wouldve called them too.

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