The Akron Police Department released bodycam footage showing the arrest of 31-year-old Jordan Ely Sr. on July 1 after a bystander’s video of the incident circulated on social media. Authorities said an investigation into the officers’ use of force is now underway. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie has the details.
Sierra Gillespie:
#Bodycam #Ohio #LawAndCrime
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When someone asks for ems they supposed to send them regardless
No need to say Please sir, simply cooperate
3:10 sounds like a Floyd wanna be! 😂
Resisting is resisting. Ever since George Floyd they all can't breathe and turn into victims hoping they'll get a pay out. Disgusting. Maybe don't commit crimes.
Food stamp tub of lard 😅😅😅😅😅
Embarrassing.. And for the world to see.
He wasn't given opportunity to resist, and first time he was told to put his hands behind his back he was on the ground with his arms pinned.
Idk wtf all you other people are watching.
What’s with the awful voiceover? Let us watch the video
Who's the ridiculous fool narrating?
Simple explanation: he doesn't want to go to jail so he's gonna disgrace everyone that has real issues to get sympathy.
He’s doing more harm to his kid with those histrionics.
He’s trying a
To whip a mob up with his garbage.
Absolutely awful reporting
He asked them to stop and said please. That justifies resisting arrest does it? Nobody wants to be arrested, he’s reacting like any criminal would.
Dude deserves an oscar
100% deserved those punches
Mwahahaha another one for the good guys, and now moonwalk stage right even
Lord have mercy.. Had he listened he simply wouldn't have had to go thru this mess!!
They ask him if he’s swallowed any drugs? By the looks of it , looks like he swallowed everything around him. He’s probably got his other kid in there.
Sierra your journalist job is quite pathetic
So what are they supposed to do when criminal won’t follow their orders.
Dude got bigger tits than my gf's implants
Reporter is lying for a good story like most do these days.
I mean, punching him in the face was too far, but he is going to get restrained on the group if he doesn't comply. Personal responsibility has to come in at some point. Like, I know if I thrash around and resist a cop's arrest, I'm going to have to be restrained on the ground, so I just don't thrash around and resist. Simple as that
Easier to follow instruction
Reporters should be held accountable 👍
When police tell you to get on the ground, get on the ground or they will use force to put you there.
When police tell you to put your hands behind your back or stop resisting do it, or force will be used until you comply.
The way the police treat you depends on the way you act.
That’s terrible reporting. He’s not COVERED in blood. He got a bloody lip tussling on the pavement with police. He has warrants and is under arrest, resisting arrest, malingering by crying he’s hurt or wants to talk.
Comply with police commands. Sad having drugs in the car while your son is inside shows the values.
The reporters right, the bad police officers should have let him run away instead of trying to restrain & arrest him 🤨
autismo en the police not se da
Put him in prison and take the children. Hopefully theres a grandma to stand up. Trash human
Akron?.. i wonder if he hangs out with Cyraxx?
yall even if he wasnt complying, officers dont have a right to straight up punch your face? ESPECIALLY when there is a child present. this IS police brutality regardless, and anyone saying otherwise is a chronically online incels
Classic example of someone who is doing whatever it takes not to go to jail.
This shows how blood thirsty these media vultures are to infuse more hatred in the society. Purely just for hatred and money, nothing else.
YA know. If you just do what is asked of you, you wouldn't be begging…
Your biased and ridiculous narration of the footage just earned you an unsubscribe. Lose the agenda and just report the facts.
Yeah that fentqnyl made ir hard for George Gkoyd to breathe as well.
Whiny crybaby.
It always happen in Ohio
He said please and stop. They should have let him walk I guess.
Im just watching to see a man break down.
I cant stand whyte people who try and victimize us. As long as the violence in our community stays blk on blk then, then theyll keep tryna manipulate us into victmhood. This channel is a joke
what a waste of life
Always the same demographic! Always! Watch out how much truth you speak in the comments. The liberal loonies at YouTube hate the truth. Truth and free speech is now "hate speech."
Why don’t he just comply WTF then uses that old chestnut I can’t breath …this reporter trying to push every Narrative but the right one 🇬🇧✌️