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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Part One

Original video:

Lakeythe Poet’s channel:

Leon Valley apology:



Tex. Pen. Code § 28.08-

Leon Valley Ord. § 8.03.033-

Leon Valley Ord. § 8.03.031-

Tex. Pen. Code § 28.03-

Mahoney v. Doe-

42 U.S.C. § 1983-

Babb v. Dorman-

United States v. Saunders-

Part Two

Original video:

James Madison Audits’ channel:

Fla. Stat. § 316.130-

Fla. Stat. § 901.151-

Copeland v. Bradenton Police Department-

Florida v. Bostick-

Schneckloth v. Bustamonte-

United States v. Chavez-


By elboriyorker


44 thoughts on “Informed Sergeant DEFENDS Citizen From Corrupt Cops!”
  1. I'M THE CHALK ARTIST I've been harassed by the police over a dozen times since receiving my settlement. Had one officer jump out of his cruiser cursing me, one that unlawfully cuffed me before giving me a Criminal Mischief ticket, and then a Criminal Trespassing where I got locked up 20 hours and the arresting officer lost my wallet, oh, and just recently got a new citation for "Possession of a graffiti implement"

    I most commonly post on instagram since I struggle to get traction on most of the other platforms.

    Thanks for covering my story and being sure to provide people with the information to see more!

  2. the officers in the last case get a fucking c? for harrassing a random dude on the street and illegaly forcing his ID??? they get a F at best for abusing their power

  3. In my opinion, Mr. Newmyer’s mistake was not remaining silent. Had he simply let them write him a ticket for “J walking”, he would have been able to defend himself in court, but by informing the cops of the law, he gave them the opportunity to construct a narrative that would fit the reason for the stop.

  4. The fact that the police officer didn't even know his own laws before arresting a man is absolutely disgusting 😡 I honestly wonder how some of these people make it as police officers. I thought his chalk artwork was beautiful. And the fact before he even got to the police station it was raining and would have been washed away anyway so I don't even see the harm in it. Some police are just Petty pigs though and their power goes to their head.

  5. It’s amazing how lying comes so naturally to cops ! Body cams should be on at all times if they r of cop should be fired and the video should automatically go to a 3rd independent party

  6. My man Lakey is being harassed by SAPD to this day. They are saying sidewalk chalk is a graffiti instrument. If you live in San Antonio, do not let your children use chalk in front of the police

  7. You gave a c to the officers on the last program when it should’ve been an F because it was obvious they lied. You only have to lie once to be a liar.
    A few years back, I heard a pastor that said, most people live a good life they don’t murder they don’t steal they’re not envious ECT…. but most people that will end up in hell is going to be for that little white lie that seemed so innocent.
    When he said that, I felt like somebody shot me in the heart with an arrow

  8. The said follow him I want his name so they made up the jay walking charge. I hope he can get a lawyer to sue these pigs.

  9. Sorry but I disagree with your judgment on the scene at best I believe that they fail miserably because it is obvious that they were harassing this man

  10. These people have ONE job, the majority of which is KNOWING THE LAW. If I did my job that badly, I would be fired.

    Also love how "a free country" gets so bent out of shape about someone making chalk art.

  11. They shouldn’t get immunity seeing as the first officer upon their return straight away stated that what the guy did wasn’t an arrestable offence

  12. 7:40 into this video, I've been the victim of little girls, including my sister. she used chalk to make some kind of pattern on the sidewalk. Please send those cops over to put her in jail where she belongs. Clearly hop scotch is a crime. according to these cops.

  13. Though I know that citizens are under no obligation to maintain civility, if the cops were the tyrants they were being accused of being I think he would’ve been picking up his teeth once he got to the point of cursing them out and dropping F bombs.

    Auditors tend to drop the “tyrant” accusation at the least provocation.

  14. Give the police in the second case, the officers an f the prior interaction with the suspect show that the officers only had the goal to ID him

  15. Why isn't that an illegal stop? The cops supervisor said they didn't id him, so follow him and see if he has a car and get his tag.
    That guy was following him to id him. It was in retaliation.
    Is the whole justice system corrupt?

  16. Did he really ask him if he had any weapons AFTER he went in his pocket for the id. These are the public servants they hire… AMAZING

  17. 2:11

    The best part of this is when they decide “it’s cuff time” the moment the cellphone comes out 😅

    Why do cops treat cellphones like they’re guns?

  18. The sergeant in the second video should at the very least be demoted and go through the entire training course again. Hes a very bad example as i have absolutely no doubt that he just followed that guy to get him on anything at all, just to id him.

  19. MAYBE you need get a REAL JOB rather then doing CHILDISH things to HARASS COPS…and it's VERY OFFENSIVE that these Officers got in ANY trouble for YOUR CHILDISH BEHAVIOR

  20. I'm sorry BUT you doing this repeatedly…OBVIOUSLY to make Cops look bad…to INSTIGATE problems with Cops…then you deserve what you get…YES there ARE BAD COPS out there…BUT there ARE more GOOD COPS…Who put THEIR LIVES on the Line FOR US EVERYDAY…so We ALL need to show Them RESPECT for it…and NO I'm not a Cop…have NO Cops in the Family…and have been WRONGFULLY arrested YEARS ago…and I STILL am GRATEFUL for all They do for ALL of Us…maybe you idiots who do dumb things like this then video it to post it all over the net…should imagine where We would be WITHOUT THEM

  21. Second part, The cops say you're free to go, you're not being detained. Then, after they get their feelings hurt, they stalk him until they can come up with any excuse to stop him again. The issue and investigation were clearly over. That's textbook stalking.

  22. While I respect the cops when they're doing real work, when they're bored and just looking for something to do maybe they should do some of the little things along the lines of community participating and outreach instead of making something out of nothing as both of these cases demonstrate.

  23. What I don’t understand on the detainment of the jaywalking, is if the officer that detained him for jaywalking, then because of his body camera not catching the act of the jaywalking, why could they not just go to his camera on his police issued vehicle?… that is if they even have one on there. That to me would be a way to justifiably do what they did to him, as well as the court concurring with the citation that was given… but I’m sure they might need the extra funds and as to why the court madethe citation legitimate.

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