Informed Sheriff And Chief DEFEND Citizen From Corrupt Cop! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

The Random Patriot’s channel:


Glik v. Cunniffe-

Chestnut v. Wallace-

Terminiello v. Chicago-

Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire-

R.A.V. v. St. Paul-

Hammond v. Adkisson-

Ark. Code § 21-1-106-

Nameloc v. Jack-

Richmond Newspapers, Inc. v. Virginia-

Estes v. Texas-


28 thoughts on “Informed Sheriff And Chief DEFEND Citizen From Corrupt Cop!”
  1. Its so obvious that the door was closed for noise 7:40 as the red shirt man CONFIRMS THIS. He needs to apologize to those ladies for the misunderstanding at bare minimum. "Us closing the door had nothing to do with you" well you see, the auditor is a main character and his feelings got in the way of the object fact. This auditor gets an A for Asshole; and a B for Bruised Ego regarding a door.

  2. I find it so strange how many americans go to public employees with purpose of annoying them, I mean I understand that it's legal, but I have never heard of this practice except in the US

  3. I couldn't continue further the door part and went to comments .Not surprised to see the majority about the door moment .He shouldn't haved kept at it when the nice young lady explained why it was shut.

  4. I really enjoy your totally unbiased take on these situations. I think "auditing" is a bit silly but heh, they're not hurting anyone and a person without a hobby is a dull person. You do an incredible educational service to the internet community and highlight good and bad on all sides of each interaction.

  5. I don’t like this kind of auditor he’s being overly confrontational and intentionally stiring up discourse, one can successfully audit without being so argumentative and trying to illicit a reaction. This guy is trying to get under peoples skin and he’s using his rights as a weapon not as a shield as they are intended. This is one of the main reasons why I stopped watching amagansett press he was also very confrontational and a pot stirrer and when I saw how often he used his kid as shield it gave me the ick.

  6. This sheriff and police chief should be recognized as SUPERIOR officers who actually know the LAW and “walk the walk” in stead of just “talk the talk” as the vast majority of other LEOs do. If even just 10% of LEOs did their jobs as these two guys did, we wouldn’t have all the tens of thousands of 19:50 videos of LEOs behaving badly to watch on a daily basis. But then again, we know that they will never rise to that 10% mark until such time as EVERY SINGLE LEO who misbehaves is immediately fired, charged and sued, then maybe, just maybe we will have a professional police force who are dedicated to doing the right thing every single time which is why we pay them. I am VERY guardedly optimistic that will ever happen. So sad that WE have allowed law enforcement to slide into such a mediocre state.

  7. I do have a question??…. If I as a person from Canada, did a visit to a location as a lot of your /Not your's was to go to a goverment location and was asked to provide information would I Still be covered under your Laws as to my right to be there. IE..( I came down to visit a friend and wanted to go visit a police station as a lot of people do Could I be STOPED. ARRESTED due to the fact I was Not Born there and do not at the time have ant type of U.S.A. I.D. Please answer. Thanks for your Videos..Tim S. Canada???

  8. The biggest problem with policing is that it relies almost solely on human beings. And humans have emotions, prejudice, bias, good days/bad days, some are educated & many are not, humans can & do become easily complacent & are subject to catastrophic mistakes. And all of these can & are easily affected by culture, both on & off duty. IMO, just like a president, we expect way too much from law enforcement. Especially given the pay grade & the same influences(social media, education system, entertainment etc) as the citizenry they are sworn to serve. It’s a position of power & absolute power corrupts absolutely. EVERY video I’ve ever seen has the same common thread & it can be directly tied to what I previously stated. It’s an imperfect system & the further society swirls the toilet bowl of oblivion, so will law enforcement. Frankly, I would never want to be a cop. Think about who is drawn to this profession. Either someone on a genuine mission to serve & protect people or a sadist. And even those with the best intentions can, over time, slide into the culture of corruption. Or, at least, turn a blind eye when others do.
    So, here we are. Too much of the public has zero respect for police &/or those under the larger umbrella. And far too many police have disdain for the very people they are supposed to serve.
    Bottom line…until society gets its shit together, these examples of overreach will continue. No easy answers.

  9. Kinda rude and overly argumentative in the beginning. Even if they shut the door on you they claimed it wasn’t over you. Of course it was over you but your continuance to accuse caused things to escalate because thats what they wanted in the first place. You set them up nice, good that you know how to turn things around. Whoever pushed that button is dangerous. Salute to the first responders

  10. It's videos like this one rhay remind me that you definitely dont understand what it's like to be a woman in the US in this day and age. 😂 I would absolutely not feel comfortanle interacting with this guy, just by his words and his tone, he shows that he is a bit of a creep.

    Also, respectful? Are you kidding? He absolutely chose those women for a reason intending to make them uncomfortable. He should get a B at best since he was purposefully inciting discomfort and confrontation. They did not want to engage with him. Why didn't he just leave them alone?

    I dont think the panic button was the right call (non emergency line would have been better if thry wanted an officer to come by and mefiate the situation?) But he was definitely on the verge of harrasing those women about the door. I wouldn't have felt safe around him either, and I probably also would have closed the door. 😂

  11. Omgosh he’s such a whiner. I love audits but this dude is not my favourite hahahahaha. What the hell? What a whiner. Don’t shut the door on me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 😂

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