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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.
This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.
Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.
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Original video:
The Random Patriot’s channel:
Ark. Code § 5-54-102-
Kelley v. State-
Walker v. City of Pine Bluff-
Chestnut v. Wallace-
Ark. Code § 5-71-207-
Thurairajah v. Fort Smith-
Ark. Code § 5-13-207-
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that copper is a coward
Bro was PANTING after how far he had to go, but wants to claim its "on his stop" are we fr??
Perfect example of drunk on power
22:05 “rodeo clown” yeup
The officer knew that everything would go away; but they all lost their time in jail ( officer intent ) money ( officer intent ) unnecessary time incarcerated ( officer intent)
This is the thing everyone misses; officer intent. The officer gets zero repercussions, and the citizen, may or may not lose any money, so the police win.
Notice the first guy pled, no contest? That's because he didn't want to go to jail for more time, but a judge, more than likely; would have sentenced him to more time, even with the bodycam showing the opposite to be true.
Video after video shows this to be the case, still we let cops get away with it; and do not expose the judge's for their hand in this human trafficking ring we call justice
Just comply
Public servants, getting payed by taxpayers money, paying their taxes with the money from taxpayers, have more benefits then any taxpayer will ever have ,you get these tyrants that are ego driven power hungry self-righteous p.o.s.
He pulled out his phone, and this cop is like, "Guess how that went."
My guess would be, he made a phone call."
NO I arrested him>
For using his phone?
Deputy Griffith gets an "F" for fuckery in the mind.
Rodeo Clown… pretty apt description of Dpt. Griffith.
“I was going to do whatever it takes to go home.” Literally no one did anything violent or threatened violence to this dude in any way, it was pretty fucking mild. What a little bitch boy
It is the 90% of officers like this that give the other 10% a bad name.
Why would he plead no contest?? That was dumb
It is the 90% of officers like this that give the other 10% a bad name.
That POS should not be a desk cop much less working around the public. These tyrants are unbelievable
He got her speed and thought "Hot DAMN!" & then he got slightly informed and HATED that.
I am confused? What crime did she commit again??
You know the "I thought the phone was a weapon" is b.s. because when he called and told his superior why he was arresting each of them, he only mentioned how the guy was "shouting profanities" and there was ZERO mention of the phone
Boss Hogg just sent these guys to Sizzler. County is gonna pay
It's almost like allowing the police to exclusively hire insecure, narcissistic dimwits with persecution-complexes wasn't the best move for society. Ah well. Nothing to be done.
Cop on 'phone : The father swore and pulled out a 'phone. It was black, so I arrested him.
What the fuck?
(My previous comment has disappeared!)

These anti cop vids are put up by dui havers.And to win a lawsuit you’d have to find 12 people that don’t hate motorcycle riders.And the Hells Angles don’t show for jury duty .
The Franklin County Sheriff's Office has shut off comments on their Facebook page. Of course.
That officer probably arrested the ground for being on his traffic stop
this fool walked about 200 feet away and crossed the highway to arrest someone who was walking away from his "traffic stop" leaving his cruiser unattended with occupant inside WHAT! WTF! … tyrant cops earning the hate everyday.
Remember resisting an unlawful arrest is equivalent to resisting a kidnapping. If they try to take your freedom from you. Take the equivalent from them.
Money, money, money, MONEY what a dumb ass deputy. That is gonna cost the county some serious MONEY. There wasn’t a resisting on any of them. He is lying and I hope he writes it down so he can be charged with filing a false report that doesn’t match his body worn camera
“You’re on my traffic stop.” Says the cop who has to walk a quarter mile, huffing and puffing, to tell the guy he’s too close. Sure Jan.

And lying like a true pig when he gets on the radio with his superiors.
"I cant find the VEEEN"
man points clearly to the VIN
"yeah I see it there, but cant find it"
3:55 “I can’t find the VIN”
TWO SECONDS LATER: Ai seeit raight thayer!!!
What a cowardly cop
This cop is cruel and a bully, she’s a veteran and they are good people, but by not a warning, I hope he gets arrested and investigated
His heavy breathing let me know exactly how it was going to go
Moral of the story. If you’re riding a crotch rocket, don’t stop.