INSIDE the Murdaugh Trial With The DUI Guy+ – Everything Law and Order Blog


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46 thoughts on “INSIDE the Murdaugh Trial With The DUI Guy+”
  1. With this and many other recent cases I really feel our current jury system is 100% broken. I doubt the publics ability to even comprehend what is going on in most trials so they just end up going with their feelings or what they think the publics opinion is. There is zero chance for a fair trial in todays day and age.

  2. PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS!!! Dui lawyer says he thinks murdaugh was guilty for sure, then he later says I believe there was reasonable doubt…..UMMMMM, HELLO….as a lawyer then that should tell you hes not guilty 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

  3. This is why jurors should all be from across the country as well. There is no way with a prominent family like that you should be able to have jurors from the same area and expect them to not be swayed… Their going to be afraid of backlash if they don't convict. Exactly why we need to change the juror selection

  4. Lots of unnecessary self promotion from DUI Guy. He has a huge following already and prosecutors in Kentucky already hate facing him. I unsubscribed from his videos mostly because there isn't a follow-up, so his videos mention he won but we don't see the verdicts read. I also have mixed feelings about releasing so many drunks who were probably guilty but got off because cops didn't do their due diligence. However, I absolutely enjoy CRL videos, but admit it's depressing to see the state of our rights in this country.

  5. 20:00 This lawyer says flat out he doesn't believe the guy did it. He does claim "it's a crime family" so the half baked justification is there. He doesn't really know what crimes the crime family is involved in, either. Drugs or something he says. LOL
    Our world is such a goofy mess. If I ever hear of any arrest and court case that sticks to the rules I'll know I need to pinch myself and wake up.

  6. The Civil Rights Lawyer – So a Juror goes on national tv and says he/she made up their mind before the trail he was guilty, can this be cause for a retrial? You can't as a Juror find them guilty before evidence…this Jury was a disgrace.

  7. Love your content. Something your guest said I used to believe was true is not. In my trial there was not one shred of evidence that I committed a crime. We had nothing to prove me innocent cuz my attorney said the burden is not on us. I was found guilty for texting with my best friend. Two felonies and a misdemeanor.

  8. I'm thinking his less than legal extracurricular activities got his family killed…. I don't think he pulled the trigger but probably watched his "Business Partners" whom he was late paying do the deed…. Guess he'd rather live out his life in prison than get unalived himself

  9. Yes … Reasonable doubt… That’s why I thought he would’ve got off they really didn’t have the evidence… Just because you act guilty look guilty etc… Doesn’t mean that you are guilty…

  10. Even if Alex was not guilty and it was a setup I do believe he is still in the right place for everything else he is done theft wise… I hope he never gets out of jail ever… And maybe he was right about the housekeeper or MAYBE it was ANOTHER LIE … would he Tell lies on the witness stand most definitely

  11. I pretty much agree with both of y'all. But I think the one thing you aren't thinkin of when appell starts is how many of the judges or da's have had there backs scratched someway by him or the reach of his daddy and granddaddy (who pretty much were the law in the county since in think like 1908) that he knows about and has proof.
    Don't put much past a snake when he's back in a corner

  12. That's what I personally thought they were tied to cartels and trafficking, and the death of the cleaning lady could be tied to it. Depending on how much money he owes the cartels or a gang or just powerful ppl in that state and area, it wouldn't surprise me, and I could believe he didn't do it. Just because you heard his voice in the background of a video doesn't mean he was physically there etc.
    And it wouldn't be the first time ppl tied to cartels would end up playing along and allowing themselves to be convicted if they still have one kid left alive and their wife and other child were brutally murdered. Just saying.

  13. Randy Murdoch has come out and said he is sure there is a lot Alex is still lying about. He does not support Alex. Randy is his brother and was his law partner. If the defense wanted to win, they should have kept Murdoch off the stand. He sunk his own case!!!

  14. I think the 5th and 6th Admendment rights were violated in this case. I'm sure it's up for debate. I really feel like due process was not respected in this trial. Really makes me upset with our justice system. There was tons of reasonable doubt, but they brought in tons of prejudicial information to show bad acts so he'd be convicted on that, not the actual proof he committed the murders. They proved financial crimes and didn't really prove how killing them was beneficial, oh it gave him a three week delay?? Like what? No life insurance and it was testified he wasn't in a dire position. Additionally, it actually made things harder on him regarding the financial. But, the judge let all this stuff in and it changed the course of the trial and became a financial crime, he's a liar trial.
    He let the roadside shooting in, based on the prosecution opening the door, not the defense. It was like the slimy prosecution wanted it.
    They proved he lied about the kennels, but had no direct proof he did it. I guess people don't realize how difficult it would've been to clean all this up in a matter on 6-8 minutes. No way. And, SLED did a half ass investigation cause they never did anything to include another possible suspect, that's on SLED, not AM.
    AM had plenty of people who hated him and his family. I think the brother who testified about the money AM stole seems very angry and capable.
    I think DUI Guy is good, but I think the evaluation of other lawyers is more reasonable than him.

  15. The US Government is a Criminal Cartel! Just like the Mafia. the Government is going to Destroy your Life, Steal your Property, Money, and Rights!!

    No Matter who is in Charge… the People Lose! Cut the Government & Hold the Government Criminals Accountable to win again! Support the Freedom Caucus!

    The Government Party… Yee Haw… Where did all the money go? Where did my Standard of Living Go? Phoof… just like your "Rights" they are GONE!

    The Government, Cops, 3 Letter Agencies, MSM, Big Tech, Big Business, Big Banks all hate Cameras, Truth, Transparency, Accountability, Dogs, the Bill of Rights, and Citizens!

    The Sheeple need to take a hard Look at the REAL Enemy… the Government! They steal your Privacy, Freedom, Liberty, money, property, rights, dignity, and your future!

    You are NOTHING but TAX CHATTEL!

    Wake Up Sheeple… you are not Free! It is all an Illusion to keep you under control! That should make you so proud… stand up tall and march down Main Street Waving Old Glory and singing the Star Spangled Banner! Baaa Baaa Baaa

    According to Our Government: Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, Murder, & Corruption of Any Kind is Unacceptable in our Society… Unless the Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, Murder, & Corruption is Perpetrated by the Government!

    The Beatings Will Continue… Until Your Compliance Improves… the Government wants good Obedient Slaves! Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty is VERBOTEN!

    The Government hates Free Thinking & Critical Thinking! Back the Blue and get your Beating Too!

    The Cops/Government has a POLICY and NO Accountability… You pesky citizens have the LAWS and Just-Us!

    The laws are NOT made to protect the pesky citizens. They are made to protect the lawmakers, enforcers, and bureaucrats from the pesky citizens.

    Has anyone else noticed… every time the Government passes a Law… the People Lose their Quality of Life, Money, Privacy, Liberty, and Rights while the Ruling Masters become wealthier?

    Ronald Reagan – We Don’t have inflation because We are living too well. We have it because the Government is living too well.

    When does the US Constitution and Bill of Rights Kick in? Where is the Accountability? When do I get the FREEDOM? When will the Government leave me alone and take their hands out of my pocket?

    Lawsuit Attacks FBI's 'Anemic' Forfeiture Notices (Steve Lehto)

  16. I would have voted not guilty if I was on a jury, if the crime was "scumbag" it would be guilty. but for the murder, there was no real evidence all circumstantial. I"m not willing to put a man or woman in prison for life just because they lie and cheat and steal, which has nothing to do with the crime of murder in this case. There would not have to be a smoking gun but some kind of real evidence that proved beyond a reasonable doubt they did not do that, they only proved the man a scumbag liar, they did not prove murder so I would have said not guilty on this charge. I would hope if I am ever wrongfully accused of a murder that someone would make sure the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt was upheld in my trial to save me from a wrongful conviction. whether he did it or not does not matter, what the court can prove is what matters. This is how we stop wrongful convictions the court must prove it behind a reasonable doubt there is a doubt someone else could have not this murder which is very possible in this case.

  17. Three of my children were killed in an auto accident that they knew about before it happened and they were not buckled in and the driver was speeding and targeted the oncoming truck is on video the police are withholding it they also lied in the news briefing saying that there was a tire in the road that they heard from a neighbor but it is not in the video. My father's rights and my own civil rights have been completely under minded. Please help me

  18. We are all sitting ducks Ifn we don’t recognize this book jurisprudence and the fact that these administrative courts are there for businesses or public employees against their bosses therefore we need to educate ourselves and become more involved in this process

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