Inside the trial of Parkland deputy charged for failing to confront school shooter – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Mark Eiglarsh, who served as Scot Peterson’s defense attorney, joins host Joshua Ritter to discuss the trial that led to the officer’s acquittal on all counts.

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41 thoughts on “Inside the trial of Parkland deputy charged for failing to confront school shooter – TCD Sidebar”
  1. this is why you should be scared of your government – he was charged because of the emotion of it all, the media attention he got, and the public opinion, I admit – it made him look bad, after all, us taxpayers do NOT get what we pay for in police, they will be fast to ticket you for nonsense but cannot protect kids at the school? what is the point of paying them to be at schools? with that said that the state clearly abused those laws and intimidated him with a life sentence for a shooting he had nothing to do with, they literally abused the laws to go after him, I strongly believe in these cases the state should become liable for acquittals and pay all his costs plus emotional distress and face some type of admin penalty at a minimum for malicious types of prosecutions or celary political driven charges, out court system lets this type of stuff destroy the lives of Americans everyday, why don't the judges throw out this garbage before it ever goes to trial? they are elected and friends with the prosecutors more often than not, we do not have a fair system in the US, Im glad he was acquitted, it would have set a bad precedent

  2. he’s a fetal alcohol syndrome kid and that’s a fact from those who adopted him 🤷🏻‍♀️ there’s soooooo much more to this case but he wasn’t acting on his own accord that’s for sure 💔

  3. Yanks always scapegoating.. Its a National pastime and nowhere in the World is retribution and blame so aggressively sought and apportioned .. The poor chap Imagine holding the guy accountable for the dreadful killings with so little to support that position.. Disgusting.. I doubt an honourable man like him would have been as worried about prison, as he would be the damage to his otherwise unblemished history of service and conduct of duty.. This case had no right to make it to court and the political wrangling taking place behind the scenes of these proceedings was shameful

  4. I think the US needs to accept the systems that are put in place in developing nations. Doors/windows are exit only. Entrances have a double entry system so no one gets in without being in that neutral space. Actually US businesses could use them. I have seen it at the Washington airport. The 2A rights are overruling all other rights in the US. Look up the # of children killed, the number of IPV killings, the majority of veterans committing suicide. Care about any of those groups do something. This man did what he could, he was not trained well enough for this situation and when you have a job like this you are accountable for not only what you do but for what you do not do. The fact that schools needs armed resource officers should cause pause. Another common blurb is that veterans should be in schools, really, many veterans are not trained with weapons. We all want to be able to blame someone or put it off on mental health. There needs to be frequent radio, system checks and a way in each classroom to hit an emergency button. He likely did his best.

  5. This was an absolute attempt at railroading by the state and shame on the families at an attempt at a civil suit. Absolutely shameful. As a Floridian who invested so much into this case as I believe most Floridians did, I am VERY glad I got to hear this.

  6. Wow… wow. I’m so tired of main stream media presenting half stories. Half stories =omissions =lying. I already thought this man would never be same, probably didn’t hear which way bullets are coming from. Thank goodness for decent attorneys like this man!! I can appreciate his passion even having to relive this nightmare. Great episode!!

  7. Oh geez 🙄 from someone who isnt American and never lived there : Looking in from the outside , this is soooo stupid, a waste of money, emotions, time and resources to trail somebody because they didn't gun down a school schooter, who, mind you was able to legally obtain a gun because they used USs first amendment right 😒…wth?? Seriously…ya all should be aware that your right to carry a gun causes those random shootings right?? But yet you crucify a single person because he was unable to stop whats impossible to stop because of your "right" …. Make that makes sense 🤦‍♀️🤷 RIP to more innocent lives lost because of your own stupidity – how frustrating!

  8. I thought this case was crazy from the start. I never thought that man was a coward. The whole shooting was pure chaos and he did anything he could to try and get help. Gah I hope this man heals from this and knows he is not a pos coward. Thank you for fighting for him ❤

  9. I hope that deputy sued the crap out of the Sheriff, and all media outlets for slander and libel. That's BS!!! We were told by the media over and over after the Sheriff slandered him, that he refused to go in. Poce should be ashamed of themselves for supporting 45. He crapped on Police more than once!

  10. Wow, this is arguably the best lesson in innocent until proven guilty. I am going to take this as a personal lesson of falling for propaganda. I completely thought this officer was a complete coward and comparable to the Uvalde cops and that is completely false.

  11. 1. I would hope Mr. Peterson would successfully sue Scott Israel who originally started the witch hunt. It seems a clear cut case of defamation.
    2. I am not a conspiracy theorist but talking political witch hunts is right in line with my belief of the NRA involvement. They can gaslight all they want but it IS the guns that kill. Take away those automatic rifles and you take away those kinds of massacres. My heart hurts for the families 💔

  12. A heartbreakingly difficult case; it was so thoughtfully presented. I mourn deeply for the victims’ families, the entire community and country, and for the loss of life as he knew it for Mr. Peterson. The depth of loss all around is astoundingly incalculable.

  13. Great insight. Local resident here, I don’t think people understand how large this school is. The real failure here was not having enough resource officers onsite on a regular basis. 3000+ students to 1 resource officer. The math ain’t mathing. Parkland community could afford more officers onsite.

  14. I live in Maine. That man went to hospital for HELP!! The hospital discharged him. 😢😢😢 I feel the hospital is responsible for failing this man real help and made sure he was safe to be released 😢😢😢😢

  15. I kept my son home today because of a group chat that he was involved in where 2 classmates said about bringing guns to school today! I was one of the parents who called in last night to address this but all the school did was issue a safety text out stating the police was contacted and they felt no threat would come of this ! I refuse to let my son be slightly put in this situation! The one boy is honestly the type who seems capable! Not only has been suspended repeatedly for bullying but his living situation at home is abusive and horrible! No child should have this fear

  16. This is a great start and should open doors to pursuing justice for the families of Uvalde regarding the police failed effort in that shooting. Unfortunately Uvalde is in Texas and Texas had a severe lack of accountability which seems to be due to corruption.

  17. Even FBI experts say that the echo from shots can sound like coming from the other direction and that you may run into the arms of the shooter if you run away from them.

    However, you shouldn't leave kids alone in this. Take special acoustic trainings to do better.

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