He was a hometown hero – a prominent surgeon who dedicated his life to helping others. But after he fails to show to work one morning, a race for answers to the question: what happened to Dr. John Marshall? Matt Doran reports.
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All I do is watch crime documentaries and it is always always always the good person that dies I think will find the real reason out when we die because I believe we are immortal souls are consciousness never dies
Now that’s a real doctor unlike those people that are chiropractors psychologists podiatrist they’re not medical doctors I don’t know why they call themselves doctors except for the fact that they’re insecure about themselves. My dad was a medical doctor and he never ever ever ever called himself a doctor to anybody because he is secure with himself. Any psychologist chiropractor podiatrist doctors or just weak and insecure deep down
She looks crazy.
Her own personal holocaust???
I hope she’s at least Jewish if not she’s outta line out line
I live in Spokane where this happened. It’s very tragic he was a very good man.
What a sucky thing. I mean I as a person and a psychologist also know that we may think we really know everything about someone, yet there may be pockets of info. that are hidden on purpose. Poor woman whatever the reasons behind her husband's situation is still horrendous for all concerned.
I don’t understand…too many stupid police accidentally born in USA….
God bless their family
John 3 16
the beginning GOD made man in his image who we know is Adam. When Adam and Eve sinned sin entered into the world. Sin equals death. God required a blood atonement because if you take a life then life is required at your hands. Since we are all sinners and sin is death we all would need a blood atonement for our sins.
Jesus Christ is one of the 3 manifestations of God. The word who came into the world as flesh. He came as the sacraficial lamb to make a permanent atonement for all of your sins. Without him you can not take away your sins and so this is why we need Jesus. He is the perfect man and sinless. God's only begotten son. His blood is perfect and can take away all of our sins. blood will be required at the end of your life because of your sins and if you do not have an atonement for your sins (who can only be jesus since his blood is the only requirement) you will go to hell forever
I am a fanatic fan of your shiws im from the philippines please ask the police to open anither investigations
They should investigat that again open the case that is murder i hope to watch the result solving the case
Could it be that the wife is responsible, like having someone kill him on her behalf?
The police get pay for not doing their job. They should learn from this man, Lazy ass cops.
The police are too lazy to do their job.
Accisent the police are very lazy to do their job.
They murder him and the police are too lazy to do their work.
No… this is BIGGER than this show is revealing.
January 26th seems like a day good and famous die. RIP John & Kobe

My goodness I feel her pain. She is missing him so badly

Clearly the Spokane police are absolute morons.
They are weird …
I like this crime channel but how come all their video bodies are chopped up into small parts (so to speak) so inconvenient for the viewers.
What a wonderful wife. My deepest sympathies to her.
Me and his daughter share the same name
such a tragic event, so sad..
Dead people do lie
Stop doing shit with ear phones in I’ve not even watched the rest of this yet I don’t know What happened but stop wearing ear phones unless you know what’s going on around you
Oh gods. When she said 'I wanted to be the one to find him, because he was mine.' I had to pause the video for a few seconds. That hit me hard. Like, really, hard.
If I were to ever lose the Love of my Life like that…I… don't even know wtf I would do. I know I'd be lost and completely destroyed and useless to anyone for I can't imagine how long.
Im so, so sorry for your loss and hope you can someday, somehow find a way to find peace.
Could he have been hit by a car
i wonder if it was the ladies husband he was having an affair with ! “Brenda therman” But RIP TO BOTH !
Awwww, this really broke me down,
when she said, yes, i want to find him, because he's mine,
This woman is really loved
her husband.
Can't imagine the pain she is going through.

Sending our prayers
from this side India.
Yo this my city Spokane
I think he tripped and fell
. What's the motive??
This show is so sleazy. You can tell the producers have their own psychopathy they desperately need to be institutionalized for. The pattern of the show itself covering up significant information, to protect power, is classic liberal brainwashing. I wouldn't doubt Mormons have a say in what content is published.