Investigating the Murder of Snowboarder Ben Bradley (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Investigating the Murder of Snowboarder Ben Bradley (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A young man in love with life and fresh powder – brutally beaten and stabbed to death, his body discovered in the middle of the Wyoming wilderness while his murderer remains at large. Some say the law let his killer go free. Michelle Sigona has the story.

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35 thoughts on “Investigating the Murder of Snowboarder Ben Bradley (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. This must be personal because those guys who were arrested thet would have taken the money… the snowboard is gone? That's why hit him in the head and why take the board? To someone it was important but why?

  2. This is typical in Wyoming. For one its a hills have eyes kind of place. You dont hitch hike in Wyoming in the first place and two. The cops there are very stupid. People go missing in Wyoming all the time and the cases are nevr solved.

  3. Ben seems such a wonderful human being, sad he was taken so early in this life. God bless his parents for their strength. I believe in time Ben will solve this mystery from heaven. RIP. Amen

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